Why didn't they just destroy the Dark Portal?

Why didn't they just destroy the Dark Portal?

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new 'jak

why didn't they just fill the crater with lava so that anything that came through would die instantly?
i'm sure a shaman could do it, or some mages given enough time.

They did, the rift itself didn't go away and was more unstable and dangerous than the portal
This is smart though

>rift itself didn't go away and was more unstable and dangerous than the portal
so brick up the entire thing

Wouldn't the lava just flow through the portal once it got turned on?

warcraft 2?

the orcs could probably just destroy whatever structure they put up from their end

you're right, move the portal to the lava pit in blackrock mountain, time will sort out the rest

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>Zoomies have no idea about the story of wc1 and wc2.

> the story of wc1 and wc2.
Is shit

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I could be wrong, but I don't think the Dark Portal works like a Stargate, it's more like a portal from the game Portal. I don't think any plan that involves sealing it up or dumping something around it will work. The two points that it connects are essentially side-by-side for physics purposes, you don't travel through or a wormhole or anything like that. If you put a wall up directly in front of the portal, the people on the other side could see it and destroy it. If you dumped lava on it, the lava would just flow through to the other side.

they did

Why didn't Classic include TBC?

they should destroy that entire part of the continent so anything coming through would be underwater or in outer space

Water breathing magic exists.
>or in outer space
That's not how that would work.

in that case, why not just dump a whole bunch of sand on top of it?
they'd have to spend a long time digging through it all as it keeps flowing down and through the portal.
it would at least give a significant advance warning that something's coming through.

So what you do is put up a wall with a huge amount of lava behind it. Now when they bust it to invade they get a surprise!

They have a better form of advanced warning: They have guys standing in front of the thing at all times, ready to sound the alarm if something is approaching. That's how they knew that the Iron Horde were going to invade.

well it wasn't active for quite a while, they could've easily filled a lava lake as a nasty surprise for whoever turned it on again.

Did you not play WC2?

Development time mostly, Outland and Northrend were specifically lined off as future content material early on. They also found in early testing that people loved doing quests so they cut some planned zones they had and focused on filling out the existing ones with more quests.

They explained it in RTS series
Whole wc2 xpac was about going to draenor and shutting down protal there, because as long as they had protal they could still use rift to teleport to azeroth despite azeroth tp being destroyed. They needed to destroy the port with azeroth "phone number".
But then nerzhul opened multiple protals and ripped draenor apart

I think there's also the angle that the Alliance wanted to go through the portal to stop more of them being made, and also to check on Turalyon's company and bring them back to Azeroth.

You called?

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they wanted to turn it into a tourist destination

>Outland and Northrend were specifically lined off as future content material early on
It amazes me Blizzard thought the game would have 100,000 players max and that a small dev team would continue making content they'd add piecemeal
On the other hand its massive success led to the expansion model that pretty much ruined the game

>You may see a few orcs, but I see a priest, an engineer, an enchanter

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Why was the dark portal on draenor so much larger?

WoD is so fucking funny when you think about it, all this time and effort was put into expanded orc lore around WC3 explaining their culture and peaceful society and how they coerced into drinking Mannoroth's blood and becoming mad conquerors, and then WoD presents a scenario where they reject the blood and it's just "oh they invade anyways lol"

Hello zoomtards

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it's not.
it's the same size in both locations, it's just that draenor is a very tiny world and passing through it adjusts your size accordingly.

>It amazes me Blizzard thought the game would have 100,000 players
These were MMORPG numbers before, for some weird reason, normalfags picked the genre with WoW.

Because MMOs prior to WoW were enormous grinds and often demanded you needed to be in a group or guild to progress in anything. The idea most of your leveling would be guided and given context via quests and you could do most of it solo was a huge selling point.

Who plays WoW nowadays? It isn't the normalfag audience, they went over to FF14. It isn't the original MMO audience because the game no longer caters to them.

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Why didn't they just fill the portal with expanding foam? That's how I keep ants out.

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>It isn't the normalfag audience, they went over to FF14.
the normalfag audience quit many years ago to play shit like league of legends,
FF is probably at peak popularity (not counting this immediate moment while people are waiting to resub for 6.1) and it's estimated to be at like 2.5-3 million subs at peak, it's a 1/4 as big as WoW was during the golden years. those millions of casuals are never coming back

>Who plays WoW nowadays?
A mix of "sunk cost" retards.

Bro half the monsters there breathe fire

Around Orcs, never be dorks.

Because it looked good played well and didn't punish you for playing the game

garrosh establishes himself as a prophet by accurately predicting events for them, and then convinces them they must go to war

This question doesn't make sense unless you forget that WoW released in 2004. Who does it cater to? WoW players. The game is, at its fundamentals, not that different from 2009's Wrath. There's differences big and small, but the core philosophy of the design is on the same path. Simply put, they have plenty of people who are WoW lifers. Just like Everquest has its own lifers.

Warcraft is one of the most inconsistent mainstream settings I've ever seen. There's absolutely nothing that sticks or matters and it's all rule of cool anyways, so its a fools game to try to follow motivations and plot threads.

Metzen, you've done it again

Absolute bullshit and I'm positive you either never played the game then or don't play the game now


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>the normalfag audience quit many years ago to play shit like league of legends,
I did forget about this and you're right about this, but
>and it's estimated to be at like 2.5-3 million subs at peak
Going by jewgle, that is daily player numbers where subscriber count last year as 38 million.

How am I wrong? Just about every design decision people hate began in Wrath and has gradually evolved since then. LFR wasn't created in a vacuum, and neither was [insert your hated progression system e.g. covenants].

nah that's total accounts created if anything, not active subs. WoW has well over 100 million accounts made but total subs is probably around 500k at this point if not less

>The game is, at its fundamentals, not that different from 2009's Wrath.
If you mean the loot treadmill than yea, but everything from how the classes interact, to how you play them, to even what you can do in the world are all entirely different. I hopped back for Legion after quitting in Cata and the game was nearly unrecognizable in every single system except the tab-target combat and the base idea of repeating raid/dungeon content.

Honestly, TOR is closer to wrath than nuwow is to wrath.

The mechanics of LFR/LFD were added in patch 1.12 when you could queue for battlegrounds from a city and realms were merged into battlegroups. Later you could queue from anywhere in the world

The truth is that most of the design choices people began to hate came at the end of Classic or in TBC

Yes, it's why instead of building shit you just dig around it, the instant you step in you fall to your death

>Dig around the gate
>The Orcs see that you dug around the gate
>They fly in on flying mounts or use magic to levitate

Queueing isn't necessarily what people complain about with LFR though. It's that consequences that you feel as a player when they design instances around multiple player caps e.g. 10 and 25. Wrath is quite literally when the concept of raid difficulties was introduced.

Because lava eventually cools down

Build a dome and paint it to look like the ground, they'll be confused and fly down instead. It literally can't fail

>Wrath is quite literally when the concept of raid difficulties was introduced
And it was positively received by players, especially Ulduar

It's absolutely fundamentally different in its very core you underage newfag

They had to give the orcs affirmative lore action because of the constant nigger comparisons and people mocking them not just on internet forums but the story forum. The orcs lore because it was retconned was literally just "These tribal people act like genocidal maniacs then get saved by a green jesus who tries to teach them being backwards savages is bad."

Plot armor

Just build a massive containment dome around it like they did with that fucked up Chernobyl reactor.

why didn't the burning legion just crash one of their ships traveling at lightspeed into azeroth lol