>dude i just LOVE spamming jump strength attacks because nothing else is viable!!
Why are STR weapons so shit in Elden Ring?
>dude i just LOVE spamming jump strength attacks because nothing else is viable!!
Why are STR weapons so shit in Elden Ring?
Other urls found in this thread:
you didn't beat the game
Rushed game release without enough playtesting
Charge attacks and mounted attacks do wonders with strength builds too. Provided you're not some pvp dude.
Stunlocking bosses with strength builds is fun.
There's plenty of viable strength weapons
You can also spam sneak attacks and attack after rolling to stab shit, even though it completely defeats the purpose of a big fucking sword.
If I wanted to stab stuff to death I'd use a rapier.
Wanna know something funny? normal greatswords do more damage and are faster than colossals, they also have better damage scaling so colossals are literally the worst weapons in the game.
What’s so great about scavengers Greatsword?
They're also shit in ds3 but you didn't notice. The only reasons you didn't notice is because enemies and bosses in 3 are not as aggressive, damaging or have health pools as big as er.
I saw a friend using them, and that's honestly what it felt like.
But giant swords are cool, and Radahn's weapon skill is fun for clearing whole rooms of enemies. Definitely gonna use something else NG+ though, I'm more than a little tired of being so slow.
Landing a unsheathe attack with the katana is the most rewarding feeling, specially when the enemy Is about to jump attack, hard attack or it's homing right towards you, you pull one of those and the enemy will either instantly die or it's stance will be broken, enough time for you to take a flask or jump attack it while it's on the floor.
Also it makes you feel extremely cool, it's like one of those moments in movies where 2 characters figthing with swords attack each other at the same time ending on the spot their enemy started on and you are not sure which one died and then the one who died starts bleeding and dies on the spot but this time you are sure you are the one who won.
Maybe you should try wearing armor with poise on it
>Why doesnt this strategy work if i half-ass it and set up my character like im doing a different strategy???? guess it just an unsolvable mystery
put a Bloodhound step on it and fight like you want
legit the best weapon art in the game. Especially when you succed 3 in a row and stun bosses since it goes overhead with R2
crouching r1 is terribly good too.
I would love for someone to explain why strength builds are not the strongest attacks in every RPG title. The order of power should be:
1. Strength 2h
2. Magic users
3. Strength dual wield
4. Archery
5. Faggy agi melee
this, going to test it out today.
I beat the game with prelates hammer and serpent god curved sword. Shit was prettty good especially when I had enough END to have both and a greatshield equipped.
You pretty much get a free charge attack on every critical.
STR ""chads"""" are the biggest crybabbies of the Souls fandom and for that alone they deserve to be weak and irrelevant
Someone is mad their blood build got beat to jumping strength attacks in PvP.
It’s also terribly cumbersome to play like this
This is such a weird list and I don't trust it.
Is the anchor actually that good? I thought it wasn't as good as most others of its type.
you aren't wrong unfortunately.
ds3 had the best bosses in the series, despite them kicking my ass i never thought they were unfair like half the bosses in ER with their non stop bullshit
>meaning anything in ER
What's the point of colossal weapons/greatswords if no enemies or bosses are balanced around them? And no, spamming jump attacks is not balance. I'm talking about using R1s and R2s, consistently.
is 60 poise in ER the new 77 from dark souls 1?
Try two hammers
Outside of ds1 no boss lets you mash r1. You've always had to roll and wait for an opening. They're the lowest dps weapon call (ugs/gh/colossal) by a wide margin.
I jump r2'd rykard to death last night
It was quite intense
hope they nerf it
>"X is not viable!!!11"
>"Y is stronger and my powergaming nigger brain can't stop using it in favor of X"
I missed when every single enemy in the game could be stunned if you smacked them hard enough. Same rules to the player applied to the monsters.
I always get hit when i try to do this...
Had to switch from my arcane/faith build to full dex while using sheathe slash to beat the final boss
jump attacks with power stancing 2x2h weapons is just too good to not use it, while using a normal 2h moveset almost feels like hard mode in comparison
fuck up on Fromsofts part of balancing STR weapons imo
>Friendly reminder you didn't beat the game if you played the game.
>that pic
kek, true art
It honestly did become fun after a while. In a "you cheese me, I cheese you back" kinda way.
They really really really need to drop this dogshit combat system for the next game though, I cannot stomach it anymore
ds2 bosses have plenty of windows where you can get 2-3 r1s in with an UGS
How much arc/dex should I have if I wanna do hybrid between the 2?
Nah, you're just garbage.
Sorry OP.
DS3 bosses are faster than ER bosses.
>all those shitty Greatswords
Why the fuck did they shit on regular non Colossal Greatsword users so hard?
based, so sick of STR grugs with their shitter cope. Overly aggressive bosses are a universal problem
You only liked them because DS3 had rollspam that gave you 80% iframes and 20% recovery frames.
