A month and a half later

>A month and a half later
>Board still flooded with over 20 Elden Ring threads at all times

Jesus Christ just fucking end this board already.

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Fucking this. We need more off topic threads, not threads about games.

You'd prefer Smash threads?



Shut the fuck up you cunt, it's not my fault that this game is the best thing that happened to the whole industry in years

tendies are so resentful when a game better than the entire Switch catalog comes out.

At this point yes. Every other thread is about ER when it doesn't deserve it at this point since everything has been solved.

Fucking kill yourself
I hope Fromsoft crashes and burns so I can stop hearing about this shit series.

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Shut the fuck up, maybe you're not in on the meme but the whole point about Yea Forums is that we hate video games. So this stupid video game talk, worse praising a normiecore popular video game is cancer to vculture

Yea! I wish we had a few more Twitter screencap threads, at least then I can get political and not have to talk all about this "game" nonsense.

>Try to talk about Resident evil
>thread dies
>try to talk about Pokemon
>thread dies
>try to talk about FNAF
>thread dies
>try to make any kind of fun thread
>thread dies

All thanks to ER flooding this board.

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There was once some retard on here claiming the PS3 CPUs were stronger than anything in all of the PC market back in like 2011 or some shit. Being from /g/, I realized that my time on Yea Forums with such retards would not produce anything worthwhile.

You are literally admiting that everyone who is a fan of those games is also a fan of Elden Ring.

He is literally not

>japan: makes open world game
>the entire west: "WOAH! YOU CAN MAKE GAMES FUN?!"
The current media echo is just absolute comedy at this point. Why are western fags and mutts even allowed to make games?

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Fromsoft board when?

>half of Yea Forums dedicated to a hugely anticipated game for a month
>acting surprised/annoyed
>implying this isnt the case for every major release, even if the game is shit
lurk moar you fucking newfags

it's apparently a good game and people dedicated more than a month to play it and get better at it. I welcome that alot. That's how games should be consumed. It's better than seeing people circlejerk and shit on a really bad game.

My favorite part is how Yea Forums seethes about anything reddit likes.
Unless it's FromSoft.
Everyone sucks FromSoft's dick even though they've been pumping out the same game for over a decade.

We also don't need more games like elden ring, what we ACTUALLY need is quest markers, arrows pointing into directions to go, no build variety, NPCs that dump the entire story, cut scenes every 10 feet, cinematic camera angles, easy difficulty, no exploration, more quips from the player character, ubisoft towers, a good story where everyone lives and is happy and the preorder bonuses should be a comfy blankey and bottle for my milky wilkies, that has a code for 10 free updoots on r*ddit.

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consistentcy is good. remember when they changed The Evil Within so it can pander more to the literal cucks from the west?
Not to mention that Elden Ring is uniquely designed to a point where you don't need a minimap or other ques to find your way around. Which most open worlds can't do because they all look the fucking same no matter where you look

elden ring threads spam wouldnt bother me if the game was actually god.
but i swear to god this game is the most reddit thing i couldve ever imagine.

a few years ago mods would outright perma-ban anybody making a thread about a game as shit as this.

not anymore, though.
now we got 50 elden ring threads about the same thing and mods do fucking nothing.

its just sad.

Your trying way too hard my dude

its not a good game.
its not even a decent game.

every single aspect of elden ring is an example of why modern gayming sucks.

If this board wasn't flooded with Elden Ring threads retards like you would spam:

>A month and a half later
>No threads. What went wrong?

you think so?
every dungeon rewards you with unique weapons that change your entire style, instead of bombarding you with generic loot.
The world design is intuitive on it's own and doesn't require additional features to get around.
It's extremely gameplay focused and doesn't make you watch 17mins cutscenes.

I think it's doing everything entirely better and different.

Cultural phenomenon baby

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The only thing worse than conformists are fashionable contrarians. Hating things is not a personality, try flinger but hole.

the entire core gameplay is a crime against humanity, the utter lack of any good sound, music, stories and dialogues is just a cherry on top of the mediocrity cake.
its also one of the most grey, boring and ugly """open worlds""" i have ever seen in gayming.

i always hated these japanese "press button to roll" simulators but elden ring is just beyond normie trash.
shit like this getting popular only made me sure good games will never, ever be made anymore.

Sounds just like Dying Light 2 and I hate that fucking game.

>Good game finally comes out after a two year drought
>Yea Forumstards finally play a video game instead of complaining
>Yea Forumstards are willing to discuss the video game on the Yea Forums - Video Games board
>it's bad somehow

Just another snoy seething kek

what we NEED are games with stories, dialogues, and good gameplay.
elden ring has none of that.
no, user, rolling for 95% through the whole thing is not good gameplay.

the what? what cinematic experience?
are you talking about god of warshit? or horizon: forbidden tranny?

get fucked with your retarded mental gymnastics.
a shit game is a shit game.

>elden ring has none of that.
Your contrarianism has made you absolutely fucking delusional.

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Can someone explain what it is about ER that has made some anons here shit themselves in rage that the vast majority of gamers are enjoying it?

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its like going to a music board and seeing 200 "ed sheeran is the best musician in history" for several months.

200 ed sheeran threads***

>no BBC threads
>Yea Forums is dead

>that the vast majority of gamers are enjoying it
There's your explanation. It's not working though because it's a genuinely good game with old school principles, so the seething retards just end up looking like casuals. Makes funposting like real easy.

Ed Sheeran is the Witcher 3, Elden Ring is if King Crimson or one of Edge of Sanity's concept albums made it mainstream. The ed sheeran analogy only works if the game is generic and easy to get into, dumbfuck.

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as someone that likes to eat shit its hard for me to find representation in a game. its always filthy faggots and troons. my question is do people that like to eat shit like elden ring? its goty for me if yes.

When in doubt, always blame Nintendies.
Before ER they used to shit the board with their endless Smash "HE'S IN!" threads and all kind of other faggotry.
Now they see a successful games that it not on the Stitch console and they get immensely butthurt. The same thing happened when MHW released.

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> Elden Ring is if King Crimson or one of Edge of Sanity's concept albums made it mainstream.
If anything it should Ninja Gaiden, Elden Ring is more like fucking Drake lmao


It’s the best game in 10+ years


lmao or maybe nobody gives a fuck about those shit games

>A month and a half later
No it just came out a we-

>as someone that likes to eat shit its hard for me to find representation in a game
Total lie. ER has giving us the best representative for scat in any game.

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Speak english next time, deadbrain.

Ok, nigger

Why some souls streamer suck at Monster Hunter? MH is more forgiving.

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MH is actually good game and Souls are...meh

Fromsoft games are all similar but at the same time they are doing their own thing.
They almost never follow modern videogame trends, but when they do, it feels completely different.
Normalfags that forgot what is like to play videogames are getting their minds blown

Oh , so you are hand-holded nigger. Gotcha.
Opinion discarded

>shazamtroons are still boiling
imagine being this mindbroken over a game

It's a pretty chunky game and will probably be the hot top topic for most of the year.

Souls games arent about raw gameplay, its about discovery and athmosphere , while you larp as a Knight or mage.
Monster hunter is about the pure joy of combat.

T. Plays both regulary

eldenring was boring, just a worse BOTW

holy tendie cope


>pure joy of combat
I can kill any monster with probably just using less than 10 potions on MH without dying. But for some reason all the enemy on souls games hits like an Apex Rajang.