Comfy elden ring thread


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What happened to Ranni before you gave her the ring in her questline? Her being literally torn apart kind of caught me off guard

It's annoying how most cathacombs look the same, even chalice dungeons had more diversity!

Finished the game, didn't understand shit, just walked forward killing things then became a ball of fire after killing the big thing.

why do people keep asking that? she was fighting the fingers and she got damaged, it's very obvious what happened.

Spark Aromatics fuck
Crafting absolutely fucks in this game
Rot Pots are so good at low level

I love my wife Ranni!

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there's nothing worse than chalice dungeons, only redeemable part about them are some of the bosses

Discuss how bad Elden shit is?

That's just how her doll body was since the begining I think, pretty sure she just left it there while her soul went into hiding
As for why the doll is naked I'm pretty sure she just didn't want do dirty her mentor's clothes with blood, that's probably why you can find them in a chest at Renna's rise

Malenia is better than Ranni

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Is Radagon part Giant? Where did he come from? First mention I found of him is leading a Golden Host against Renala but where was he before that?

Is she married?

Why don't you go to /vg/ instead of making a pseudo general here?

Malenia questline would be kino

Elden ring cathacombs are chalice dungeons with less variety

Yes. To me.

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idk, but the fire giants also have red hair


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I got into Volcano Manor but I think I've gone in via a path that was unintended. I found a spot where I could drop down without being killed at the spot where the abductor iron virgin takes you. I then started searching for a grace. I made my way over to a ladder that led up to a door that I couldn't open. I saw another path around the corner that looked like it could be reached by jumping. I ran and jumped and landed just on the other side of the railing and jumped over. Then made my way around and opened the door and found the grace there. I then saw messages that seemed to suggest players were coming from the opposite direction. Messages outside of rooms I had just cleared telling me about whatever was in the room.

Ranni smells like seasoned wood.
Malenia is a walking vagina fungus infection.
Smells like shit, rotten flesh, sour milk and pennies.
Dung Eater tier choice

You can see the fingers she just killed behind her, why do you think she wanted the fingercutting blade or whatever its called

most catacombs are extremely short and easy to get thought and from time to time you find an interesting one, chalice dungeons are all very boring.

I went to the Gael Tunnel from Limgrave and somehow it automatically marked the Caelid entrance to Gael Tunnel. At least you don't have to fight the Wyrm to get out of it if you teleport there.
You also meet Alexander there and get dialogue about the locked door (if you enter from Limgrave) and also once you open it.

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Just found Godwyn, he doesn't look too good.

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What the fuck happened to him

So in the story we have 4 candidates who might ascend into full godhood?
Miquella in his cocoon, malenia in the flower, ranni, and godwyn if he died both in body and soul?

How would that translate into a dlc?

Yeah lets fucking discuss that

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Some dumbass fed his soulless corpse to the roots which then tried to revive him.

What's the Black Knight Halberd of this game?

elden ring 100% takes place in the dark souls universe and probably bloodborne too

Finally got full set of Banished Knight

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To be honest I would rather this game to have one default character and a much tighter combat like in Sekiro. And nothing of the online bullshit.

Didn't die a true death because of the fuckery Ranni did, now his body mixed with the erdtree roots and turned into some death cancer expanding everywhere.

the rune of death got fractured when it killed him so it killed him in soul only, ranni also got killed at the same time but only her body died

mods are too busy playing ER

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Seriously, mods were deleting DMCV threads a mere week or 2 after release. Why is Elden Ring getting a free pass to pollute the board?

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Ranni being hitler is what happened.

nah, you already have sekiro for that, i rather have my different builds, as much as i like sekiro, i have no desire to replay it again

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>powerstancing two mlgs
feels good, wish you could power both of them at the same time though.

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that makes no sense and it's just a schizo theory made by retards

Doesnt matter since they have tons of surprising design like that P.T. dungeon with fake dead enemies or the dungeon with invisible floor

if you hit the head bellow stormveil castle too much, does it kill you or something?

Since Dark Souls 3 ended with a girl painting a new universe surely this is that universe?

Golden Halberd

>give ranni "fingerslayer" blade
>ranni shows up on top of a pair of dead fingers with a blade wound on them and lots of blood
>wtf i wonder what happened this is so complicated could someone explain?

>pick up cursemark from ranni's body
>it reads "cursemark found in ranni's body"
>uhhh???? Its obvious ranni is the doll and renna is her never ever mentioned twin sister that lives inside her body too! Also ranni herself killed godwyn

>uhh???? Was margit morgott's brother?!!! Why are there two moghs?!
>is maliketh gurranq??

Why are people so fucking stupid jesus christ for the love of god

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Clearing out AFK degenerates is very relaxing

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Altered version. YDNBTG.

Bloodhound's Fang

speaking of him, is that knife you find bellow the bestial sanctum any good? thinking of doing a beast playthrough next

Just play Sekiro you autist. Variety is the spice of life, why do you faggots want every game to be the same?

You're pretty much gonna be dual wielding the seal and the dagger if you want maximum power


and what would be the ideal armor for a beast playthrough?

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Sorry mate, haven't the foggiest, tho I think Morgott's rags look pretty good for a beast man desu

But that is non-altered version

Stay from the flame, faggots

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why won't the fucking niggers guarding the minor erdtrees drop their weapons??

just wait for the dlc, bro.

Because they are fucking assholes.

Clocked in, picked me claymore, did me job clocked out. Simple as.