Literally revolutionizes the mmorpg scene

>literally revolutionizes the mmorpg scene
>Yea Forums doesn't talk about it
How come?

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its an arpg kys shill


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Shitty garbage weeb gacha crap. Go fuck off.

it is literally the same MMO that gooks have been making for the last 20 years, only top down

what did it revolutionize?
it doesn't do anything special and adopts the same psychology tricks as every other koreanshit mmo

What part of it was revolutionary?
p2win now acceptable?
Shit quality sound and voice acting in big budget games is now fine?

Elden ring came out

The only Korean MMO worth a shit was Maple Story and that was over 10 years ago.

i dont care its a diablo-like its not an mmo

It's Diablo 2 for zoomers.

ARPGs can't be MMOs by definition as MMOs must be either third person (WoW) or first person (Destiny)

Lost Ark is a casino game, not an MMO.

>progression gating
that's it

Revolutionary? It just refined the dopamine grind for brainless morons.

Lmao, even

I wouldn't really count Destiny as an mmo.

go back to your cesspool third world nigger

>weeb game
>gook shit
nuff said

Argos killed the game and showed that even if you no-life the game as a f2p you will hit $1500 walls as patches drop.
>j-just wait a week
No. It's obviously designed to be a chore so I spend money.

Dont forget the censorship

>by definition as MMOs must be either third person (WoW) or first person

the first MMOs weren't even 3D

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>Korean ARPG MMO #3467823244546

Attached: 1645088520113.webm (880x660, 2.94M)

That isn't really new though. All these Korean mmos have been censored.

>P2W garbage that fucks your entire progress if RNG isn't feeling kind enough

>weeb game
>gook shit
>pozzed by the west
its got it all

>weeb game
>gook shit
Do you even know what those words even mean? How is it weeb shit?

>that isnt really new
Thats the whole game tho

>MMOs must be either third person
You are completely wrong. MMO just means that it needs to have a massive amount of players playing together.

dunno but it causes Yea Forums to seethe so it must be pretty good.

>getting tricked into playing soulless grinding chink games
Simply pathetic.

So Battlefield games are mmos now?

Something only someone who hasn't played the game can say.

lmao quickly dying and fading into obscurity is "revolutionizing" a genre now

>is still in his honeymoon phase for Lost Ark

Attached: asmongold.png (339x308, 124.69K)

No, not enough players playing together. By "together" I meant on the same server, obviously.

But there are more people playing in the same game in battlefield than there are in something like Destiny.

>everyone hypes up lost ark
>everyone says is its an arpg and the path of exile killer
>havent looked up anything, no guides no trailers no anything so i get the fresh mmo experience before wikis and tutorials for every little thing
>havent bought early access cause preordering is stupid
>release day after early access, cant get into the game cause 4+ hour queues and servers seem unstable k
>wait two days
>still terrible queues but i get in and make my character
>do the intro sequence
>slow realization dawned after i get to the first city
>its not like path of exile
>its not even a proper arpg
>its a korean trash mmo
>20 hours ingame
>3 of those spent actually playing and i uninstalled this shit
how can anyone enjoy that shit?
am i missing someting are people that desperate for a new mmo that they eat up all this shit and ask for more?
lost ark i sterrible

Attached: aLItF5A.gif (600x600, 58.5K)

>barely scratches the game
>hurr durr the whole game is bad

>It gets good 200 hours in
>And by good I mean you grind braindead dailies on 10 alts all day every day

You can tell pretty much instantly what type of game Lost Ark is. I happen to enjoy Korean MMOs but its very clear that its not everyone's cup of tea

i dont need to waste time of my life when the first town teaches you everything about the game you need to know. ive played shitty korean mmos before i dont want that shit.

>before wikis and tutorials for every little thing
This should be a thing.
Limit game knowledge outside of games to encourage people to explore again and talk to each other about their discoveries and experiences in game.
Nowadays people just look up what they want to know to learn how to do it the most efficient way possible and copy whatever.
Its fucking sad.
Ban wikis and discord. Allow youtube tutorials only on a singular subject.

How about a more realistic solution? Like partially randomizing the location of, in this game's case, mokoko sneeds.

Destiny isn't an MMO either.

what are you winning other than carrying other people? pvp power isn't tied to ilvl.

Correct. But if you had bothered reading the reply chain before shitting out your retarded opinion, you would know that he used it as an example of an mmo.

Path of Exile is trash. Good.

>Defending p2win garbage
Don't you have a booster to buy so that you can skip playing the game at all? It's not p2win, just convenience in not having to play a shit game after all.

>Lost Ark
Did nothing. Pic related did far more to revolutionize it, and it did it in such a subtle manner that MMOfags are only just starting to realize it, pissing their pants in frustration in the process since it destroys their ill-conceived notions of what an MMORPG is or should be.

Attached: Rust.jpg (1280x720, 238.32K)

>says the game is p2w
>then says it's p2convenience
dumb doomer nigger

RUST is great, but it isn't an MMO in any way.

Rust is just a stupid pvp griefer game

Shove your semantics bullshit back up where it came from.

I dont think that word applies in this context bruv
Rust is as much an mmo as minecraft

>literally revolutionizes the mmorpg scene
>by killing it

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It's not semantics at all. No sane person would call RUST an MMO.

I wish you would pay to skip life.

>doomer nigger is suicidal
how surprising.

Rust and games like it re-introduced role-playing to the genre by allowing players to alter the environment and enforcing it via survival mechanics. In these games players are actively role-playing more than they do in other MMOs, and that role-playing has more potential because of the building and survival mechanics.

Seriously, fuck off. There's more massive multiplayer interaction going on in Rust than in single player games masquerading as MMOs like Lost Ark, that's for fucking sure.

Rust only supports up to 128 per server/instance(if combined into those servers with +500 slots). It's not an MMO.

Yeah and all those players can interact with each other at once. Compare that to how many players can interact simultaneously in a game like Lost Ark.

>Yeah and all those players can interact with each other at once
No, they can't. Read my post again. 128 per server/instance. You can't call 128 players an MMO. There's nothing massive about 128 players.

Bigger simultaneous multiplayer interactions are happening in Rust than in Lost Ark on a regular basis, so if Lost Ark is an MMO, so is Rust.

This is just one more way that Rust and games like it are dismantling ill-conceived notions of MMOs. Just because a server allows for X number of players doesn't mean it's massively multiplayer. You need to actually allow players to interact with each other on a meaningful scale.

>korean MMO
>extremely heavy daily lockout design
>pay to win as fuck
>published by fucking AMAZON

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