For a couple weeks now I've been stuck as a rangebanned phone-only poster and have been unable to ask: Why the FUCK is there no Tunic thread?
TUNIC Thread
it filters most people on this board either by the aesthetics or puzzles
people just call it a furry zelda/souls clone and ignore it
fun game, I liked the manual and puzzles and the hidden treasures
looking only at the surface you may just think
>indie shit
>souls clone / zelda ripoff
I implore you to investigate further. It turns to some of the most fun puzzle-solving short of Outer Wilds or The Witness.
Just found out about the far shore
there has, but people on here say the most retarded shit just because you play as furry zelda
>shit graphics
>dark souls copy
>death's door
>furry shit
just to name a few.
its a great game but the asking price is a bit high
Charming but kind of boring, dpad puzzles were a mindfuck though
t. been waiting for it since 2018
I already beat it, and moved on.
>20ish hours
I fucking knew it; I hate when games are short.
>but why? it's only $30
Because I'll end up really liking the game and setting and wanting more but there won't be more because it's just some indie game that took someone their whole life to make.
This game is over priced, over polished, indie game of the year bait. It's really fun if you're the target audience for the action, but it feels too short. The puzzle stuff has niche appeal.
Its a bad fugnigger game and really not anything special.
The combat fucking sucks so I refunded it
They haven't finished with this game yet...
It was fun, I liked it.
Just finished the Golden Path and shared my wisdom earlier.
what turned me off was the overly simplified visual style plaguing indies right now
You forgot about the abysmal combat, repetitive ost, and eye sore art style.
It's got that Obra Dinn quality where I sorely wish I could just fucking forget everything and solve the puzzles all over again.
Anyone else make it to devworld?
>on game pass
>digitally renting games
yes, the asking price is too high.
what the fuck is devworld
You know that special golden save file?
Find a way to die in there.
it's disappointing in size and depth after the immense dev time, and got BTFO by a superior indie open world rpg coming out right after for 1/3 the price
What in the goddamn
which one?
Love all the double meanings in the game.
>secret legend
>a legend that is a secret but also a (map) legend for finding secrets
>ruin seeker
>this one's obvious cause they also call you a "seeker of ruin"
>meant in both the videogamey map sense but also another term for what they call "the canonical plane," because there are other worlds/planes deeper down
andrew go to bed, you're drunk
>says rpg
>means jrpg
So was fox mom really your brother all along or something
>Why the FUCK is there no Tunic thread?
Because this game is boring and soulless. Stop shilling it on here. I played and refunded it after 20 minutes
I think the implication is that the Heir and the old dead Hero and all the Ruin Seekers including the shitty ones who gave up and went to hang out at the cathedral are basically all the same person. Like how Link's always getting reincarnated except sometimes it just doesn't work out.
god damnit, fox mom was cute
>I played and refunded it after 20 minutes
Im 12 btw
Looks like a low key groomer game.
I haven't played this game yet, but are there alot and are they mandatory? I hate puzzles that aren't fun and rarely do non puzzle/logic games have actually fun puzzles
very excited for more
You don't have to do a single puzzle. You can just play the surface level game of going around and fighting bosses and get the first ending and that's a decent enough game on its own if not quite worth the $30 asking price.
The puzzles though are kind of the actual game and they're some Fez/Witness tier shit.
It was good, but kinda short. I guess the devs thought that trying to figure out the golden path would extent the game length.
favorite OST track? for me it's Ruined Atoll
absolutely killer comfy beats
Fuck it I'll bite, I'll just try this game myself
How do you die?
You have no items.
There are secret codes in the manual for spawning bombs. Spawn a firebomb and burn yourself to death.
I did it. Good thing you only need 1.
>Interesting to look at but boring
>Solutions not intuitive and logical consistency isn't there
I'll check it out though
I just beat this Giant Robot Spider that was guarding the the red gem
I don't even know how I beat it, I was just making sure I didn't die, and I think the stupid robot spawned bombs on top of itself
According to the manual, I have to either go to the mountains or explore the Ruined Atoll?
Mountains is filtering me hard with the HP drain. Have no clue what to do in the Ruined Atoll after activating 4 of the "obelisks"
I'm having fun
Hate the blur, soundtrack seems mediocre so far, but the game itself is enjoyable
>Have no clue what to do in the Ruined Atoll after activating 4 of the "obelisks"
Check out the spot the obelisks are now powering.
I almost bought it until I realized the faggot who made it didnt put it on switch. Not playing it until then.
I was interested in the top down Zelda style puzzle gameplay, then I heard it was Dark Souls style lock on and roll combat and I lost interest.
So if I like the old Zelda games, some Souls elements and thoroughly enjoyed Rime, I should like this game? Price seems a bit high.
>Crystal Project is a non-linear JRPG
>not a Japanese game
So the dev is a retard and should be avoided.
You mean the centre?
I try to activate it and it just gets deactivated
Probably missed something obvious. And hopefully not in the Frog area, I seems to be missing equipment to be exploring that area
Oh, yeah it's absolutely obvious, then. But you won't be going very far past that obvious thing until you finish exploring the Frog area anyway, so...
>it just gets deactivated
Walk in before it shuts off. But also
If you haven't done Frog's Domain don't bother because you need something from there to progress.
If you go in anyway and it looks like you're stuck you're actually not. Just pray.
looks like gay furshit, who cares about this shit game?
Here I am trying to be all cryptic and let user figure it all out and then this asshole just comes along and breaks down the wall.
>just walk in before it shuts off
I... tried that. I just remember it just pushing me away
Maybe I wasn't precise enough, I'll try it again later
Also found a path I haven't explored before in Frog area, and found "the empty vault". Can;t believe I missed this one path kek
Don't worry, there's still a bunch in this game that can filter people.
On the other hand, from a few threads ago, I fixed the rune script from what people were saying was wrong in my initial image and crosschecking everything, I think I got everything right this time.
You cannot learn to read the runes of Tunic:Secret Legend
I misspelled a couple of things that I could've checked the manual for, and runes should've had a 'z' at the end instead of a 'ns' I had initially.
this game is fun, but the bullshit runes and making you figure everything out becomes tedious after a while.
Its worth a pirate if anyone is on the fence about this game though.
Just reached the Librarian, thanks lads
Think I'm going to get walled here for a while, but we'll see