>Play VN
>Get downer ending
>Feel like shit for a stupid videogame character
Why do you faggots play this kind of game? It's just pain and agony
>Play VN
>Get downer ending
>Feel like shit for a stupid videogame character
Why do you faggots play this kind of game? It's just pain and agony
Because pain and agony is all I know
Because I'm the light glowing in darkness.
What VN OP?
I love feeling like shit and the suffering of others.
>play nukige
>reach degenerate route where mc fucks everyone
>know this leads to a path of drama and destruction
>do the "bad" ending where he resists the temptation and chooses to not fuck everyone and still have a normal life
>consider it canon, uninstall game
You're not supposed to pick the options you would actually choose in real life.
I fucking hate VNs with multiple paths. Finishing the game with the best possible route for me then going back the check the others just cheapens the entire experience.
Feeling bad can feel good
What's the name of this one?