

Attached: Dark_Souls_II_cover.jpg (256x369, 39.65K)

I'm playing it right now, and so far i kinda like it. except for adaptability which fucking sucks. Also i feel like the weapons degrade waay too fucking fast. Weapon broke on me like 2 times now while it never happened in dark souls 1.


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still the best

I'm sorry you are fucking shit

I like the replayability and that they added the option to respec but most of the main game is pretty underwhelming. The DLCs are better but that’s it. It’s not a bad game, but the other games are clearly better overall.


At least... I finally understand...

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BEST GAME.... anyone who doesnt agree is wrong

For being shit? No


I apologize for not waiting until the SotFS edition, maybe i would of hated it less

Fuck off nigger now there are two shit souls games

>fantasy means shit design
Dark Souls 1 has one of the most coherently designed 3D worlds in gaming history.

Replayed the trilogy after beating ER and yeah no it's still not good

ZOMG noooooooo I’m shitting and pissing my diapey rn

I'm going for the platinum and after farming covenants and going into NG+3, I forgot to pick one single hex from the darklurker, is literally the only spell left and I could just brute force my way into his fight and nuke him, but it just feels so tiresome after all the grinding I've done



Sweet another make fun of Ds2 thread.

the second half of dark souls 1 is shit you dumbass, stop recycling opinions you heard on the internet.

dark souls 1 is better
dark souls 3 is worse

the second half of dark souls 1 is like the subsequent games, if you say that it's shit then ds2 and ds3 are both shit by extent.

>tomb of the giants
Use a lantern faggot
>new londo
>dukes archives
>lost Izalith
All still better than every area in DS2

I ain't apologizing for shit. ER did exactly what I asked and took 2's gank cancer but also allowed us DS3 movement and stamina to handle it, which turns it from cancer to highly engaging.

I know you're shitposting but the 'fantasy' aspect of a fantasy story doesn't work without a frame of reference. We the reader need to understand that horses work like real horses, the hero's sword injures enemies like a real sword, the buildings are made out of real brick and mortar. If you don't have framing and coherence then it's more difficult to immerse yourself in the story because the viewer loses all ability to understand which parts are supposed to shock or surprise them.

Dark Souls 1 does the exact same thing, pic related. It was fine then and it's fine in DS2.
>b-b-but that's d-different beca-

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ds2 has more feels

>ds2 is shit
>ds3 is shit
almost, but it was saved by its boss fights
nothing will beat early DS1 the lighting in a bottle

This game is so fucking ugly and shit, it's like those boring awful Sunday afternoons as a kid where you're miserable and you know worse things are coming soon...in vidya form

>mythology in my game inspired by mythology is…le bad
Archtrees that hold up the world is kino, DS2 fags really will lash out at anything while they seethe about their shit game lol

I literally said it was fine, not le bad.
>impossible layouts in DS1 good
>impossible layouts in DS2 bad

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can you point me towards the mythology inspiration (a la Ash Lake = Yggdrasil) for a windmill holding up a lava castle

Archtree layout isn’t impossible, lol! Invisible lava castle on the otherhand is impossible.
By making this retarded comparison I accept your concession :)

ds2 is shit from the start, stop being contrarian it won't make you more unique person just indicates your shit taste

Inb4 le filtered

Outside of the Yea Forums echo chamber, disliking DS2 is the contrarian opinion. Not the other way around

I always liked Dark Souls II the best. Especially Scholar of the First Sin

don't need to apologize because it was always my favorite!

Unironically fucking kino

Who said everything in Dark Souls has to be lifted from existing mythology?

>o-outside of the Yea Forums, YouTube, Reddit, 9gag, Facebook, Discord, MySpace, Twitter, real life echochambers people actually like DS2 I-I swear!!!
This is just sad, user

What version of Dark Souls II should I get? Regular or Scholar of the First Sin?

It doesn’t, but that area you’re trying to spin as equivalent to the blatant mistake that was the Iron Keep (oopsie we forgot to model the volcano in the background) has an actual explanation for why it is there.

I'm sorry I didn't shit on you harder
I will start now
>worst bosses
>worst levels
>worst weapons
>worst magic
>worst leveling
>worst graphics
>worst controls
>worst music
>worst online
>worst DLC
>worst fans
and lastly worst mistake Fromsoft ever did

I like the armor of John Dark Souls the Second. Thats about it.

stop being contrarian it won't make you more unique person just indicates your shit taste

Life is brilliant. Beautiful. It enchants us, to the point of obsession.
Some are true to their purpose, though they are but shells, flesh and mind.
One man lost his own body, but lingered on, as a head.
Others chase the charms of love, however elusive.
What is it that drives you?

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>worst magic
Only one I don't agree with. FP is lame,

>soul memory
>B team
>enemies with infinite stamina
>enemies with magnetic weapons
>ADP being tied to i-frames
>can be invaded while hollow
>volcano elevator
>gank squads
>almost every boss has adds
>poise doesn't work
>estus, lifegems, divine blessings, and even more healing
>physics make it feel like the game is underwater
>n64 woods
>iron keep textures
>blue smelter demon
off the top of my head. so no, it's still the worst one.

Lol seething DS2 fan has to copy for their insult, very embarrassing!

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You will never be a woman.

Okay. I'm sorry your favorite game is the worst in the series.

I respect Dark Souls 2 more than Dark Souls 3, but I had more fun in 3 than 2.

>There's a random mountain lava castle high in the sky connected by a dinky little elevator
Unbelievably kino.

>DS2 literally has a tranny gender swap item
>y-you’re the tranny!

>Said item is literally a coffin
um, based?

Neither. I'm playing through it for the first time and I'm nearly through. It's not hard, it's not challenging, it's not "tough but fair." It's laughably bad. The bosses are a joke, I've never died more than three times to any of them except Ancient Dragon.

I wanted to like DS2 because I wanted more Souls and I didn't want to buy the bad reputation. But it's terrible. I'm not convinced it's not a prank on Souls fans.

DSII is peak sovl.

Nah bro you are simply parroting eceleb hater YouTube videos and talking points!!!! What do you mean that you have played the game firsthand and can confirm it id bad? Uhhhhh you’re just making things up!!!

>Archtrees that hold up the world is kino
But that's not what Ash Lake does retard. Lordran and the great hollow are on a mountain. Ash lake isn't underground. It's just inside the mountain

No, DaS2 is still the shittiest souls game