Reminder that if you cleared any of these dungeons after 6.1, you didn't beat them.
Final Fantasy XIV
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Literally nobody plays this dead game, stop
Link to full notes?
If they're fixing dungeons, are they going to fix the Haukke Manor hard mode version? Last time I did it, you could phase skip the succubus so hard that she would summon the add and then instantly eat it, wiping the party
>they are adding a warp after the fight in the basement of haukke.
damn, i kinda enjoyed watching sprouts be confused and panicing
>Wowtard twitch zoomers show up and plague the game
>Get made over trival stuff
>Zoomer slob God leaves to shill Lost Ark and takes his sycophants with him
>Stuff suffer the mass casualization aim at Wowtards
Thanks for ruining a game you dont play cunts
>People think that MSQ Roulette will get nerfed to hell due to getting shorter and easier
It is only nerfed for Meridianum but only by 50 poetics
>Getting 50 more poetics (worthless since you can cap poetics in a half hour of Bozja) in exchange for having to put in effort since they are Light Partys now
>"More rewards"
Why not just get good for that dungeon
What a shame, guess you should uninstall and fuck off forever.
>In the event a player spends 30 consecutive days outside of their Home World by means of the World Visit system, they will be automatically returned to their Home World upon their next login.
I can only wonder how much of a fucking mess this game must be behind the scenes for this to be required at all
Having to literally sheath your weapons and stand still for minutes during the fight so that the AI can catch up with the inflated stat and potency numbers is gay as hell. It's basically a bug at this point considering nobody will ever see the mechanic as intended any more since it's basically impossible to have DPS that low now unless you just fight the boss with auto attack only.
the world visit system is all sorts of buggy jank. it's a miracle it works at all. I remember some characters got lost in limbo and they had to do maintenance to unstuck them.
fucking garbage game for BABIES
The fuck does anyone use poe for?
Like real shit who uses it?
If they keep raping the game in order to make it more single player friendly a lot of people will. 6.0 and 6.1 are utterly devoid of new content in order to cater to normies who have anxiety over multiplayer in an MMO or are MUH GRAFIX freaks too lazy to download gshade.
>wiping the party
That doesn't fucking happen, you have more than enough health to tank that shit at full blast unless you somehow ran around at half health.
the only dungeons with soul just got assraped
You'd only miss this if falling is something that actually happened to you.
You need like 100k across all relics, plus one time expends for glamour/job gear for old jobs and then materials.
God i wish they would take time to fix potencies. Everything before Stormblood gets raped so hard. King Thordan is afk tier.
They should hard scale people in dungeons/trials while upping rewards. If you get a bunch of tryhards you can already kill Endsinger before the vocals of the last song kick in which ruins it
The duty support system is the final nail in the coffin for Final Fantasy XIV. It is now a single player game. Rest in peace.
thank god, the less I have to deal with you subhumans the better
I can't wait for trusts in ultimate
>Literally just sit and wait for one-shot enemies to spawn
Nah fuck off bro.
>Literally just don't do anything while the tank pokes the boss once and pulls the lever three times, the add can't even kill the bomb on time
>Literally a target dummy that attacks maybe twice before dying
Don't know what they changed about Graffias but that one seems unnecessary unless they made him less of a pushover.
>Lady amandine
She was a bloated mob, hope it's an actual boss now and you can't just stunlock her to death. The lamps were something everyone just ignored.
>Remember this fight in ARR as a SCH without leeches
That was some good shit honestly. Probably nerfed the aoe of the poison, which is a stupid thing to do, probably going to be the worst change they made no matter what they did with it.
There's plenty of single player games that do what FFXIV does but much better. I recommend you go take a look.
I always did lamps, even as a tank
Your a fucking retard if you didn't expect them. FFXI has had them for over a decade and still gets updates btw
No worries, I quit halfway through SB because the game is a boring slog, so by your definition I beat all these dungeons.
But I have? I've unsubbed since I got bis.
