Dying Light 2


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because 2 is trash

2 was slightly more enjoyable, but they're both painfully mediocre games

1 was one of the most innovative game on the mark and still today so fun to play.

2 is just garbage, garbage story, garbage gameplay, garbage map

every single good thing of the one was killed and subtituted with the shit you find in all others AAA games

lmao are you being serious

>dead island with parkour

>1 was one of the most innovative game
lmao what is Dead Island

Dying Light 1 had a mediocre story and fun physics

Dying Light 2 has a shitty story and less fun physics. Zombies don't even stick into spikes anymore. Also they patched a bunch of fun stuff out

dead island was just a reskin of left 4 dead

Dying light was total innovation in all fields

Felt the first one was kinda meh. The only thing I liked was the visuals and atmosphere of the city.

This, its like its not even the same dev team that made 1 when you play 2. How they had to do was make the same game but with new locations, but still somehow fucked it up.

a zombie game doesnt need more than fun gameplay and comfy atmosphere desu

Why would you ever want a "comfy" atmosphere in a zombie game? I swear you guys just want games to coddle you from your life.

Good atmosphere helps any genre of game. Dying Light 1 nails it

post apocalyptic games are comfy. Dying light has one of the best safe houses of all vidya

Attached: dyinglight4.jpg (3840x2160, 2.84M)

Even horror games can have comfy locations, contrast is a great thing. For example, the outside is dangerous but you have a cool atmospheric hideout/base.

It just does not have enough avenues of fun like the first, the second game features way too heavily on story of which is not interesting, and theres no place like that bridge in the first game to just fuck around, infact, there are so few enemies that its boring and you spend more time running around, back and forth, than fighting anything.
>go out at night
>its almost impossible to just stand and fight because volatiles now have an instant kill attack that ends chases
>go out in day
>there are no enemies around
They made the game boring, it makes sense for the setting but its boring to play like this. The first wasnt an amazing game by any stretch but it was fun and I found myself fucking around in it with the events they kept doing, if they are doing that in the second game I dont see any way for actually doing the fucking events they use to do because THERES NO ENEMIES, and things like the "virals spawn constantly during the day" event was like 28 Days later mode and was rad as fuck, they cant do this in the second game because virals die during the day now...they actively used the games setting to make the game less fun.
>The GRE anomolies that spawn zombies arent used in the overworld and dont respawn
They had a way to make it so that hordes are in the game, and chose to not only not do it, but never let you experience it more than once.

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that pure bliss feeling of hopping over the fence of the safehouse while being chased by the big boys at night. those safe houses actually were comfy, damn.

>1 was one of the most innovative game on the mark and still today so fun to play.
>okay zombie game with mildly fun movement = most innovative game on the mark
1fags are the most obnoxious
Also because DL1 had literal years for content update, patches, fixes, dlcs and other shit to get stable player base, fucking mouth breathing, halfbrained retard

Dying Light 2 > Dying Light 1

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dead island > dead island riptide > dying light >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>dying light 2

DI is pure mediocrity man

and yet, its still better than dying light 1 and 2

yeah ok totally normal for a sequel to have fewer players

reminder if you played any of these games single player and not cooperatively then you didn't play them and have no opinion on them

Dead Island was broken and shitty. It was shit on all platforms but just as an example of incompetence, the save function didn't even work at all on PS3 on release and it took them like two weeks to patch it.
I blame Deep Silver because Dying Light 1 was actually good with the same dev and Deep Silver tends to just fuck up as much as you possibly can as a publisher, so they probably rushed it out. Now they have a dead series while Dying Light will probably continue on with at least being medicore instead of shit like Dead Island.

>1 was one of the most innovative game on the mark and still today so fun to play.
You were like 12-13 when dying light released werent you?


they're both mediocre

Dying Light turned decent like 2 years after release. I guess the same could happen with 2 but the base game is worse in every way.

wait for the dlcs

It's shit. I dropped after about 5 hours.

