20 deaths against Melania so I do a single Mimic Tear attempt for a laugh to see how it goes and I fuck her up first...

20 deaths against Melania so I do a single Mimic Tear attempt for a laugh to see how it goes and I fuck her up first try. How the hell are you retards honestly saying that summons aren't cheesing?

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Don't care, I still beat the game.

Yeah, after beating the game only two-handing curved greatswords I am playing an incanter this time. Since I have nothing left to prove anymore, I started using spirits and they make the game laughably easy. It's actual journalist difficulty, especially so if you go for a melee spirit while you are yourself a caster. I am completely trivializing the game using tools I ran into naturally, but neglected using, the first time around.
You didn't really beat the game.

Same. All my friends tell me I didn't actually beat it just because I used CE to give myself infinite HP.

why are people still acting shocked that using all the intended mechanics makes the game easier

>Stop neglecting intended mechanics that make you stronger
>game is now easier

Bet you weren't even stacking lots of buffs either

>use all mechanics at your disposal
>game is now trivial
I fixed it for you.

It's almost like the later fights were designed around summons or something. It's the equivalent of saying Bloodborne is too hard because you don't gun parry.

What does that even mean? Are you really not seeing that you put your self-worth in a fucking video-game? Nobody fucking cares you are not accomplishing anything. You want hard? Succeed at fucking life you maidenless trash.

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>using a core game mechanic is the same as using a trainer to make yourself literally unkillable
Goddamn, shitters really are seething that my win for Elden Ring is the exact same as theirs, despite using Moonveil and +10 Mimic Tear the entire time.

Some summons are cheese, and some aren't. It's not one way or the other like you retards think. Some summons increase engagement with the game, whereas others lower it and make the game a snooze fest.

Jesus Christ learn what nuance is for fucks sake.

So? I still beat the game. Stop caring so much about what other people do.

A game needs to have good design for there to be a meaningful distinction between cheese and a legitimate win
You can cheese Melania with barricade shield + poke instead of Mimic. There are a bunch of ways to do it. It's lame as fuck. The FS b-team should be disbanded

I beat the game and your mom

I personally think that pic related is necessary to make this clunky console game entertaining.

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After I fought O'Neill I realized it definitely is cheesing. Still they only helped with phase 1.

>shitters really are seething that my win for Elden Ring is the exact same as theirs
But it's not though

>it's SUPPOSED to be bad, unfun, boring, and unsatisfying, it was LITERALLY designed for summons!

You didn't really beat the game

>game gives you a tool to use

If you beat the game using summoned spirits, then someone who beat the game without really is better than you.

using words, explain how someone is "better" by artificially making something more difficult

Why do Redditors get so triggered about this? It's okay, you trying to defend using summons in a fucking Souls game already speaks volumes. The Elden Ring sub is full of self proclaimed "Souls Vets" who shamelessly talk about using Summons and STILL dying to fucking bosses for 2 hours. You just suck dick at games.

its an overpowered tool and it lowers the difficulty of the game tremendously.

>Is so bad at speccing his build, roll timing, and parrying he has to resort to a broken mechanic
Nah you're just a shitter. It's okay though

because they beat something that was more difficult than the thing you beat. Artificial or not.

Projecting much? Nobody cares about your shitty ass game. Just fuck off and suck a turd out of my ass.

They really beat the game for one.

This fucking projection. Clearly OP is the one triggered if he's constantly making these threads. Let me guess, you were too shit to beat the bosses """fairly""" but also too stubborn/stupid to use in-game mechanics to beat the bosses.

When I beat the game (using Mimic Tear nearly every fight), I did the age of stars ending? What ending did you get? Or are you still struggling to beat Malenia? She took me 2 tries with summons.

Holy shit just go back to R*ddit already you faggot. At least nobody there will make fun of you for being bad at a singleplayer game

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>p-projecting much?! s-suddenly I don't care about the thread I entered or its topic a-anymore! N-nobody cares at all!

>Summoning for EVERY fucking Boss
>Mimic Tear
You unironically did not beat the game

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See You can stop spamming the board with this trash.

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I beat the game.

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I used a trainer to blast through the game because I got bored halfway through.
I beat the game, got one of the endings and watched rest on youtube.
Also didnt pay for the game either :)

>baby retard wants to give his opinion but can use big boy words

So how does that make you better? Does driving a car with one hand tied behind your back and with a broken window and refusing to leave 1st gear make you a better driver because you're having a harder time doing it?

