>join lobby
>rock and stone
>kick barrels into the launch bay
>pass out drunk at the abyss bar while pissing myself
yep, a regular work day as a scout
/deep rock galactic general/
Other urls found in this thread:
I still love you even if you somehow keep getting yourself killed on top of 30 m high overhangs.
Don't call it a general unless you want us to lose the ability to talk about it on this board.
What possesses someone to know what a general is and yet still make a thread like this on Yea Forums anyways? I'm genuinely curious about the thought process. How does one end up like OP?
you mong, delete this thread now
the retardation of jannies is no concern of mine
>all these post-mood Ieddit refugees crying about "muh zenrul!"
Yup, this site's gone to dogs.
I don't know why I only discovered this in 2022 but it's the most fun I've had with a game since Valheim. 100 hours in and I haven't tired of it yet.
The fuck are you talking about? How would reddit refugees know about threads getting banished to /vg/ on the fucking regular? Mods only make exceptions for Nintendo and Fromsoft, anything else with 24/7 threads gets the boot.
Yout newfaggotry is showing
O no a video game thread!
An e-celeb or bait thread died for this!
>This rule doesn't apply to Elden Ring
>OP makes post about specific game
>Calls it [game name] general because it's a general thread about the game
>Idiots think OP is spamming the same thread over and over 24/7
You idiots take everything at face value, no wonder there's so many dumbfucks fighting about ER lore
What's the learning cruve of this game like?
I've sunk a lot of time into games like killing floor so this looks good, but it doesn't throw you right into the deep end or anything right
Not really, there's various "Hazard" levels but you should just level each class until you have access to all the gear upgrades so you don't get blown up in Hazard 4 whenever shit hits the fan. Hazard 3 is a good warm up while 4 and 5 ramp up enemy numbers, damage, and overall speed.
So you just get put with fellow based retards at the start? That's good, I haven't really played any fps since KF2 went to shit so pretty rusty, and in that game people would get really salty if you had no idea what you were doing
yo that sounds lit
love me some unique mechanics
you can just start a mission by yourself in which you can choose if people can join or not, if nobody joins you have an AI robot that helps you, and you can choose the difficulty, it goes from 1 to 5 stars and you can pick the difficulty for any mission, or just join any mission on the difficulty you want in the "server browser"
what new secondary is this from? engi?
Driller's Microwave gun.
microwaver can get neurotoxin, slowing, and radiation. absolutely busted
they are baiting us with karl.
god, i hope it turns out OP so that people have a reason not to use EPC mining anymore.
radiation with the coomgun sounds neat
As largs as the game is... It still feels small
I need more to go after and satasfying weapon's or abilities that makes me go Yaaaas
Good. Maybe this will convince them to buff subata
this is pretty much what I expected, every other class can use their secondary for aoe and primary for single target so naturally it's driller's turn
TCF with persistent plasma is ok but nowhere near the levels of magic bullets toxin for example
>so that people have a reason not to use EPC mining anymore.
You say that as if it isn't already ultra rare.
80% of drillers dont even do it.
And from the last 20%, 15% can't do it consistently, either fuck up timing or aim.
full auto subata is based as fuck and the sigma males choice
I do it if
1. I have ammo
2. scout is shit
I do it no matter what because I hate scunts and don't feel like waiting
Right now I'm not too convinced on the coil gun for Gunner. Sure it has great range and can go through walls but I'd rather have the availability and power of the revolver or the sustained fire + balanced ammo+damage of the brrt gun, depending on the primary.
Revolver is just always good and can go either single target or magic bullets, while the brrt lives and dies on its OCs but experimental rounds / compact mags / lead spray feel fantastic and complement the AC greatly imho.
Subata full auto should be on the same mod tier as accuracy, rather than an entire overclock.
You have 3 options with the damn thing:
>full auto
>slow tranq
>carpel tunnel
bullshit, if you play exclusively haz5 youll have someone do it every two missions. ultra rare my ass
>try every OC for Subata
>always fall back to full auto because it's the most practical
I'm still trying to see the point of the Chainshot OC for hitting weakpoints. If it's for Mactera waves when I'd rather spray Cryo and be done with it.
full auto should be the default.
Is radiation damage even good enough to warrant those huge downsides? Sounds worthless, tbqh
bros, how do i make the boomstick work? the only oc worth using seems to be special powder and that's if you're playing on a team because it trades damage for mobility, and jumbo shells don't do nearly as much damage as the pistols + it takes forever to reload while using it
>radiation and slow and neurotoxin for a few ammo
daily reminder that slow grenades >>> cryo grenades except when mactera warning
all this while being coomed on
jumbo shells actually do a lot of damage
the problem is that the spread is like 170 degrees so you NEED to stuff it up a bug's ass before you pull the trigger
i'm too lazy for that so i just use embedded dets
neurotoxin payload would be busted even if it had an ammo penalty
yes user DoT effects are good if you can survive for a couple seconds while enemies die, DoTs increase your total damage tremendously
>instantly delete breeders
>make shellback armor useless
>neutralize the on-death effect of any threat beside robots
>make space for panic revives
>literally the only thing to worry about is heat sources, but you can still cause temp shock
You're delusional.
take the incendiary pill
slow grenades are only good in situations that are already under control
therefore they are useless
By the look of it, the microwave needs you to tag them much closer than neuro. So that's kind of a liability.
I EPC everything
>red sugar on the ceiling
>dead scout on the ceiling
>shit that would obscure sight lines during salvage/black box events
>groups of bugs
>groups of mactera
sometimes I'll use it to cap off a tunnel so everyone can see entrances/exits easier
the turret arc OC is great for this, just drag swarms back and forth through the arc and kill everything smaller than a praetorian for almost no ammo
it's ok to be a greenbread
tfw axes are getting nerfed
>shit that would obscure sight lines during salvage/black box events
that's what your fucking drills are for, but thank you regardless for being part of the 2% of drillers that bother to do that
it sure is, don't go posting your greenbeard opinions as if they were fact.
hope you learned from your mistake.
>start lobby
>unique classes only
>kick scouts constantly for giggles
I love this game.
care to elaborate?
I don't like turret arc, EM discharge is so much better because you have larger aoe and more control over when you detonate
then again I don't play solo so in solo play arc might work because the bugs are always aggroed on you so you can lead them
Please say sike
big talk for someone still wiping consistently in haz1
Call me when HE grenades detonate on contact. I want to shake the meta and Hoxxes itself with them but they're so bad.
The only friemd I've played this game with refused to play anything other than scout
I miss my wife bros
Our pay has increased tenfold!
honestly, the only nerf it would need is it not deleting minerals themselves like the drills do. if you want to shoot shit off the wall, do it, but you basically have to disconnect the entire vein from the wall making it not worth it for larger veins. the whole terraforming aspect is fine to me, its just the trivialization of mining minerals. if you want mine the ore with your drills because the devs want to avoid a dedicated mineral class then the EPC shouldnt be able to mine minerals either. but i doubt they would add that. the TCF is basically just an explosion with different sound and animation anyways so theyd have to completely redo the TCF explosion to ignore minerals.
>axes are only picked because the other two options are completely fucking useless (and actively detrimental in neurotoxin's case)
>nerf axes instead of giving the others literally any reason whatsoever to actually be picked