>1 is affordable, doesnt have denuvo, good content
>2 is expensive, demanding specs, has denuvo
cant speak for the content cause unlike most people here, i dont talk about content i havent played

The sequel has got to be one of the biggest disappointments of all time. Felt like almost a decade for it to finally come out and it's flat out inferior and buggy in so many ways.

Attached: DL 2 snap animations.webm (1920x1080, 2.47M)

Dying Light?
More like Dying Shite!

Attached: Mung_Daal_(Season_2).png (380x599, 89.65K)

>open world game
>no vehicles to ride
>just run like a retard from A to B and waste time doing nothing, pretending you are fighting le scary zombies who know martial arts
zoomers continue to be cringe

1 has more content and variety of gameplay. 2 will get there eventually. Give it time.

The main difficulty 2 will have is the maps are awful. Just copy paste drab wastes without any real landmarks. Compare Old Vilador to the Slums in DL1. You had the tower, slum, railyard, fishing village, huge bridge, radio tower, tunnels, supermarkets, Jafars garage, Slabs etc.

Old Vilador has the Bazar, and an awful lot of brown.

They might be able to adjust the movement, fix the animations and fix the grappling hook etc, but at the very core it's just not as fun.

2 wasn't fun at all. 1 was a way better game.

slavs and third worlders love this game cause they are broke and have nothing else to play, same thing with gta san andreas and resident evil 4 in brazil

They fucked up the grappling hook

never trust a polack

Because they jettison'd Avellone's choices mattered gameplay.

I unwishlisted it once they shitcanned him. The first was mediocre. Why would I get the second beyond him and Rosearo?

does dying light 2 have that PvP mode in the first one? i feel as if that is half the reason why a lot of people stick with the first.

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>no vehicles to ride
you havent played the game

i did

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You get a car in the DLC area.

I didn't get the DLCs
i only played the main game and it sucked

Avellone was fired for being a heterosexual male only a few months into the development of DL2. It's unlikely anything he did made into the game.

Dying light 2 suffers from a lack of attractive girls.
The first game had several cute NPC's, and Ezgi in the Following was perfection.

>was one of the most innovative game on the mark and still today so fun to play.
literally far cry with a more developed parkour system
>shitty story
>shitty crafting mechanics
>shitty useless skill points and rpg mechanics
>le leveling up
>shitty sidequests
>vaas type of villain
>generic sounding mc
>ubisoft tier checklist side activities
The first one was shit when it came out, i can't imagine having such shit taste, holy fuck

Based Ezgi.

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Why does Aiden sound almost exactly like Kyle Crane?

Apparently, the VA for Aiden was a huge fan of the first game, and tried to emulate Crane.

dying light 2
>looks like shit, runs like shit
>niggers, trannies

Dying Light 2 would be better if they stopped fucking around and just made it into a full blown rpg with character creation and voiceless protag

>Love Dying Light
>Fucking hate Dying Light 2

All the magic is gone. they doubled down on the worst parts of the first game and removed most of what made the first game good

Combat feels sticky and shit you never really feel powerful despite the game being too easy and the A.I being retarded

Zombies feel like an after thought in a fucking zombie game. they all look the same and all the special types suck
And theirs like a really small amount of them. it's hard to find any hordes and what hordes you do find consist of like 20 zombies max

The open world sucks with copy pasted buildings and huts and streets everywhere. there is nothing interesting to find.

And worst of all the story is so fucking bad it's offensive. not only is the wiring shit and you come to despise every single character in the game but it takes up so much fucking time too. you just want to run around and kill zombies but you have to go through so much terrible NPC dialogue and god awful story shit.

I think the only good thing is the parkour but that means very little when the world you parkour in sucks

Fucking terrible game. I have no excitement for future content or games from the Dying Light series.

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Dying Light 2 is worse in every fucking thing except traversal. Even the story which was complet shit in DL1 is somehow worse in DL2. Physics is shit, combat is shit, visuals are shit. And it's really become boring after 5-10 hours.


Dying Light was great, I miss it

that's some serious shit taste, holy fuck

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this take is too based for Yea Forums