Is color blindness really something most game developers should be wasting their time with?

Is color blindness really something most game developers should be wasting their time with?

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Blue is green.
War is peace.
Freedom is slavery.

The whole bar is blue

Fuck the color blind.

Yeah it takes like an hour to implement a colour blind mode.

Fuck the color blind for being genetic dead ends, YWNSTCR (You Will Never See The Color Red)

No I'm not gay.

This, honestly. Fuck every entitled nigger who wants shit to be catered to them. Oh you can't look at spiders? Guess you don't get to play the game nigger. Oh you're color blind? Fuck you. I'd rather have 5 seconds of extra content than have devs waste time on these fuckers


Not being able to distinguish blue and green is a sign of neanderthalism.

This. Everything about it is known and it's super fucking easy to just plug the shit in.

No. They shouldn't waste their time with representation and undersexualized female characters either.
More sex, less niggers.

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I don't like having my UI cluttered with accessablility options

fuck no

Color blind toggle is pretty common. I assume it's as easy as laying a generic-ass Reshade filter over the game to change the colors to whatever the mutants can see with their unnatural eyes.


In Japan they claim that green is just a shade of blue.

it doesnt even fucking help me at least i dont know why they waste their time doing it

Living near the ocean does that to you

devs should focus on unlocking the framerate
t. motionsickness on modern displays

8% of men are color blind
devs pander hard to trannies who are less than 0.1% of the population

the most hardcore 12 year old on Yea Forums right now

I don't think most games would run into an issue either way, but in things where recognizing a colour is part of the gameplay then yes they should.

color blind niggas be like:
yo i have dinotopia

I'm not even colorblind, but I often use those settings just to give certain elements better contrast.


I am colourblind and I never use those

My eyes struggle to perceive the color in the middle. It's like shifting from this greenish blue to complete lack of color.

That's because it's darker than the green and blue in that image so it doesn't look as vivid.

Russia is not at war.

the japanese can't see the difference

t.minmax metafag who ruins every game hes a part of


They shouldn't give a shit about any opinion not held by the majority of the population.


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Correction: The straight white conservative Christian American male population.

You won't get an extra 5 seconds of content though.

The developers of Mass Effect 3 should have looked more into color blindness.

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kek I instantly thought of Satsuki giving that speech when I read that

Based KLK enjoyer

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How did trigger get away with this?

It was another lifetime user. 2013 was 100 years ago.

If colour blind people see the world without any filter, it's going to be the video games that look weird to them. Whats the point of this?

I can’t remember the last time I saw a game with a color blind mode.
They should have them, they’re useful for most types of color blindness and sometimes important information like health bars etc are hard to see for color blind people.

No, it doesn't even help me

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Color blind options aren't complicated to implement.
Also red-green color blindness or weakness is rather common among males.

>be colorblind
>turn on colorblind mode in FPS
>k/d ratio doubles
Yeah I'm thinking I'm gonna keep bothering devs to add colorblind modes.

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There is no such thing as being colorblind.

You aren't real

>I don't know it
>therefore it doesn't exist


>it doesn't exist
>therefore it doesn't exist

The only time colorblindness was an issue was in the arena inount and Blade warband. Unless I was right on top of them I could not tell the red unis from any other.

if i were a game dev catering to disabilities wouldnt even cross my mind, just like if it were an online game, chat would be unmoderated and unreportable, only a mute function would be in place

Oh shit I forgot about that, I had the exact same problem. I was just attacking everyone

I'm colorblind and yeah fuck the colorblind lmao. I still always go with the default settings, just turn the brightness up.

Close your left eye and look at the colors then close your right eye and compare how your eyes see colors separately, you might have minor color blindness too.

it's all 青 to me baby

Are you part of the problem Yea Forums?

Attached: redgreen.png (226x153, 4.85K)

the fuck are these chinks smoking

What if I am colorblind?

In japan they claim that the sun is red

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Do you really have anything to lose?

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The only time I've ever had to use colourblind mode was in FFXIV, in P3S. Having orange markers coming from an orange enemy in a bright orange arena had to have been the stupidest decision ever.



yes, it's literally trivial to add a fullscreen color mixer and not doing it is a sign of technological ineptitude considering it's been around since even the early pc era.


Can I press the blue button?

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I want them to add it, and patch it out.

luckily we have gotten color down to the point where we can snuff out the human bullshit portion of who is seeing what.

That is fef23f and fef23f

>one type of color blindness is actual hell vision

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wtf i want to live in the kino hellworld
that looks fucking rad

>yes, it's literally trivial to add a fullscreen color mixer
Doing this just makes the game look like dog shit though.
What colorblind people want "colorblind mode" to do is just make the health/mana/stamina/energy bars look distinct from eachother, and any dumbass color based puzzles to be solvable. The world can just look like the world actually does, they don't need to turn the sky purple and the grass orange or some shit.

You can try to learn a thing or two about it. It's super easy to diagnose too.

There is nothing wrong with accessability options.

>tfw you have extra cones and actually see more color nuances than regular people

Genetically superior

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