Rate & hate
3x3 thread
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I haven't played any of the games you guys posted
You are old enough to know mor and plane you should know better than everything else in your list.
wish you faggots would put this in the OP more, otherwise you'll see nothing but the same people
>to make the 3x3: www.befunky.com/create/collage/
>rating system is liked/played, ie 5/9 means you liked 5 of the 9 you played
>to make a 4x4 or greater, see the .webm
>You are old enough to know mor and plane you should know better than everything else in your list.
I like modern games. Compared to other media it holds up really well. I'd have a much harder time picking modern movies, anime or books.
>Elden Ring
honeymoon period not over yet?
Ah yeah I almost forgot that I hate the masses.
No Indiana Jones??
+Metroid, OoT, SoulSilver, Castlevania, DaS, BB
-Chrono Trigger, GTA
-RE, MW2
+NV, BB, P:T, Okami, Hollow Knight, Nier, Elden Ring
I feel like everyone's 3x3 are pretty much the same. Like from a pool of 15 games, everyone picks 9 games. It's always the same games on the collages with some deviancy here and there.
It's the most engagement I felt with a videogame since Morrowind.
Plus I can just change it in the future if I don't feel that way anymore. It's just a 3x3.
Maybe that's why people hang out here? They like to talk to people with similar tastes.
>honeymoon period
t. discordfag
post recs instead of rating
-elden ring
+Marvel super heroes
+Star wars
+Star wars 2
These threads attract people with a certain type of taste I suppose. That and people want to show off how cool and mature their taste in games is, so they lean towards the artsy stuff they like rather than what they actually play the most.
Sounds like you’re just upset that people like Dark Souls
>Here's a mix of games I loved as kid/still enjoy and the "best games of all time" that Yea Forums constantly recommends because damn they actually are that good
Describes me and most others in this thread. I've also noticed that people who have a lot of unique games on their list typically haven't played a lot overall, so it's not like they wouldn't pick what's usually posted if they had experience with it
?/10 (adding titles to these would help)
how is Metroid Dread? I really did not like the last few Metroid games they put out
+DS, Sekiro
But what's the point if you all keep playing and talking about the same games over and over?
Also, it feels too many are trying to box themselves within the "accepted top Yea Forumsgames" list. I want to see different tastes, different perspectives, different games. Everytime I say the 3x3 are too similar, some zoomers feel called out, and start spregging out.
>Michigan: Report From Hell
Now that's a fine meme game right there. Wasn't this one written by the same guy who came up with Killer7? Or was it actually Kojima? Such a weird story.
Forgot to rate anyone else.
I like XCOM2, but FPS don't interest me.
I should make some room for Paper mario & Fire Emblem.
>MW 2
Good otherwise
>post obscure games
>post well-regarded vidya
>post mainstream games
I just like vidya
Not at all. I love the game myself.
Not necessarily, I just think too many people are trying to impress or fit in rather than just share what they like, or they won't dare play games that aren't shared on Yea Forums.
I don't believe it was. killer7 was Suda and Shinji Mikami
Report From Hell is Nobuhiko Sagara & Ren Yamazaki who designed a bunch of other Grasshopper games
6/6. Star Control looks cool.
6/7. Never been able to get into Witcher. Still need to check out Black Souls one of these days.
I think the issue is that 3x3 is quite limiting. I really should get around to making that 5x5 image, but searching for fitting images is a pain
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resizes them for you
for some reason i kept ignoring the silver case, maybe because it was a VN? either way im buying it.
you exclusively play Japanese games
I think if you like Suda you will have a good time. your chart is probably the only user I would ever suggest it to lol so I had to
>they won't dare play games that aren't shared on Yea Forums.
Impress to what end? The more likely answer is that they only play games shilled on Yea Forums instead of tailoring their taste for Yea Forums specifically because that's all they're exposed to in terms of new games/old greats
>9 games
yeah i love killer7 and i look forward to experiencing more of suda's stuff.
>yup, these are totally my favorite games and I'm not a pretentious faggot at all
>I will pretend that these games are bad just to call OP pretentious
I don't rate per every single game, some are simply more worth than others in my eyes so they kinda make up for the other titles. That's why I stick with a 100%/10 point system.
Haven't played most of these. Need to try Parasite Eve though.
Pretty good stuff here.
Haven't heard of most of this. Bomberman is good though.
Nostalgia trip here
It's one of the best Metroid games ever and i fucking love Super Metroid and the GBA titles, you need to play it
Hollow Knight is the only game that I disliked, Pathologic is pure kino but I cant replay it yet since I feel its going to drain me
Lego SW is unironically a great game, every time Im sick and cant do shit I replay it and get 100%
Age of Empire II is thr patricians choice
I had hybrid heaven on my to play list for a while now, also whats the boy on a bike game?
I liked Crusader Kings before the devs added faggot marriages to the historical mode. I overlooked the fake female rulers and the pedophile events, but this is too much for me. Fuck paradox
I highly recommend Star Control 2 if you're interested, but read the manual first because the game kinda throws you into the fire without explaining anything lol
Tried playing Monster Hunter 1, Pokemon Red, Clock Tower and Parasite Eve but they are too retro for my taste so didn’t beat them.
Good taste. Is the middle bottom meant to be Automata or the OG Nier?
>Japanese games and anime games
Retarded weeb
How old are you?
He didn't call those games bad you easily triggered zoomie
bottom right could be any X game from 1 to 3 but i guess it's 1
hm alright maybe I should give it a chance
Boku no Natsuyasumi series. the picture is from the PSX one, but I love them all
sadly there is still no english patch for any of them I believe
It is X1
>pathologic 2
>elden ring
oh, it's b8
I have only seen one ither person besides myself with umihara kawase on their chart