ER is closer to 60/40, meaning you actually need to wait and roll with precision, not button mash the moment you see a boss doing a combo.
take bloodborne's combat and evolve it from there imo is the key to fun
The bosses are not overly aggressive and even the 2v1 variants are severely nerfed via AI scripts.
The 2v1 Crucible Knights and the 2v1 Godskin fight are way more fair then most players think.
The AIs in both of these fights are linked and aren't allowed to start an attack if the other has started an attack 3-5 seconds before. You can 100% tell this as they have tons of moments when they just hang around and wait compared to their 1v1 fights where they pressure you nearly constantly.
>jump attack
>jump attack
>jump attack
>Royal Knight's Resolve
>jump attack
Wow, you sure showed him.
>jump attack spamming
I sleep
Honestly they just need to make dodgerolls into lightning-quick dashes, and make attacks at least somewhat cancellable. It would be the easiest way to fix the combat without having to overhaul everything. Bosses could be the overly aggressive pricks that they are but you'd still have a means to react
But instead we got this where every meta strategy is spamming jump attacks because it has busted Iframes
They have, it's called Bloodhound Step ash of war.
Go make your BB style build, there's even a talisman that enabled the BB rally mechanic.
Yes, the combat balancing is garbage. But it's garbage for everyone. This isn't unique to STR. Not to mention jump attack spam is still one of the more enjoyable strats, I played full DEX and still switched to dual greatswords
oh cool a very overly specific weapon art that people google how to find because it's busted. Or maybe they could just finally stop reusing the exact same mechanics and animations and just make the dodge more flexible by default
>op: everyone spams jump attack with STR weapons
>based poster refutes op by posting a video of a guy... spamming jump attacks with a STR weapon
amazing, op literally in shambles
>there's even a talisman that enabled the BB rally mechanic.
This is literally the FROMsoft "it's too difficult" cycle.
ER is just too new of a game and everyone is still too garbage to make these broad statements like "X boss is has no openings", "STR is unplayable".
I remember players complaining at DS2's launch with things like "Pursuer and Lost Sinner are harder than Artorias", "this game was balanced with summons in mind" and all that was proven to just be players not adapting to the roll timings and getting tricked into rolling way too early by the delayed attacks.
I remember BB's launch and all the retards getting nuked by Gasgoigne then having to farm vials for hours.
I'm glad FROMsoft still hasn't lost their way even after getting popular.
>I liked ds3 better because it was easier
The absolute cope these shitters make holy shit.
>pvp list
you dont spam jump attacks with literally any weapon? its just the best with big bonkers, also i used war hammers strfai my first run and i usually used a jump attack just to start my attack, then hit them with a few r1s.
r1 spam was very viable especially on regular mobs. most knights i just booped until their poise broke, every hit would stagger unless they were starting an attack and had hyper armor. i especially abused this with malenia
Don't forget this exact shit happened to Sekiro as well when it came out. I remember the countless threads about how the combat is busted and that's its "just not fun" being repeated endlessly.
If it's good enough for the intense 2v1 and 3v1 ganks, then PvE is a breeze.
Yeah, I don't think double crucible deserve their reputation, they were pretty chill. Sadly one of the fights I enjoyed the most in this game. Misbegotten and crucible was an absolute shitshow though. Had to resort to just locking him in the corner and r1 spamming him to death before big daddy finished slow walking over.
>did STR/FAI
STRFAIsisters I'm... I'm gonna convert to DEX/FAI....
I'm sorry.... it's just too fucking trash....
I love Sekiro but desu it's all about repetition, you're just learning a choreography and I can't blame people for not having the patience for it. Still miles better than souls combat, the combat straight up doesn't make sense anymore
>boss does epic anime combo for 10 seconds
>you just kinda run in a circle or spam roll until you get one or two cheeky hits in
>"STR weapons"
>There are literally STR scaling daggers
>You can scale fucking katanas for STR
Either straight out say you're bad at the game or mention colossal weapons properly
let's talk about jump attacks
>act as gapclosers which many weapons (especially STR) lack
>do additional posture damage
>do additional damage in general
>said damage can be boosted even further by raptor's black feathers AND claw talisman, which both stack for an absolutely massive multiplicative damage bonus
>centralize attack times (i.e. light weapons are slower to recover from a jump attack compared to an r1, but heavy weapons are on par or faster to recover compared to an r1)
>synergize with powerstancing to a ridiculous degree, making even weapon with subpar L1 movesets incredibly powerful with jump L1
>not very stamina intensive, jump L1 can be spammed on anything smaller than powerstanced colossal weapons and can stunlock most regular enemies
I don't know what the fuck they were thinking. powerstancing STR weapons and doing jump L1 spam is even more powerful than status effects. Royal Knight's Resolve works with this disgustingly well. why would you ever do charge attacks, r1s, or even standing l1s when you can just jump l1 the entire game