This game isn't social at all unless you're into some tranny RP shit so I don't know why you're so triggered about people running content with NPCs.
thank god
my condolences to the lost ark playerbase (what's left of it at least)
Lost Arksissies... We won...
then can you finally stop posting this faggot in every thread?
Its a photoshop
What the fuck do you mean? Now people actually have no reason to even interact with other humans. That's the actual final step to take to make what was previously forced multiplayer content single player.
MMO retards are so cringe lmao, always chasing their first MMO high and complaining about everything
Why though? Back in ARR it made some sense to do it but everything has been buffed so much that there's really no point anymore.
FFXIV has always been a single player game, they're just finally realizing its full potential as one instead of maintaining the jarringly tacked on mmo elements.
>That's the actual final step to take to make what was previously forced multiplayer content single player.
Good. I hate that a lot of content in this game forces me to play with other people.
Because I was forced to to do it in arr(and hw), I literally only stopped pressing sastasha bubbles in sb
What's Yea Forums's opinion on mods?
>all relics
Miss my ass kiss my ass, i only obtained the ones i like some of these shits are ugly as sin and would be nothing more but wasted armory/inventory slots.
And older gear for glam? No thank you i took what i liked when whatever set was current no need for me ever to go back
Only reason to log in after the content is cleared
oh no, I won't see people type "o/" whenever I enter a dungeon anymore
the absolute horror
If you weren't playing in 2.0, you didn't beat it. you don't belong. back to wow.
Cute as fuck, but dont be a weirdo asking me to put on specific pieces of gear
It makes masturbating to other people's characters very easy.
>qol mods
>custom outfits/hairstyles/graphics
retarded shit for attention-starved trannies
my fem highlander has abs now, I am happy
Ive never hurt for people in ShB/Endwalker dungeons and they are trust. Still get first time bonuses all the time. You are highly exaggerating how many people will opt into trusts
Didnt say they were good things to buy, just saying what people spend on
Bareback sex with the aim of procreation with Y'shtola while holding her hand that has a golden ring you put around her finger.
Also, the crafted gear is yet more modern looking shit, fuck this.
I had to buy the weapon with tomes and I still don't have the chest
I hate being a lucklet
[x] milk the cat
Your right your right, theres lots of new players now so i cant be upset you thought my user ass was.
Hope you enjoy 6.1 user \o/
Very nais
Hey anoon.. can you wear the endless summer top real quick?
so, did we win bros?
Now and always. Hope you been spending your scrips on all the new bait, we got some big fish to catch
>everyone expecting nerfs
>all the bosses are actually getting reworked and buffed
Did they adjust the rewards for 50/60/70/80 roulette yet because that shit is worthless.
Some of them will definitely be harder. The final boss of Copperbell hasn't had mechanics that matter for how many years now?
would be very difficult to meaningfully nerf current lowbie content. you can ungabunga Aiatar through the poison pools for example. i'm thinking it will be adjusted so that he heals alot more from them but they disappear faster
They had to dumb shit down for the trusts.
How the fuck are the NPCs meant to handle the bosses in copperbell mines?
They can't.
>Your WoL can now dress like a Grandma
grandma sweater top, 2b leggings for sexy gramma
>program NPC to click the sparkle when it reaches 2 stacks
yeah, this is basically an impossible engineering problem. we need to get NASA on the line.
user what dungeon do you think Copperbell Mines is?
boss 1: make Kottos appear sooner, have a shit ton more hp while the adds keep appearing
boss 2: bomb spawns by itself and several spriggans appear to kill it. the slimes shoot aoes at people
boss 3: the adds move and attack much faster and gyges gets an undodgeable tankbuster
i got it mixed up with aurum vale, but it's still not like it's hard to program an npc to move a bomb into a group of a mobs.
>When challenging a duty with an unrestricted party, a vote to abandon the duty may now be initiated at any time.
What's the purpose of this?
Also this new MSQ roulette, am I reading it right?
You have a 33% chance to get a 3 minute trial instead of a 20 minute dungeon?
Why wouldn't they just add the two dungeons to the dungeon roulette and the trial to trial roulette?