Play VN

>Play VN
>Get downer ending
>Feel like shit for a stupid videogame character

Why do you faggots play this kind of game? It's just pain and agony

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Because pain and agony is all I know

Because I'm the light glowing in darkness.

What VN OP?
I love feeling like shit and the suffering of others.

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>play nukige
>reach degenerate route where mc fucks everyone
>know this leads to a path of drama and destruction

>do the "bad" ending where he resists the temptation and chooses to not fuck everyone and still have a normal life
>consider it canon, uninstall game

You're not supposed to pick the options you would actually choose in real life.

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I fucking hate VNs with multiple paths. Finishing the game with the best possible route for me then going back the check the others just cheapens the entire experience.

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Feeling bad can feel good

What's the name of this one?

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