He doesnt 100% a game

>He doesnt 100% a game
>He claims he's 'beaten' the game

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I used to be a trophy/completionist autist but I'm past that phase. I'd rather normally beat a game twice than do a single 100% run

what was teh last game you 100%ed

Hollow Knight

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I beat and 100% every girl that I play.

I try to complete all worthwhile content, sidequests, optional bosses etc but if 100% means finding the 300 hidden collectables it can get fucked, that's just busy work. Also used to be a trophy autist but stopped when too many games required multiple playthroughs.

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You didnt 100% it, so you didnt beat the game

the most popular speedrun category is any%

If you reach the credits you beat the game, as collectively agreed upon by 99.9% of normal humans. Sorry you're a sperg.

I very rarely find a game thats actually fun and worth doing a 100% run on its usually just boring shit like "find all the weapons" "find all the documents" "find all the items"

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I beat your mother

>he plays chess
>tries to get the king and not 100% the board

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Completionists get filtered of every game I like

For example ToMe4, DCSS or Noita kek, get fucked

even in Nioh 2 they get filtered

>Playing minecraft
>Not mining every block

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You will torture yourself and waste time to fill a bar that you will look at for ten seconds before uninstalling the game

beat != complete

>he doesn't 1CC an arcade game
>he claims he's 'beaten' the game

>He doesn't completely eat everything on his plate, he "didn't eat" that food

true, no dessert for you

>he doesn't datamine the game after completing it

>he doesnt write a thesis on the game

Dread was the last game I played that felt fun to 100%

Usually a game just feels too frustrating to 100%

>not datamining cut content and finishing it before adding it to the game and then 100%ing everything

You didn't even PLAY the game so how could you even dream of beating it?

Yes you
>Didn't finish your dinner honey
you're arguing against yourself

i've finished a game when i drop it. whether its 100% or 10% complete.

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When the credits roll that’s good enough for me

How do you do that anyway?

Ghost of Tsushima.
I think I remember every game I ever 100%d actually.

Spiderman PS4
Mad Max
Majora's mask
Medievil, both PS1 and PS4
Mario Kart DS
Mario 3D Land

I guess I just really like the letter M.

Like everything in life you need to figure out what is important and focus your effort on that. Trying to do everything is a road to defeat.

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I was gonna say, do you only 100% games with the letter M?

thank you sensei

>Wife dead? GOOD!

yes i beat the game but not completed it

You will never be as cool as Feech.

>Ghost of Tsushima
did you actually 100% it or just get the Platinum? I ask because you don't actually need to get all the hidden cosmetics and all of the minor collectibles to get the Platinum.
the last game I Platinumed was Stranger of Paradise, but I wouldn't say I 100%ed it.
the last game I 100%ed was Ender Lilies.
I think my most impressive 100%/Platinum is Dark Cloud 2. I wouldn't recommend trophy hunters go for that one, but it's one of my all time favorite games so I actually enjoyed doing it.

>You didn't make a 5 hour 3 part video essay
Sorry but thats a no beat for me

Ive only 100%d dragon age origins and the first bioshock and it wasnt as fun as just beating it how i want

You jest but that's unironically how i read books
>Read book
>Underline interesting passages and fold pages to know where these passages are
>When i finish a chapter i write all of these passages and notes/comments in my notebook
>When i finish the entire book, i type all of my notes into a word file so i can easily look it up in the future

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>He doesn't beat the game on the hardest difficulty with initial equip at the lowest level.
>He claims he's 'beaten' the game

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> He doesn't agree with how you do things, and that keeps you up at night.


With the advent of cheat engine its not that impressive 100%ing a game anymore.

I'll 100% your mom.

I'm the human, it's the game. It's beaten whenever I decide it is.

>completing the game 100% requires an item with

>100% game
>you can still miss out content.

>Complete 10,000 daily missions
oh yeah I beat the game woo hoo

>Have to not play the game to complete it

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>Play on the same server as one of the developers

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go back to sucking dicks on reddit

oh no...

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>Devs put in an unachievable achievement to deny anyone 100%

>*credits roll*
>done, on to the next one

I usually go for 100% on my second playthrough so I'm not stressing over whether or not I missed something like trophies or collectables.

I did everything in Arkham city recently (yes, all 400 and something trophies) before I found out you have to also complete ng+ to get the achievement

Guess I'll get it in a few years when I feel like playing it again

Last year I decided to 100% every Assassins creed (even the huge open world ones) - first I did origins, odyssey and valhalla as I only needed a few achivs for the first two and was playing valhalla anyway

Then I did 1, and ezio trilogy, some annoying stuff like feathers/flags in 2 but nothing major

Then I do 3, some annoying stuff with some missions but not a big deal

Get to 4, online achievements when it's literally impossible to get one lobby, let alone get to max rank - killed my desire to ever 100% a game again

Cleaned the entire map, every flower, every armor, every fox, cosmetic, -everything-.
I suppose I just like killing Mongols.

If you beat the final boss and see credits you beat the game


>game has the credits on the main menu
>click it
>beat the game
That easy.

>Play a game on normal
>Win easily
>Play a game on hard
>AI cheats
>Technical knowledge and strategy is useless
>Half of the game's effects either don't work or are significantly undertuned
>Everything comes down to how hard you abuse and minmax for one or two strategies instead
>Expecting me to continue playing
100% is trash.

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>First playthrough
>use a guide
>look up the most meta build
>Steamroll through it
>beat game
>rate 3/10, too easy

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