Even Reddit hates Elden Ring. But nu/v/ rides it’s cock despite all the shortcomings...

Even Reddit hates Elden Ring. But nu/v/ rides it’s cock despite all the shortcomings. It seems nu/v/ is more Reddit than the actual site.

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What do you mean "even Reddit", as if that is anything to go by.
Everyone with an ounce of brain understands the game is heavily flawed.

>90% of the game can and IS ignored by the community by just running or gallopping by it to get to something that is actually real content
He is 100% right about this.
Imagine being outsmarted by a fucking redditor LMFAO
Couldn't be me. I'm not an open world garbage fan.

It seems nu/v/ doesn’t though. They blindly proclaim it as a masterpiece.

Only some cocksuckers. Even a lot of people that enjoy this game admit its flaws, namely it being diminished by falling for the open world meme

So if reddit hates it, that means Yea Forums must love it.

This is what kills me about elden ring. Its so easy to just breeze thru almost all of the game. And honestly theres no reason to do anything out in the world too, its a dead and static world.

if that was the case, people would write "git gud" and "you didnt beat the game" all the time

Not only that but I think his strongest argument is this game being developed around streaming culture and how their shitty feedback is held over the opinions of actual fans. This is honestly very true with ER.

Go back

>waaaah you can skip 90% of the content
>now skyrim, thats a REAL game

Uhh user...

I didn't really get that part desu
If you mean it's appealing to the "git gud" sayers, then... Yeah. That's always been half of the appeal of the series for like half the fanbase, even the Demon Souls originals.
And wouldn't streamers rather not spend 5+ hours on a boss?
The open world garbage is inexcusable, though. The redditor is spot on with that.

90% of 'the content' is gay crafting shit and chalice dungeons. i'm glad you can skip it.
you could skip like 70% of the content in bloodborne.

I know it's like 7:15 in America and you're waiting for school to start but that doesn't mean you need to have conversations with yourself.

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At this point its a coping mechanism or trolling.
Broken Farum Azulam is nearly identical to DaS2 Draong aerie with the same "see and hit you through walls" shit and yet people act like it isnt pure garbage coding.

Nice strawman. Skyrim is so open world garbage. And so is every Elder Scrolls, for that matter.
The one Yea Forums cocksucks the most, Morrowind, is the smallest by far. Not a coincidence.

Yea Forums IS reddit.

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It would be worse if you couldn't skip it, but getting to skip it doesn't excuse it being there to begin with.

From artificial difficulty to shit like crafting, open world etc are probably implemented by the pr team of bamco that only listened to shitty streamers in the west.

Best post in the thread

>complains about fromfags gatekeeping
>cheeses twin tree sentinels
>complains about other streamers using spirit ashes

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That's just what normies eat up like slop. It way predates streamers.

You got it in one, there, bucko. Elden Ring is Skyrim for a new generation.

I am not American and no i wasn’t samefagging, retarded fromdrone.


Is this what discordtrannies have to resort to now?
Reddit posts?

>it’s too big

Disregard all the retards who bring up Nioh. Elden Ring has its problems, but Nioh is fucking trash.

Who the fuck complains about gatekeeping? If you knew how to read the point of this thread was lack of gatekeeping that contributed to the birth of Elden Ring which is the most streamlined shit From has developed.

You can't do varres quest without online. So basically you miss access to lore

Open world and crafting appealing to retards because it sounds good even though it plays like shit is a thing that has been happening for around 2 decades now

>ends the spike from fappening halfway in to try to keep the number low
>"the election cycle" is three fucking years
It's a post, but I wouldnt exactly call it the best.

>still thinks there are a bunch of mentally ill people that actively post organized shitposts here
>so schizophrenic that he doesn’t realize game wasn’t as good as it was marketted

>Who the fuck complains about gatekeeping?
DSP does, the subject of the post you fucking mongoloid.

>my secret club was better when there was only 25 million visitors per day.

Skyrim is a better game yes

>We'll have Elden Ring VS Starfield VS BOTW (2?) wars over which open world shit stinks the least
Wake me up

Kek, yeah

user, raid culture never died, it just found a home offsite. First it was IRC and skype now its discord.

It unironically was because we didn't have rampant cuck, tranny and jewposting the second americans woke up.

>subject of the post
Op hasn’t posted Dsp shut the fuck up with your off topic retarded ramblings fuckwitted subhuman.

There is objective proof of multiple groups of mentally ill people who organize shitposts here.

holy shit that guy lmao

He is not wrong and you are still cringe.

You need to remember that most posts come from NEETs. The last Californians just went to bed at 3AM their time and we entered euro hours when they hit noon.

This but unironically.

Check your pot kettle interface, turning one off topic post nobody gave a shit about into an argument in OPs thread. Have some fucking respect and play with your duplos

This, I lurk raid discords and social media all day so I know what's going on here and on other BBS sites. It's a game for me to navigate and understand the meta. Also helps me better contextualize MSM current events and propaganda.

>implying jewmutt degeneracy is just a cali issue

>Posting ledddit screenchot
>Not to mention a phoneposter
You need to go back user.

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>Yea Forums is one person
>reddit is one person
it's so tiresome

If they took Nioh and simplified it down by removing 99% of the loot, it'd be a decent game.

the only good crafting in vidya was making drinks in dead rising 1

Nioh is fantastic even with the shitty loot system. You tards just got filtered.

Shut your manlet mouth, Todd.

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I agree with the bosses, they are, save for like 3 all fucking pathetic. The game expects you to cheese them or use some sort of busted failsafe strategy. I think it's because DS3s bosses were too good and Gael was their peak so it looks bad by comparison.
Also, while Radagon was OK the Elden Beast fight was a pathetic way to end the game. It's Nashandra tier and only saved by the music.
Other than bosses the game is great though

>resorting to actual reddit posts
Holy shit, you're getting desperate

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>The intro is a sad series of comic book panels.
I noticed this too. Why does it start off so cheap

cool so we're just taking screenshots of plebbit on our phones now
this board just keeps getting better by the day

DS3 only has a handful of good bosses in the base game.
>cheese them or use some kind of busted failsafe strategy
This is code for “I couldn’t figure out how to roll and hit the thing like previous games”

>shitting on ds2
opinion discarded