Claire Redfield bros...
Claire Redfield bros
you just know
I wonder if she regrets selling her likeness to horny Japanese men
Would you masturbate a camel for 70k?
RE 2 remake Claire model.
Id let myself get shit on for a fat paycheck.
Oh I see
>Leon, you need to continue the Redfield lineage
how many arabs shat on her
nice tits
>Implying she isn't rimming one right now for 50k
I still think this dubai thing is a myth until i see actually video of it.
Literally engineered for BBC
Her arm looks weird as fuck
>elbows too pointy
>implying a permavirgin like you coul-
ok nevermind her arm does look strange in that picture
there will never be videos of it because the rich as fuck oil sheiks don't need to take a video of it. For what, jacking off later? They'll just buy another whore.
>no smile
Its over.
Nah they definetly record it, but they also know that if they were to post that shit then they'd lose access to the biggest instathots since women fear nothing as much as losing their popularity.
Meanwhile my wife Sasha is killing Ukranians
Did she get fake tits with all the money the Sheiks gave her? she used to be flat as a wood plank
I miss this little nigga like you wouldnt believe
imagine the shit they make her do and upload none of it
and to think incels are incels because they get nervous around literally worthless whores like this.
Not like this bros...
>no archives of most of his streams
it hurts
It doesn't matter how filthy and worthless they are. They have worshippers. Followers. All they have to say is "ew, you're disgusting and creepy" and a horde will rush to agree with them.
Majority rules.
>i don't understand why they like piss and shit so much
They like degrading you because you're a western woman that should have no reason to be a whore but chooses to do so anyway. It's not about the piss or the shit it's about making you act like the craven degenerate that you are and knowing that you're willingly doing it for worthless dollars.
>(after the third time you get shit on you get used to it)
I wouldn't eat shit but I'd definitely let them piss and shit on me for a million dollars. I'd even let them beat me up, who gives a shit. The salmon one is just free, hardly my problem some old fuck wants a fish in his ass. Women live life on easy mode once again.
what goes on in dubai?
i love jordan
old men
watching animals
This bitch was also Yacht girl.
A million dollars is a lot of money.
Wrong. She is supporting Ukraine
Yea this isn't even bad. I thought they would cut holes in her and fuck those holes or something.
Ever wonder if she saw her Blender vids and schlicked to them?
1 million was a lot of money. Due to inflation $1mil now is worth what $250k was in 2019.
That horde should be exterminated
holy shit, they ruined her so badly in the game now that i'm seeing this pic of her
>people actually bought it
LMAO i bet even she was confused when she saw her face in the game, but she kept quiet because of the paycheck
>I've had sex with 14 year old boys to make them men
probably the most normal/borderline wholesome thing there
Remember that 40km Russian armored column?
Replace the armored vehicles with literal tankers full of human feces and you have Dubai.
She's bouncing up and down on some old Shiekh's dick while Yea Forums jerks off to shitty SFM.
they can never get peoples looks right
>Women live life on easy mode once again.
>ignores the rich oil sheiks
She literally said that she is against them
Хoхoл eбyчий
>can have normal sex with whoever I want
I'd take that bet.
Yeah she's gonna get pissed and shit on by an arabian oil baron's son
i am the personal assistant of a rich arab i get him girls from europe, australia and north america, they get to whore around for a few days take pics to make their friends mad then get shit on the last day
All that shit for just a mill? Not only did she get degraded, she also got scammed. dumb bitch
Can't you get sick if you eat shit?
yes, less humiliating that working retail
Isn’t she admitting to sleeping with underages which would be illegal?
She commted the crime in dubai, so their laws apply in this case i reckon. And since she`s a w*man, she isn`t treated like a human there anyway so who gives a shit(heh)
>She commted the crime in dubai, so their laws apply in this case i reckon
Isn't that called sex tourism?
Sx tourism usually doesn`t involve minors, besides, these oil arabs are the ones in charge. They could do the most depraved things in broad public and no one could do shit about it