this means all space faring games up to this point are wrong
This means all space faring games up to this point are wrong
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for me it's solipsism
link the video so I can tell you how you misinterpreted the material
space doesnt exist
i wish you didnt exist
>the solar system and planet where were extreme anomalies is now the center of the universe
alright place your bets which God is the real one
Allah of course, brother
Inshallah, brother
This guy Also, could you please send me to the 2D world so I can be with my waifu? Or at least make me lucid dream every day and have me remember it.
>now the center of the universe
The video literally doesn't say that. We are still on the edge of the spiral arm of our galaxy to say nothing of where we are in the universe but its not the center
you dont exist
>to say nothing of where we are in the universe but its not the center
Actually, we are at the center of the universe. But that's not special because literally everywhere is at the center of the universe.
Lots of technobabble that doesn't mean anything and has no new discoveries.
Op is a retard.
The sun is currently in a relatively empty patch of space so we probably won't have a mass extinction event for millions and millions of years.
>He doesn't know
Catholics, hopefully. Jesus has your back
Yeah, if your bribe is big enough.
>This post was made by Protestant Gang
It isn't an actual bubble. It's just a patch of space which appears to be slightly more empty than most surrounding patches of space.
Just like all "OMG TIME TRAVEL IS REAL, SCIENTISTS TELEPORTED A PIG FIFTEEN FEET, THIS ONE SCIENTIST HAS REVERSED AGEING!" videos, the science says nothing at all like what the video is telling you.
>believing in science after 2020-2022
god i hate pop sci
>obvious kurzgesagt impression
More pseudo scientific garbage
No way does Sol influence 1000 light years bro
Fuck that globohomo sellout to the 9th circle of hell
Statistically speaking, we're far more likely to live in a simulation than a "true" world. Since there can only be one master world, but potentially infinite simulations/children worlds. So the odds of this one being the true one are woefully low.
When they lay it out it kinda seems like common sense
Star explosions pushed matter away, travelling through areas of denser matter increased the probability of large scale collisions
Calling it a bubble is a bit silly though
>pop science
>pseudo epic music
not watching more than 1 minute of your retarded video and I'm not giving you any money you stupid buffoon
how retarded is this holy fuck
we're currently in a mass extinction event you fucking retard
That's probably how we got to evolve so much
ACKSHUALLY we're in a bubble because we can only observe so much around us
>solar system is in a void bubble protecting us from space lasers
>tfw our observable universe is in also in a void bubble protecting us from omniverse lasers
more like retardestant gang
Cope incel
How much fucking soapy water did it take to make a bubble like that?
Cope cathocuck
They bagged us
quick run down?
the solar system is bigger than you thought and the sun is at the center. the solar system doesn't stop just at Pluto or whatever, there's a buncha comets and rocks and shit still in the gravitational pull of the Sun. It makes it look like we're in a "bubble" cause shit just stops, where more realistically it's more the stuff at the edge was left overs from when the star was initially forming and just expanding infinitely
So this is literally just the heliosphere which we have known about for ages now.
the heliosphere is only about 246 AU across, not 1000 lightyears
this means god is real and he loves us
What's wrong with Kurzgesagt? Just found them like a month agoa nad from what I watched which is mainly space stuff I really liked the videos.
heliosphere is infinitely smaller then that retard at best till the asteroid belt that surrounds our solar sistem
>What's wrong with Kurzgesagt?
Nothing, it's just Yea Forums screeching like cave goblin when it doesn't like something.
Except the video says our sun likely didn't form in the bubble we are currently situated in, so it's still a huge coincidence (even given how common bubbles are, compared to holes in swiss cheese) that we find ourselves in the middle of the bubble currently, or rather, that humanity likely managed to evolve into sentience because our sun made it into a safe haven bubble of low cosmic density, resulting in a prolonged period without mass extinction events.
I knew the gnostics were right
>math and science shit
fuck off I just wanna play videogames
>we are on the right spot of the solar system for life to exist
>the correct time in the age of the universe for life to exist
>also inside a giant bubble protecting the solar system
Is it luck?
Lol just 11500 years ago earth went through the taurid asteroid belt and every living thing was destroyed in 1000 foot tidal waves that circled earth's donut for years
Not to mention the magnetic pole shift every 26000 years
Mainstream science is literal garbage and denies anything that isn't part of their dogmatic religion, also most of it is straight up lies lol
Its a quarantine for lack of a better word.
yo is that OP's ass?
All that and we still spend our exceptionally rare and fleeting lifetime here
ill say the coincidences are getting kinda silly
Yes, don't let survivor bias trick you
take thr pleromapill
This is the wrong way of thinking. Life exists in this spot because it's a place it can exist. Why would we expect life in places where it can't exist? That doesn't make any sense. It's not a bizarre coincidence. It's the only way it can happen.
>this means all space faring games up to this point are wrong
so what nigger. or did you think all videogames are realistic and try to be? fuck off
Thank goodness you are the one person who lnows everything. The rest of humanity doesn't even think at all! WAKE UP SHEEPLE XD