Now that the dust has settled, what is the final verdict for this game?

Now that the dust has settled, what is the final verdict for this game?

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Open world garbage

Extremely mediocre in every aspect except graphics and physics

9/10. Would be 10/10 if not for that godawful intro segment

I had fun with it but I didn't enjoy it as much as the first

who keeps unsettling the dust? shoot that fucker. we need MORE elden ring threads and one probably died for this

That's the way it is

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its bad because i said so

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Dull game but you aren't allowed to criticise it here because some eceleb did.

Is really good, a true masterpiece.

Fun on the first playthrough. Suffers significantly on subsequent playthroughs due to the linear mission design and open world encounters that can only go one way.

I loved RDR1 but RDR2 was way too slow for me. Everything just fucking seemed to take forever and the parts that involved dialogue just weren't doing anything for me. I couldn't stay interested at all and dropped it after a few hours.

10/10 better than Jrpg shit.

I didn't really have any fun while I was playing it but I finished it months ago and I still kind of miss just being in that world.
I also hate open world games but RDR's is just really good. As a game though it's a 6/10 at most.

Best open world ever put in a video game, but the game itself is mediocre because it suffers from a huge amount of half-baked mechanics that were put in just to say you have them. Also the health/stam/deadeye orb shit seems like it was made for the online component and then awkwardly left in the single player.

>tons of anti-fun mechanics like getting game overs if you don't play the missions EXACTLY like the devs intended; or a terrible law system with psychic witnesses, teleporting lawmen and instant bounties
>80% of the game is just riding from A to B, it's practically a travelling simulator
>the remaining 20% is filled with slow, padded animations of every mundane action that should be instant
>libtard propaganda out the ass
>the "filler episode" on that shitty island

no bueno

Pretty good movie, would watch again sometime.

>have this open world
>your character is literally dying for 40% of the game

FFS, Rockstar. Also there's so much bloat in the ending.

story is pretty decent
gameplay is clunky as shit and everything felt like a chore to do
online is a fucking joke

>nobody, not one single solitary person in the entire world, so much as utters the word nigger
Historically inaccurate as fuck. Immersion ruined.

Good story, but the first game was more fast paced and fun to play.

no difficulty mode or realism mode

Fun until you have to do any mission

Imagine giving Lamar a time machine.

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Better than elden shit

Dude has a valid criticism that the open world game becomes an extremely linear game during missions. GTA5 (but not 4) had the same problem. Hopefully GTA6 will allow player freedom during the missions akin to an imsim

There is a reason most core staff at Rockstar quit after this game was finished.

>Fun on the first playthrough.
lol I had to space out my first playthrough over 9 months because of how fucking boring it is to slowly progress though anything in this game.
Loved RDR1 and I've beaten that 5 times but I would never, ever play through this game again.

nigger he lists plenty of problems with the game. fuck off

well made but very boring

I give it a solid 5

First game is still better

I used to play Red Dead Redemption 2 while I lied in bed with my ex-girlfriend in her little apartment at college. It's hard to play now even though years have gone by. I've found another woman and I love her, even dated her longer at this point, but it's not the same. I'll never know the passion that I felt with my first love again, and I guess I'm alright with that. Smile that it happened as they say. Christ, I need a mother fucking drink but I told myself I'd cut down and not drink until the Monday. Lord give me fucking strength. Goddamn it. I quit smoking too.

I really, really enjoyed it, but I played it like some kind of VR life simulator.

There are a lot of gorgeous heavily wooded areas around Rhodes.

I'd just pick a direction and start slowly walking. Shooting random animals with my varmint rifle. Picking medicinal herbs. Eating crackers and biscuits with my horse.

Tried to immerse myself in what it must have felt like before the world turned to shit.

no one cares fag

if you were in college when RDR2 came out you're still young and it's not worth crying over

If you quit smoking, you can quit drinking too. Seek Christ, seek God and stay strong.

Pretentious garbage made by frustrated movie directors.

not a video game its an interactive movie

Fake game, there is no reason to play it rather than just watch a western movie.

Boring and predictable.


Gameplay is repetitive, boring, shallow.
Mission design is linear, restricted and uncreative. Its always the same shoot-out with some gangster by the end.
Side activities are chore due to realism.
Controls are outdated and clunky and feel awful.
Story starts great but after Chapter 4 ends the pacing gets terrible and the writing itself doesnt really align well with the time period its set in, also some characters are flat and retarded and have awful personalities and characterization, though its some not all, the other few are good.

>Best open world ever put in a video game
This is objectively false. BOTW and Elden Ring are far superior. Not saying it was an awful game but this statement is just nonsense.

you just described a 4/10

If you just went mission to mission with nothing in between, yeah. But you're not that stupid, I'm sure.

for me a rating is also a ranking so me giving it a 6, is because there's other games that are worse that will fit into the 1,2,3,4,5 ratings.

There's no gameplay, its inferior design. Push A to do anything in the game. Sometimes, hold down A. Too many cutscenes and "character socialization" story corridors that i dont give a fuck about, its made for people who watch Netflix. A lot of the action sequences could have been fun if the player gets to do something but Rock star says "fuck it we'll just do a cutscene, we still sell 55 million copies lol" its lazy and unacceptable, sets a bad standard for the industry because they all copy RDR2s moviegame design

Garbage. Neato mud effects

>Elden Ring

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>this thread

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so you only are gonna play ten games ever?

You are a fucking idiot with no taste and no understanding and that is an objective fact.

that nakeyjakey video swayed Yea Forums so hard lmao

fifth post best post

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Genshin unironically mogs the fuck out of it

No its divided into tiers.
its a way to differentiate between them.

My favorite game of the last decade. I even enjoy all the "realism" elements that so many people dislike. Added a real sense of weight and immersion to every action. Best story I've ever experienced in a game as well.

Much more enjoyable if you treat it like a touching grass simulator
I like to spend hours roaming the wild and occasionally hunting some animals to sell
Weather and environmental effects really sells the setting
Heading in town and getting slammed on some beers and doing a bit of gambling
Pretty comfy kino

Great but the epilogue sucked.

What the hell else do you expect to happen? That the mission just pauses so you can just randomly decide to explore some far off forest?

did you even play the game

Hunting is fun

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Easily one of the best games ever made

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