>baby retard wants to give his opinion but can use big boy words

>Redditor considers the word Shitter as a big word
Please just go back already this is embarrassing on your end

If you don't use summons the game is even more bare of items, sometimes you'll clear a dungeon and just get a tear.
What a boring game.

>Bro, you didn't beat the game with one arm tied behind your back?

Nice false equivalence. Too bad you can't downvote me huh

>play fps
>with mouse like God intended
>point at the enemy
>click click click
>he's dead
Wow nice cheesing you supposed to do that with electrodes connected to potatoes so you didn't really beat the game.

I said to explain HOW it makes you better, and you can and you're getting upset about it, and using ad hominems because you actually can't think a coherent thought through to the end

This is a cope post if I've ever seen one. You're just bad at Elden Ring. It's a singleplayer game just move on bro you beat the game

>Cries about ad hominems
>Types "baby retard" in the same post
Come on man, use your brain next time

As long as the game was fun for you user

Not the same thing, fromdrone.

Why are people trying to equate spirit ashes to player summons? Totally different shit.

>Splits Aggro
>Tanks shots for you
>Deals damage
How is it any different user

Really? I thought she could keep fully healing by attacking the mimic because he doesn't dodge. I guess the two of you can out dps her?

How are they cheating if they're in the fucking game? You don't have to hack or cheat to obtain or use them at all.

>actual unironic muh seekret klub no gurls allowed tier poster who thinks there is a reddit boogeyman targeting him

fucking kek

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>Redditor attempts to move goalpost after crying about being called shit at a singleplayer game
Why do you care so much user?

Mimic Tear is functionally just co-op with a player except the boss's health isn't increased to compensate for it.

God damn bro how the fuck can you even operate a computer with an IQ that low. We get it, you want to show how big your e-penis is because you played a video game extra extra hard. I'm sure mom is proud

The problem is that so many of the people that think they "beat the game" and ignored one mechanic abused another. So many people ran around with rivers of blood like it was nothing, people spammed hoarfrost stomp before the nerf, people abusing Arcane, etc. There are so many strong tools in Elden Ring you literally have to tell yourself not to use them to create a false sense of insane difficulty.

It's different because ER is lazy shit, so they made the game around the idea of you not always being the main target. Justified with the ash summons. So, if you don't use it, you're not playing the game as the lazy japs intended.

Player summons are significantly worse because they increase the boss hp, have low hp themselves and have worse AI than the ash summon AIs despite being real people

It's not cheating, it's just playing on easy difficulty.

>Fixed power level
>Can't heal itself
>Costs FP (besides mimic)
>Controlled by inferior AI

It's just another type of equip, a good player can straight up beat the boss for you.

No. The game is unfair and the devs admit it. That's why there's summons. If you aren't using summons you're playing it wrong

Still mad you cant downvote my post?

>Its different because Im dogshit at the game and is too hard for me so I have to use built in crutches the devs put in for casuals like me so I can beat the game instead of improving

I wouldn't use summons if you didn't have to parry her 3 times to get a crit

There are several tools that lower the difficulty of the game tremendously, almost as if they're put there intentionally by the people who developed the game

This. If the game wasn't unfair I wouldn't use it. Lol

cheesing is video games. if youre using a kat or any one handed weapon you were technically cheesing compared to someone using heavy/colossal weapons due to the inherent gameplay benefiting quicker hits and heavy weapons best tactics being heavily nerfed through the series

you should alway pick the most optimal option unless you want bragging rights(and if you do no one cares pve wise unless youre a speedrunner). i would summon other players literally through the entire game if they could remain indefinitely or until they die of course

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Because of the spread misinfo that FROM just makes hard games when really it's just autist ironman gamers who make it hard for themselves

>If I wasnt dogshit at the game I wouldnt use summons. Lol

The game is balanced around Summons because they were included into the game and there are like 60 of them.
>t beat the game twice, one without and one with

>election newfag is upset his imaginary internet buddies on four-chan aren't proud of him for playing a video game
what's the matter little buddy, did you just get banned from your favorite subreddit because you just couldn't stop yourself from saying the N word

>Election newfag
>Reddit tier sarcasm designed to get updoots
>Cant bear to say nigger
Please go back already

>Give boss 9999999 poise when it's a tiny human with a sword
>Parry once, just a small stagger
>Parry again, same thing.
>Assume you just can't parry her and do a different tactic
Or from could make fairer games. Not that they want it to be hard anyways they want you to use ashes at least

Oh no, anybody could beat it without summons. Any nigger can learn a pattern. That's basically what this game is; memorizing patterns. Not skill. That's why they give you summons, frommie. To compensate for the unfairness.