i see ps5 selling well in japan..
mogged by the switch
>PS5 sells almost 17% of its sales in Japan
>irrelevant market
imagine the massacre when the switch 4K gets released
can't wait
That being said, Splat3 is creeping ever closer. Gonna be fun to track the sales the weeks around that launch.
who gives an actual fuck. i've never seen a game become so irrelevant quite like splatoon has
>'ve never seen a game become so irrelevant quite like splatoon has
Horizon: Forbidden West
XChads how long until we are back? It looks like we control the US market once again but we've still got a lot of lost ground to recover
Has something happened recently to justify why the Series S that was by far the least desired of the new ones suddenly became a sales hit?
Note: I am considering that sales are being leveraged by Series S because I read something about it recently.
in the 20 years since xbox has been a brand, it has only been a market leader for 1 year afaik
Dude, splatoon sells like fucking crazy. Splatoon 2 was a 10mil+ game. It’s also the most underappriciated franchise on the planet right now in my opinion.
Microsoft must be paying a stupid amount of money for more hardware allocation from AMD.
Xbox 360 outsold PS3 40:30 in USA
The Series S is easier to mass produce than stronger hardware like the Series X and PS5.
typo, 50:30
considering you can just buy a series x on walmart and amazon now, not long in the us anyway
Don't call it a comeback
Stop lying man
They sent 30k for the last 2 weeks of the Fiscal Year to show they give some fucks.
Expect it going back to 5-10k as soon as next week.
wowie there goes amazon, it was up for at least a couple days
what about walmart? they out too?
I was never there for years
vg chartz is literally paid by nintendo to "underestimate" playstation numbers, and "overestimate" shitch numbers
This. In only 2 games it has already outsold most of Nintendo’s IPs’ total sales
>splat2 sold over 650k at launch
>this was when there were 1.2 million switches in japan
>now there are over 24 million of them, possibly 25 million by the time it launches
Imagine seething so much over a toy company you tell lies on the internet
If Japan people could buy a PS5 and its games, they would. Don't mistake low sales for no interest.
MS can produce ~350 Series S units from a single silicon wafer compared to ~190 Series X units vs ~250 PS5s. They also pushed ahead of Sony in fab priority at TSMC so they're getting a lot more silicon
But why aren't they buying games?
cope groomer
How big of a Chad do you have to be to be a Japanese Xbox fan.
Digital. Used market. PS4 backward compatibility.
What games?
A rich one.
Japan has a digital adoption rate significantly lower than the global average for 1st world countries, it only gets high when a game is out of stock, which never happens for playstation releases.
No one is buying the games in the first place, how could they be sold used?
>this cope again
Ps4 sales haven't been as dramatically bad as ps5, but they're nowhere near healthy. 6 entire weeks last year, the entire top 30 was switch releases. This is an unprecedented feat which has literally only happened one other time in history, back in the late 80s when the famicom literally had no other competition.
i think the series s is doing well there because its very small and very quiet
Imagine being so desperate for games you think something like Splatoon being released this late in a consoles lifespan will be a """system seller""" I almost feel bad for you nerds
Why is the United Nations buying so many consoles?
But he never said that you fucking retarded ape
Fromsoft literally revealed that playstation sales are 60% digital in japan, retard.
>port a wiiu game to shitch
>port a port of a wiiu game already on shitch to shitch again
Prove it.
People that didn't get jewed by the mid-gen refresh find the Series S more than fine considering there's barely any next gen games, and when they actually come they won't run at 60fps despite nearly looking identical, they barely look better than last gen. Paying 500 right now (or even more if your a cuck snoy) just seems like a massive ripoff
They said that 60% of all sales in Japan were digital, not specifying that it's PS, you're just forgetting that Steam exists.
Damn, literally DOZENS out of the over 600k sales were on steam, crazy
They're sequels, not ports.
>It was up for a couple days
>Goes out exactly today.
I hate you faggots.
>port a game
>slap a new number on the title
>retards like you fall for it
This is funny because there's proof that they actually overestimate Playstation sales lol.
3ds bros...
That 60% digital is split between the ps5 the ps4 and steam so this does not prove shit
Why would anyone listen to that piece of shit developer?
Japan is slowly swapping to digital, whaling in mobage legitimately gets them used to the idea of buying digitally for convenience. Also PC becoming more popular helps in that regard too.
Saying they only buy physical is like saying they still mostly use flip phones. It's not 2015 any more, times have changed.
if you cared enough, you'd have one by now. got my series x and ps5 both at launch and getting the pre-orders in was easy as fuck.
Works for Elden Bing
Point to where I said they ONLY buy physical. I merely stated the observable fact that even when a game is severely out of stock, they struggle to reach even 40% digital rates, usually sticking around 20-30%, while the rest of the world is often well over 50% for most games. Point to me a single playstation game that's severely out of stock, lots of green bars every top 30, when playstation can even make it in.
To be fair retailers all took the preorders at a random time of the day, and a day before when they were supposed to go live. I was able to preorder by pure luck, but I remember most people missed out on it.
>please ignore all of the different stages, modes, subweapons, characters and new story modes with each new game, these are all exactly the same
theyre never upgrading the switch lmao
It will probably happen in 2023. Switch is barely over half way through its life cycle
Oh sure they will, they'll just make it a brand new console with similar functionality
Even if it happens it's probably gonna be another bullshit upgrade like the New Nintendo 3DS, most games won't take advantage of the extra power
that's the ps version tho
Where can you go to get a Ps4 nowadays?
Why do yuropoors like Sony so much?
You're acting like physical is the be all end all and that it's all that matters. Also Jesus christ you're obsessed with Sony, they're buying digital on the Switch too. But the 60% digital number for Elden Ring should be eye opening regardless even if all of those sales were on PC because it shatters the narrative that most dont buy digitally. But cling to your famitsu sales charts for your weirdo console warrior shit if you have I guess.
Still suffering from sony stockholm syndrome
>because it shatters the narrative that most dont buy digitally
It's rather simple user
They buy digitally what they can't physically
Their overwhelming preference is still physical that's why Famitsu tracks what they track
Nobody has a fucking PS5 in Japan because China took all of them so they bought it on PC
>if you have I guess.
If you have to I guess*.
Keep crying every single week that PS magically has 100% digital sales and everything is fine in spite of factual data. Just two more weeks. Trust the plan.
they love shit games, just look at their history with C64, amstrad, amiga, sinclair and shit.
Because it's the best choice out of all the current consoles
That would be Switch or Series X. Pis5 has no games.
Actually too dumb to realize that Xbox can play FIFA too.