Yea Forums plays Fire Emblem: Decay of the Fangs

>the black fang made their way to the western isles, hoping to get some nobleman's support
>they landed on an island overrun by bandits harvesting gold
>deciding to raid the bandits and steal their gold, chadwick attacked them
>in their fort, we encountered...Batta the beast, who'd survived his fight with Lyn somehow, and became an absolute bitch

cuss counter: 9

What is this?
>This is Fire Emblem: Black Fang, a remake/continuation of Decay of the Fangs, one of the most infamous early FE ROMhacks that was on hiatus for 10 years
>Who gets used, who gets boosters, etc, will be decided by you

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evening, nigger
glad you still do these threads, I followed along for your tacthack playthrough forever ago and really enjoyed it, played that hack myself too

going to go ahead and shill Diet's recommendation list of FE ROMhacks. These are the go-tos if you want to try a ROMhack yourself.

I'd personally not recommend Sun God's Wrath, which is just bloated as hell with game mechanics.

how'd you enjoy it?

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>people than being a mercenary
since when the fuck were the Fang mercenaries?

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oh god, are we going into the 'we're using all this modern technology while also claiming we're still high fantasy'?

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I've developed an interest in playing through some of these FE hacks after enjoying the threads for this one and the hilarious borger kang one you did before it. I'm torn between DLatMoL and SoHaE, so I'm hoping some of the other anons here have played through them and can help me make a decision.

DLATMOL is the best hack IMO, while SOHAE is the best Elibe hack.

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Dlatmol is my favorite hack, but sohae is really good as well. The main thing dlatmol has over sohae is actual completed supports and it isn't machine-translated

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what the fuck are these acronyms i asked for recommendations why talk about them like I already know what those are lol

trying to make my way over to the chests.

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ugh, I have to restart now, because this is fucking dumb.

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siege magic this early seems fair.

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you gotta remember what kind of deranged maniac even gets it in his head to make a FE romhack. The kind of person who can't leave well enough alone and thinks they know better but never bothered to learn in the first place. Troop through it OP

this man has no neck

oh, it's a fucking scripted kill.


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so yeah, it's a fixed battle because HAHA KILL OFF LEIF AGAIN

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>15 boltings
oh boy, hope you got a res tank

>everyone except chadwick has a range ONE on their night vision
fucking WHY. Who the FUCK saw fog of war and thought 'we can make it worse.'

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I'm getting flashbacks to Schwarze's hack

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Is it one of those hacks, where the game is unnecessarily difficult and you gotta do things almost perfectly?

they should've made it thracia fog as well.

not so far, but I also arena grinded in chapter 2. This level seems unnecessarily difficult.

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Just finished up patching Blazing Blade with the DLATMOL hack, so I'll be firing it up here in a few minutes. I also made a copy of it so I can play it on my phone while I'm on lunch.

hell yeah, user! Let me know what you think!

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I found a white gem down there.

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Liking the portraits already. Orion reminds me of Hector.

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>twin peaks and Shermie
DLATMOL has so many waifus.

Francine's got fucking MASSIVE tits.

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>lock that door. Let them starve to death

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Dlatmol has the best girls which is why it's the best hack

>stabbing someone is fine
>but starving someone isn't

question is, though...who's the BEST waifu?

Twin Peaks? Incest girl? Chandra? Russian dragon? Lawfag?


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According to dlatmol's supports pastebin, incest is the best followed by lawfag.

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>spoiling it
wtf user.

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>Zephiel will remember this.

>we wouldn't have formed the Black Fang there

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