Meanwhile, at the Yea Forumsolcano manor

Attached: Elden Ring Dark Souls From Software Kino Ludo Open World Miyazaki Ranni Coom Game Dung Eater Sseth Mandalore.jpg (900x900, 82.1K)

Other urls found in this thread:

This is my daughter!

Say something nice about her!

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>Vidya butts thread #6969

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>tfw no snek daughter

i wanna fertilize your daughter's eggs


Who took the pizza cutter from the kitchen?

Stop trying to break the fake walls late at night, I am trying to sleep!

tarnished rolled through the chairs again ffs
going to fetch some more be back in half a moon

i read this as
>tfw no shrek daughter

/tfw no shrek daughter

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Watch out for those shady links being posted, I clicked one and ended up at the Divine Bridge with half my runes missing. Tried to tell the mod but he's just hiding behind Tanith not doing his fucking job as usual. And if you read this Patches, fuck you too you ban-evading faggot.


can we please turn on the lights I keep bumping my knee

I'm out, coz. Got a genetic i-frame deficiency. Found fy ngwely, found fy llyfrau, and it's warm here. Don't visit me for lore, and DON'T fucking hug me, faggot.

>so, why does nobody come back after their audience with our lord?

>pokes crucible knight

Alright who the fuck let in the Bloodhound Knight? There's a reason that fucker is hidden in the walls

The one thing I really dislike about the game is how easily you fuck up side quests

s-sorry it was her feeding time and she slipped out..

>kisses crucible knight

Holy shit I love jerking off to snake-people?.
Does anyone else in the serpent family feel the same way?
I'm so glad I left those blood losers in favour of the snussy

>didnt know if i found 1 (one) illusory wall i would have found out there was an entire dungeon in the volcano manor

>You ever hear... sounds... in the walls...?

>no i do not *fucking leaves thinking that i did everything there was to do in gelmir*
i thought she was referring to rykard or some shit, metaphorically

>Rykard is in the walls
If you looked at the map for longer than 1 millisecond you would have noticed a conspicuous amount of detail and buildings you haven't actually seen yet, or that Rykard's boss room wasn't exactly very close.

Who the fuck let that bald asshole in here?

>hm cool detail for a place il probably never go to, fromsoft always adding in their scenery
you cant blame me

This is probably the first open world game that has a real functioning ingame-map instead of Geography overlayed with quest markers.

the capital mogs anor londo is all im saying

I swear to fucking Rykard when I find out which one of you keeps cumming on Lady Tanith's chair I'm going to tail whip you into a fucking coma

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>random offtopic response"


its a comparison you midwit



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STFU and buy my shit

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Comparison to something nobody was talking about huh?

damn he even looks jewish
why did tanith let this m*rchant in?

I'm getting at the difference in dept you fuckhead

we get it, elemer, you hate merchants.

Difference in "dept" of what?

Playable area you explore more in ER than DS

This thread is so redd*t and cringe holy fuck. This is embarrassing.

>newfag bumps a thread that he doesn't like
is it for attention, or are you a genuine bonafide retard

thats only in the western (jewish) DeS remake

Every snake-woman is pregnant. Good job dudes.



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Heading to the isolated merchant's shack to pick up some lumps of flesh. You guys want anything?

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Alright guys I got a confession, I actually came here for WT Ofnir, he wanted to know what you fags have been up to. I don't think he's gonna care much so it should be cool, I'll just make my report then come back, this place is much more based than the fucking Roundtable anyway. I just need to go see Hiroykard first, Admin Tanith said she'll introduce me to him and after that I can tell the All-Snacking to move on and leave us alone. brb

HMMM not enough memes of our patron saint posted here..

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What happens to her? She disappears when the quest is complete and Rykard is defeated.

You guys ever notice nobody ever comes BACK from meeting Lord Rykard?

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I will fuck Patches fucking brains out with my longsword, fuck that fucking bald ass bitch, I will make him grow hair and then scalp him alive

You didn't get the blowjob quest reward?

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Have you ever heard of a publisher targeting 4 million units and the Actual results turn out to be 3x that number and destroying all historical records handily? Where did these players come from? Elden Ring is a Dark Souls game just in an open world setting which does nothing unique. There has to be a reason for this new found mass market appeal and I can only conclude it’s due to GRRM’s association with the game. Souls games are very niche and difficult to get into because there is no hand holding, journals or any story beat guiding the player. It’s game whuch is a perfect representation of "show no tell" and games of these types logically cannot outsell mass market franchise whuch are far more accessible

The sales targets are a clear indication that even the developers and publishers didn’t not think this game would be all that popular. It was supposed to sell better than past games, yes but not to this extent. Even guerilla games have been caught off guard by this release as it’s likely they would have shifted Forbidden West ahead had they known Elden Ring would completely wipe the floor with it in sales.Elden Ring is dominating Forbidden West on Sony’s own platform. There is no explanation for this.

Yeah I'll have two number 9s, a number 9 large, a number 6 with extra dip, a number 7, two number 45s, one with cheese, and a large soda.

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one singular finger please

Get me some ballista bolts, ran out chasing out some yellowcoat niggers this morning

Years of people hyping up FS games + Open world newfaggotry. I'm betting only a small percentage came for the GRRM writing.

yeah dude cheers some grapes would be great, dont worry, he'll know

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That’s every souls game
>Boc died for me because I didn’t know I couldn’t comeback later to tell him “your beautiful” I had to do it right then even tho I didn’t have the item

lost hard

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Just eat some of the ones that have the face on them

Because a large section of the gaming market unironically believes that souls games are some mythological game series that only true gamers can play. It's not TRUE but that's the perception a lot of people have and they overwhelmingly decided that THIS was the game that they were going to finally beat.

I am shocked ER has sold as well as it did and even pushed Horizon Forbidden West into obscurity. All signs were Horizon was the more mainstream game with the usual mainstream features. Dark Souls games have never sold well because of their niche features. IMO we should treat that 12 million sales with a grain of salt. It’s likely the Game of thrones viewer base consisting of casuals bought the game due to association with GRRM and once they find out how frustrating the enemies are and how it’s not a typical video game, there would be huge refunds.

We need to know how many of those 12 million were refunded because logically Horizon should outsell ER handily.

fuck snoy and fuck horizon


yeah get more some Boiled crab while you're out there.

bros, is there anyone who can possibly drop me a giant's seal?
im at the first step, pw: cloverxo
i wanna try a crazy pyromancer build but without the double seal its pretty weak unfortunately...

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My friend bought it, he hardly plays it, but he bought it from the hype around it and there not being many games like it on PS5

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I feel like I'm losing it. Every now and then, I keep hearing this strange sound in the distance that almost sounds like TOGETHAA. To top it off, I feel like we've been getting a decent influx of new faces, but at the same time, a good amount of people just leave without saying goodbye. Something's not right. I don't want to bother him with my concerns, but should I go talk to the boss?

>iron virgins have had more sex than (you)

I'm playing a Str/Faith build and it feel kinda like it goes against my character to join the Volcano manor... should I do it anyway?

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maybe i should have used a rya reaction image...

had to think for a sec there, good one

Hello friend
Have a seat in this nice chair

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People don't care about features. They care about fun and feeling like they are part of the next big thing. Horizon was not that thing. Get over it.

Something looks different about Tanith's Crucible Knight but I can't quite put my finger on it.

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Absolutely, he loves answering questions.

You can tell yourself you're a spy for the Greater Will

Have you tried sticking er in a jar?

I have a character in the area about to get it but it won't be for at least a few hours. Sorry, user.





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