Development pics

Post your favourite vidya development pictures

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Large Dark Portal in Loch Modan

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holy shit getting a new ui designer was the best decision they ever made


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It's pretty incredible when you see how basic things were. The people working on this had no idea the level of phenomenon it would become.

It's sad we'll never get to see these builds to enjoy the What If of them.

male undead looks kind of like the d2 necro

Attached: GuardiansofBLizz.jpg (1024x768, 105.32K)

Attached: WarlockWithOldInfernal.jpg (700x525, 65.08K)

Glad they didn't stick to this artstyle. Would've aged like milk.

Attached: ezgif-5-d4a31956a3.jpg (640x479, 34.13K)

this thread is making me happy.

Such a shame they didn't stay with this style. It would have aged well.

Attached: OldHerodsRoom.jpg (1024x768, 133.61K)

I'm guessing the Ulduar continent is what Uldum ended up turning into. Interesting.

>warcraft 2 mouse pointer

God I loved old Blizzard so much

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Attached: SomewhereinSTV.jpg (1024x768, 74.07K)

Attached: HmmmWhereisthis.jpg (700x525, 140.18K)

why is the dwarf censored

it should make you sad

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Undead and nelf are pretty good here

Attached: ezgif-5-c63342a30f.jpg (640x478, 38.83K)

Undead got in before trolls? Crazy.

Fucking insane that male nelfs and male orcs were entirely finalized years out from launch

Love the huge dark portals as instance placeholders

Attached: ah-alpha-ss-6.png (675x506, 321.7K)

Plaguelands or Silithus maybe

Alpha Karazhan was huge and fucking scary

Attached: Alpha Karazhan.0.jpg (800x600, 25.9K)

iirc that's another proto-Outlands zone
I recognize that mushroom model

God imagine if MC was part of the brd instance

one of the reasons I loved wow back then was the fact that dinosaurs were in the game. there was no other mmo at the time where you could tame a raptor or ride one

>like 30 frost mages
Checks out lmfao

Apparently darkness was going to play a role in the world. Zones like Duskwood would be completely dark so you'd have to have a touch with you to see. The old leftover from this feature can be seen in very wet weapons, such are torches or offhand lamps that still give off light

Attached: Alpha Darkshire2.jpg (700x525, 76.82K)

Interesting to see these islands existed long before they were made into expansions. Also explains Shadowlands when they ran out of islands.

joe rogan looking good here

>Gnomes and Trolls were added later
Explains why they share starting zones with other races, had no ide aabout this.

Man, I miss when there was no flying and there were still super mysterious unused areas in the world.

>That giant ass Ulduar that was gonna be below Kalimdor
I will go to my deathbed with a desire to know what this was about.

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Presumably a gigantic titan facility before they downsized it into a raid in Northrend.

What a extremely stark difference, holy shit.
The art style change alone was a godsend, but the UI change is a way bigger, not to mention meaningful, change of all.

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beta STV arena?

This! A bit mind blowing how piss basic the early / prototype versions of this game were.
Even more so when you think what a vastly different product it would become on release, not to mention years later.

old warcraft 3 development pics, now those are interesting. it was basically another game

Im sure the UI on those was just placeholder and not final at all, just enough to be able to debug and stuff like that

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it makes me sad player housing never made the cut because this looks immensely comfy

>Was nearly cut
>Kaplan made it in a fucking week
Fucking King shit right there.

Crazy thing about this screenshot is that it's actually accessable in game today. If you do to the Deadmines and clip through the wall using an item or potion that increases your size, you can fall through the map until you eventually end up in this area. Crazy to think it's been literally under everyone's nose all these years

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Shit like this sound cool as hell in parts on paper, but they make you wonder how terrible they might've been if actually released.
The torch stuff especially would've added a lot to immersion, especially since regional servers have the same time as you do at home.

RIP the true OG Iron Forge

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Why is such place in the Deadmines instance?

Don't forget the Emerald Dream, an unused continent sized zone complete with its own unique textures and models that was just sitting in the files since before TBC.
It sucks we will never see what they originally had planned for it.

Attached: ED.jpg (1024x540, 95.13K)

More skimpy Succubus

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