>glitches break game at the core
Glitches break game at the core
Sorry but trans women aren’t women. You are a mentally ill man.
Fuck you rowling you fucking biggot fu fu fu fu fu fu fu
>t. scientifically illiterate retard
>he still thinks they will fix it in a patch
so tru bro. the people who want my money said exactly what I want to hear
>jew article
Nice try
Okay then have a baby, I'll wait
trans women are women, the science has already settled on this 7 years ago
so if a woman is infertile, she's automatically not a woman?
not all women are infertile, are they sweetie
>everyone that disagrees with me is a jew
100% of fake women (trannies) can’t have children
99% of real women (non trannies) can have children
Just because a cooking stove broke down doesn’t mean it didn’t cook food at one point
>everyone thinks you are a cis female
You know damn well there's a difference between an infertile female and a male who thinks he's a woman.
you can't reproduce with what you play as, can you?
why do you play as female?
luckily that's not what defines a woman
What's a woman?
Luckily trans women will never be women
A person who performs the female gender role.
>plays as a woman in his favorite RPG
>still doesn't grasp the concept of a choice
A miserable pile of lies.
only for people that are science deniers
Then please define "a woman" for us.
Is it "person who claims to be a woman"?
That begs the question though, of "what is this person claiming to be?"
What a fucking retarded article lmao.
You will never change your pair of chromosomes from XY to XX you fucking retard.
Yea I’m not going to listen to a lick of nonsense from someone who looks like a faggot monk
>trust the ((((fact)))))"checkers"
I rate your post as faggy and gay
That's bigoted user
every woman is different, only the person themselves can know for sure
And what is the female gender role?
You cannot define this without mentioning sex.
What's a-what's a woman?
Honestly, ugly women exist
Not sure why you may want to be one, but eh, power to you if you do
Every human is different. You can still easily define a human as a homo sapiens lifeform.
Why do you want to be a woman then?
chromosomes don't define your fucking gender
I will be a real woman and you literally can't stop me
A woman is someone who would make me a sandwich
there's is a 90% they are jewish, and 100% they are antiwhite.
Yes. May you be flailed, flayed, deboned, then grilled. all while alive.
Or perhaps you might define a broach? Or a writing desk?? Or a potato waffle??? Oho! Ohohohohoh, how gauche!
Fuck off.
human isn't a social construct and is quantifiable
women have XX chromosomes
men have XY chromosomes
>Same scientificamerican who shat all over the British Medical Journal
The jokes write themselves. only this isn't a joke and these faggots are serious.
>By Simón(e) D Sun
gender roles is a form of fascistic tyranny
Dunno why no one said that already, it's litterally the whole point
You will never pass.
He had to let everyone know he's not an actual female, like we couldn't have guessed
Not the Asians....
most of anti white sentiment is grounded in the fact that whites are abusive and manipulative
They do tho
Every human society that ever existed was a "fascistic tyranny" then.
The tranny that wrote that scientific american article is asian
genuinely curious, why are you here? you could be browsing any site/forum/etc that accepts you. is the rush you get from fishing for (you)'s that much better than the reddit inbox turning orange or getting blue numbers on you twitter notifications? is it being able to shitpost here without having to deal with the consequences of having an account that logs your posts worth the sort of hatred this place's regulars have for posters like you? is the idea that there are spaces for people who disagree with you and/or don't like you simply too much for you too handle? why do you insist on coming here of all places when this is like one of only two major sites (the other ironically being facebook) that doesn't accept you? the rest of the internet is on your side why even bother with us?
Remember, the fundamental belief of a leftist is that girls must have long hair and wear dresses
>chromosomes don't define your fucking gender
They do.
Gender and sex are still synonymous here,I don't care what you westoids might say but that's how it is.
You'd think that defining your "gender" would be the end of the slipper slope but yet here we fucking are and retards like (You) are questioning basic concepts like sex or chromosomes.
>Simón(e) is a PhD candidate in the Tsien Lab and is broadly interested in plasticity of the nervous system. Their research...
so it's a woman? never seen a they/them man
All Americans should be put to the torch.
The current concept of gender is so fucking retarded
>let's make a word to define all the social/cultural characteristics associated to biological sex
>now let's divorce it from biological sex so it can be whatever you want
It's a meaningless empty category
Reddit is the other way faggot
yes? and now it's time to let it go
That's kinda sexist desu
>chop penis off
>become suicidal
>commit suicide
wow, you really trolled 'em bro.
If he is tranny, if she is a real woman than wearing dresses is subverting feminism and assisting patriarchy
There is an impostor among us
I was bullied as a kid, I don't trust anyone that is nice to me
> The U.S.A. has no poets, no painters, no architects or composers of world stature. Whatever culture it has is borrowed from Europe. The land lacks its own language, culture, and civilization. It has borrowed everything, generally debasing it by Americanizing it, never improving it. Americanization is a kind of kitschification that gives every cultural value an American stamp, turning a mature language into slang, the waltz into jazz, a work of literature into a crime story.
>If the Americans lacked money, they would probably be the most despised people in the world. Superiority is nowhere as annoying as with them. They naturally build the best airplanes and tanks, and by the hundreds of thousands. They have the best generals and soldiers, and their defeats are only proof of their intelligence in destroying the bravery of their enemies. Their president is a demigod, though he led the nation into an economic catastrophe from which he saw no way out other than war. They promised Europe a savior in 1917 and sent them a Wilson in 1919. They will repeat this great betrayal today if we do not prevent it. In short, it is a nation still a long way from being a nation, and a people that lacks the most important prerequisite for being a people, a clear style of life.
>We would not say anything if the U.S.A. were aware of its intellectual and moral defects and was trying to grow up. But it is too much when it behaves in an impudent manner toward a part of the earth with a few thousands years of glorious history behind it, attempting to teach it moral and intellectual lessons, whether out of innocence or a complete lack of genuine culture and learning. We can forgive the mistakes of youth, but this degree of arrogance gets on one’s nerves.