Any of these worth playing?
Any of these worth playing?
TP >>> WW >>>>>>>>>>> SS
Yes Skyward sword is probably the best game in the series
>but muh go back to levels!!
doesn't happen, every time you go back to the same biome a different part of the level opens up with new puzzles and encounters
WW and TP are. SS is mediocre but will probably have fun if you like the ALTTP Zelda formula
I love these posts that already pretend someone is arguing with them.
10/10 on the insecurity scale.
WW and TP are worth trying, there's nothing good in SS.
>doesn't happen, every time you go back to the same biome a different part of the level opens up with new puzzles and encounters
I love being forced to do pseudo-dungeons to get access to the actual dungeons, in place of an actual fucking overworld.
if you like zelda, all of them are
play whichever looks most interesting to you
im assuming youve already played the n64 games, but if you havent play those first because theyre a league above
Squilliam sword if u are not lazy
WW is best for the first run through when the rushed design isn't fully apparent. TP is the most complete and satisfying. SS suffers the most of them from some very poor design and felt more padded than WW.
All of them have elements of padding in the story, but SS has it the worst because of content reuse.
Just finished them.
Have a hard time ranking everything, but here goes...
Try oracles.
i bet you love botw that makes you do some shitty inocuous quest in order to get to the main dungeons, dilate harder faggot, go back and play skyward sword and stop repeating shit you've heard on some youtube review
WW and TP are worth playing. Skyward Sword isn't worth playing because it's the shittest of them despite some nice ideas.
WW>TP>every other Zelda>SS>Spirit Tracks>Botw
not really, i'm just bringing up arguments dumb faggots like yourself bring up all the time, seethe harder tranny
Hard to go back to them after BoTW.
All of them are amazing, but I like skyward sword the best even though this board hates it.
You should give PH and ST a go too.
>can't say why it's good
Yeah? Does it have a unique selling point?
A Link Between Worlds seems interesting for instance - with the whole switch between 2D/3D thing.
Wind Waker > Twilight Princess >>>>>> Skyward Sword
I liked them all but i dont really want to replay skyward sword.
>top 3 dungeons in the series
>fun motion control combat
>cool boss design
>cool overworld and lore
Yeah fuck off
One has season change to overworld and one has a time change. They play like LA.
>two fire dungeons
>one repeated dungeon
>only two good dungeons and the rest are shit so that makes it okay apparently
>Monsters Inc bosses
>Bosses refused as minibosses
>limited overworld
SS is awful
all of those things are 10x times worse in botw thus making skyward sword the best game in the series, cope seethe and dilate faggot
so wait
now dungeons and bosses are what makes a zelda game?
cause if that's the case, botw is the worst one by far, so which is it?
>Has to hijack other peoples conversation because no one is replying to her
>exactly a minute apart
>no argument
Seethe harder botw tranny, you got fucked
Well OP it was fine while it lasted
SS's overworld gameplay is too similar to dungeon gameplay, having it gatekeep the latter makes the game monotonous. These shitty pre-dungeon land areas being the defacto overworld is awful compared to past games, which actually had an overworld. And the fact they get reused THREE TIMES EACH is horribly repetitive, especially the last round which is literally a fetch-quest.
BOTW's pre-dungeon quests are actually distinct from what you're doing inside the dungeons.
Learn English faggot.
>cool overworld and lore
The sky is a significantly worse version of WW's sea, which already wasn't perfect.
All of them are. SS is the least good, but they're all good games.
Wind waker HD was the first Zelda game I bothered beating. TPHD was the second. Both are better than bore of the wild. And all 3 are better than OoT. That one in particular aged like most nintendies did, extremely badly.
>Yeah? Does it have a unique selling point?
They're the best 2D Zeldas, have a fantastic linked-game mechanic, and are the meatiest games in the series.
>15 posts by this IP
Fuck me man stop
>BOTW's pre-dungeon quests are actually distinct from what you're doing inside the dungeons.
BAHAHAHHAHAHHAHA, holy shit get a grip faggot, you either don't remember them or you're just lying for the sake of lying
Skyward sword is at it's core a way better Zelda game than botw
>better bosses
>better music
>better graphics
>better dungeons
>better combat
>tons of dungeon items to use
You literally have no argument, you can only say "muh padding and repetition" which is 10x worse in botw thus making your "argument" completely worthless
Yes, all three are if you like Zelda games. However, it is imperative for best experience you play the best version of each game.
>LOZ: The Windwaker HD (WiiU / Cemu if on PC)
The HD version fixes a lot of the shit with the original including how the Gamecube era title basically has to put fog over everything and chunk the whole sea apart. The HD version not only makes you able to sail on an entire open world stitched together, you also get an item allowing you to traverse it faster than the original would let it load. This atop graphical upgrades. Also, in Cemu there are graphics packs and rendering upgrades so for those who claim the HD version ruined the cell shading, here's your fix
>LOZ:Twilight Princess HD (WiiU, on Cemu on PC)
Lots of QoL fixes, including you can transform to a wolf without talking to Midna each time. Extra secret challenge dungeon, graphics upgrade, some new items (new wallets capable of carrying more rupees, a lantern that lets you find Poes etc) and overall one of the better games if you like "adult link", in its best version. Cemu graphical updates, native rendering at or above 1080p+ and more.
