I love Stranger of Paradise for its hilarious silliness and satisfying combat system, but the PC port is the WORST I've seen in my whole life and we've had absolute dogshit PC ports before.
How was this even greenlighted by Square?
I love Stranger of Paradise for its hilarious silliness and satisfying combat system, but the PC port is the WORST I've seen in my whole life and we've had absolute dogshit PC ports before.
How was this even greenlighted by Square?
>Game enters slow motion mode every time I use Lightbringer
>How was this even greenlighted by Square?
Because they got their Timmybux and didn't have to worry about making a good port
they couldn’t even bother to port kingdom hearts 1 and 2 to the switch
they don’t care
>starts playing linkin park
Who wrote this
the port isn't exceptionally bad, the majority of the issues with it afflict the console versions as well
But we are not switch peasants, we should be treated with dignity, pc bro.
A king
I'm not trying to doubt you, but I find hard to believe it looks the same in consoles that in the video I linked, because it's pure dogshit PS2 graphics like I've never seen before and usually they treat consolefags much better.
>limp bizkit
And that's one of the funniest scenes I've ever seen in a videogame.
I had a worse experience with elden ring with the random stutters, input delay and input queue in combat than I did in this game.
The slowdown during burst at least doesn't kill me as it only stays during the animation and the one time it I had framerate drops affect a fight was the last boss second phase cause they went spastic with the particle effects.
Ha, amongst all the shilling I had totally forgotten ER was a bugged up shit show. Fancy that. The psyop worked. Not well enough to get me to buy it but it worked all the same.
turn off anticheat play offline and all of those issues are gone.
why put effort into making a egs exclusive port good when sales don't matter after getting paid upfront
I had no lag/suttering issues with Elden Ring, but SoP runs terrible for me. Deadly Premonition levels of terrible, I mean.
Maybe it's because I'm using an AMD card+CPU?
Digital foundry and other sites have looked into this. Disabling anti-cheat & playing offline doesn't affect performance unless your CPU is old and was already over utilized in the first place. We're going to be having this same fucking conversation for eternity where people claim to have fixes for the microstuttering and frame pacing issues in ER when they don't because there is literally no fix outside of FROM fixing their piss poor implementation of DX12 which is never going to happen.
>I had no lag/suttering issues with Elden Ring
The reality is that you either didn't notice them or you were lucky enough to have them as low as they could possibly be. EVERYONE playing ER on PC is getting stuttering to some degree. If you don't believe me, install rivatuner, put the frametime graphs up on screen and run around random parts of the world. Your frametimes should be completely solid or should be consistant with the framerate you drop down to if you do drop frames at all. People keep saying shit like "I didn't have stutters, works for me :^)" but then they bounce once someone asks them to post frametime logs.
I'm not that user, but I can only offer you my personal experience and having played Elden Ring with no online/no anticheat it all ran as smooth as Neon's pussy. With online active, well, it was a complete stutterfest.
My GPU/CPU are not old, I bought my gaming rig 2 years ago.
Buying your CPU 2 years ago doesn't mean shit. Why don't you just say what CPU/GPU you've got.
spbp, AAA companies don't even need to put any effort into PC ports again, they can just shit out half-assed shit-tier ports and don't have to worry about a thing, because Timmy will shill out the Big Timbux and the companies will take it no questions asked.
The standard PS4 runs it like complete ass, looks and runs worse than my outdated GPU.
Well, I was using a day one patch version and the only stutter I've noticed is when I enter a new zone. Max graphs and everything flows pretty well, but I will use a FPS counter next time I play the game because I'm curious.
Because I'm not a summerfag and I know you are trying to doxx me to blackmail me into having gay sex with you.
Is this game dead
Well, PS4 is retro hardware at this point, but I would worry if the PS5 version looked and ran like shit.
They still released on it so it's fair criticism.
Back from a bit of a hiatus.
I am STILL accepting submissions for the Yea Forums sings of Shadows Rising. Will post lyrics next.
it's a single player game
Both worked on my machine, SoP had problems in some cutscenes because hair/fur on NPCs was retardedly unoptimized
Overall people seemed to have way fewer issues with ER though
It's so fucking dead, it doesn't even have a single person playing on Steam
Based Beatanon
More like less people had issues with ER than SOP. The issues in ER were much worse than those in SOP. Pick your poison.
But like, the other point is that SOP is on EGS. Fuck EGS I wanted to play SOP
You are absolutely right, user.
Maybe. I'm playing it and loving it, but it runs like pure dog shit and its graphics makes me want to puke from time to time. They butchered this game on a technnical level so hard I can't even imagine what the fuck happened.
Ffxv pc version was never fixed
>low budget game gets low budget port
more news at 11
there's absolutely no way it was as bad as arkham knight or just cause 3
>Game run like shit on every platforms
>PortCuck race keep trying to make it all about them
They really should just drop those fags already, the only thing they're good at is crying like a bitch
Just turn off the 'prioritize fps option' retard.
Is the PS4 version better than the PC one?
>another retard who can't simply uncheck 'prioritize FPS'
lolno, it's awful from start to finish. PS4 pro fare better but it's still not great
there was never any issue with the game performance. it was a twitter lie and people who never played it are forcing a narrative. the issue affects less than 1% of players.
the fuck does this mean?
Not like that game would be worth playing even if it ran flawlessly
hey fags, game looks like shit? there is a reason, you're computer illeterate retard who don't even test graphics options
So either I buy a PS5, or I get the PC and beg modders to fix their game. Great.
This game could've made serious bank if it had a solid steam port
The game would still be shit for many other reasons even if it ran well.
>you live in a world where someone not only captured gimped game footage , they REVIEWED the game based off their shitty smeared vasoline ps2 gfx because the game PRIORITIZED KEEPING THEIR FPS AT 144hz OR WHATEVER IS MUCH HIGHER THAN 60
The game looks and runs fine. Modders don't need to fix shit. YOU need to fix your graphics options.
user the game does look better if you disable the option to prioritize FPS but it does not look good and most definitely doest NOT run fine.
Get good faggottroon. Go play you little elden shit and other games for trannies ibstead of badmouthing a good game you absolute freak
the game will never be fixed btw
not with models like these
it also looks 10 times worse than both Nioh games
there are additional comments on the japanese site about the 1.03 update :
I just used google translate but it sounds like they at least acknowledged the crap framerate and will be working on it on future updates
game looks good for me at medium settings, and runs well too with minimal slowdowns. was expecting a lot worse considering what I've read
all of this just so this fag can self plug his channel
Where do you disable that on ps4 pro?
absolutely nothing then, dont know what i was expecting booting up again
I love the game, tho. But I will never admit it in public.
Sadly it fixes nothing but minor bugs.
The game looks like shit with ps2 textures in some places. It doesn't make it a bad game but the blurriness even at 1080p is inexcusable.
I still enjoy it, I'm a slow player though. I take it a chapter a time. Just beat the fourth fiend and had to beat up poor Bikke again.
>Relaxed the timing requirements to make it easier to initiate the next action following the end of an enemy's soul burst sequence.
Are you really surprised after Nier Automata?