>LOZ: The Skyward Sword HD (Switch, Yuzu or Ryujinx on Pc )
Massive overhaul of combat, quality of life, other features as well as graphics. JoyCon waggle way more accurate than even WiiRemotePlus as was required on the original, and can be played without any waggling at all with a Pro Controller style combat. Some consider it one of the oddest Zelda titles in the previous generation, but it has the most intimate relationship with Zelda herself in the story up until Breath of the Wild. Worth it especially with the HD edition on Switch. Plays well on emus now
>BONUS! LoZ Link's Awakening (Switch, Yuzu/Ryujinx on PC)
Another title where the remake/update has a lot of QoL changes, additional depth and content.
How has one game mindbroken someone for this long?
>better Zelda game than botw
Wow, what an achievement.
The fuck are you on about you paranoid faggot? That was my first post in this entire thread.
why not just play wind waker on dolphin with the betterWW mod
it adds all of the QoL stuff from HD and more
>16 now
It keeps rising
>The HD version
safely disregard this post
based and red pilled
Seasons sounds a bit more interesting than Ages.
Maybe because I just finished OOT and MM back to back - and both of them did the whole time change thing. And ALTTP did something similar.
So what can I expect? Winter (snowballs, slippery ice, freeze things), Summer (melt ice, burn forest?), Fall (leaves pile up?), Spring (grow a big flower or something?)
What's this about a linked-game mechanic?
Defending against arguments no-one made. Pathetic game
Good post
no one in this thread specifically made the complaint, but the complaint itself is a common one
>no argument
i'm literally praising zelda games you faggot, you're the mindbroken one that can't respond to botw criticism without thinking i'm some sort of snoygger, truly pathetic and repeating the same memes over and over again, learn to have a conversation nigger
It’s the same mentally ill faggot in each thread too. Unless all nintendies just happen to have the same typing pattern.
>safely disregard this post
Sorry people don't want to spend 400$ on a cpu to emulate the games at 1080p or don't want to play them at sub hd resolution on a shitty crt
Wind waker for the exploration
Skyward sword for the dungeons and bosses
Twilight princess for the short stack
They have about a single brain's worth of cells between them, so that sounds about right.
Pretty sure that added a lot of other bullshit as well including randomizer stuff; okay if you're looking for it, but not a vanilla playthrough. Likewise, you may need other patches (widescreen, HD assets, additional gecko features etc) Also it adds to the sailing speed, but doesn't stitch together the gameworld / view distance unless you fuck around with other hacks. Yeah, you can approximate the same thing , but that doesn't mean the HD version of Wind Waker isn't going to be sufficient for many who want the QoL upgrades - to say nothing of mods for it.
the randomizer stuff is optional. its all customisable.
swift sail worked fine for me with no other adjustments.
betterWW is worth it just for the difficulty settings
>pretending the argument is not brought up multiple times
there's an example of it in this very thread faggot
they are literally lying and saying the game repeats areas when it's a fucking lie if you've played the game, every time you go back to the biome a new area, puzzle opens up
It's like you faggots played the game 10 years ago and never played it again and kept repeating the same lie over and over again and it eventually stuck
>dude just play the shittier version on shittier hardware
Retarded. I figured you were an emuchad too so you're even worse than I assumed.
absolutely mindbroken
>zoomer defending SS's honor
Holy shit you are broken
>Run through an area looking for kiwis
>run through the same area collecting tears
>Swim through the same area collecting notes
Skyward sword was bullshit. The desert areas were cool as fuck but only one third of the game is great
I'm both, but the remasters are okay, i don't mind them, besides i like to own most nintendo games physically because for some reason they get really expensive, even zelda of all games
The first and second one, yes.
>one botw tranny shitting his pants with no argument
TP > OoT = MM > ST = SS = tWW > TFH > ALBW = PH > BOTW = MC > OoA > OoS > LA > FSA > FS > LoZ > AoL >>> aLttP
oh yikes
all of those are 20x worse in botw
Based ST enjoyer
Gamecube or Wii version of TP?
You know better than I do whether you like wii remote controls. Personally I think they work quite well.
theyre the same besides the screen being mirrored and motion controls
TP HD in hard mode.
emulate the gamecube version on xbox series s, it runs perfectly and at 1080p, that's how i've been playing it
Not that user, but are you able to use modded versions on the Xbox emulator? Even though I have the HD versions on my hacked Wii U I find the ability to play GC games on my fucking Xbox of all things immensely satisfying and wanna keep using it for other GC titles. Playing through the GC port of OOT rn and figured if I got the itch for WW or TP I’d just go to my Wii U for the QOL changes.
This. Also has better QoL and the extra dungeon, among other shit. Hell if you're a difficulty masochist you can even use both the amiibo debuff + Hero Mode to take like 4x damage or some shit.
>Not that user, but are you able to use modded versions on the Xbox emulator?
It runs on retroarch, i'm not really experience or know much about it, i just put the games and pay them normally off my hdd
Well, shit.
You've played all these?
What was your first Zelda? Also birth year.
>Spirit Tracks that high
>A Link tothe past that low
>runs off retroarch
Oh I’m aware. I just wanted to ask you if you knew anything about retroarch running modded games. Part of me says it shouldn’t be a problem since I use it to play Pokémon rom hacks but you never know.
Why not run them off a USB? Feel like it would be an easier way to add new games that way.