Do games ever get fun again? sobriety

Any sober anons here? Been sober a month. I can't enjoy ANY game. All I can do besides work is excercise or shitpost. Does the joy of gaming without booze/weed return?

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yes but not for you. Since you're an alcoholic you'll now be a slave to it for the rest of your life regardless if you actually drink or not. If you choose not to, the rest of your life will be spent thinking about alcohol, dreaming of alcohol, and fighting off the feeling that 'things were better when I drank'
The joys of rewiring your brain: permanent and lasting.
video games

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redpill: the only way you could enjoy vidya was through drugs because it inhibits your subconscious that you're wasting your time doing something pointless/unproductive.
Move onto another hobby or start doing exercise and play vidya in your downtime, rather than free time.

If you are retarded enough to tale drugs you deserve the downsides.

eh last time when i got to seven weeks i was actual able to deal with the overwhelming nature of both subnauticas and beat them sober, it was fun

just relapsed cause of other reasons

you could be right, since i've been sober i do productive hobbies way more like piano/bible, was always liftin'

>Do games ever get fun again?
Not even a question of sobriety, it just isn't getting any better
Anime or manga

it's probably not the same for every person but when I was a NEET for the last two years, it was the best time of my life but also progressively harder to enjoy things as the looming specter of "this can't continue" loomed closer and closer.
Now that I'm back to my old job, I'm miserable again but I enjoy vidya and games as much as before again. It's the eternal paradox that maybe only being rich enough to not worry about the future would free you from.

should i read the manga? is the guy that comes in after wolfwood a good replacement?

lol i was wondering if the reason people i know beat elden ring so quickly and i'm still not done w it is for the reason you just said (they have 9-5s)

based, keep it up user.

reading fiction isn't above vidya whatsoever

Been sober for 4 months. Really got into sim racing last year (assetto corsa competizione) and I've improved my driving significantly since ditching weed/alcohol.

As for regular video games, I can still enjoy them, and don't need to smoke weed every half hour to keep interest.

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Are you more of a manga or anime guy Yea Forums?

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>All I can do besides work is excercise or shitpost
i fail to see the problem

i couldn't even enjoy death stranding on edible kek, good for you man

much like vash, you're a plant, we all are, the best thing you can do for a plant is to give it just about what it needs and nothing more, too much light will dry it up, too much water will drown it, not enough light will cause it to wither away, everything in moderation, a lot of people will act holier than thou when engaging in conversation about sobriety without realising how lucky they are to have been exposed to 'just the right amount' in life, the key to happiness has always been to maintain the balance, but it's even more worth it to learn to maintain that after years of teetering on the edge, I wish you the best of luck, love and peace.

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i always wondered about that word upon learning japanese a little more. was he plant or was it in reference to his emergence from the electrical plant, so plant actually means being of pure light

link to ep of pic related:

I've been a NEET for 15 years, I have very little drive to play videogames. I've only got like 14 hours in Elden Ring. Oddly, I find myself installing games and modding them extensively with the supposed intent of playing them but then losing interest after they're completely modded and set up.

god i'm so tempted since it's friday for me. i have naltrexone (sinclair method) i never tried it, the doctor said its ok the drink if i take it before hand because itll teach me to be a normal drinker

seems like a fucking lie

>drinking literal shit
You just suck.
Been sober for 35 years, and I enjoy vidya just as much as I did 20 years ago. Just don't bother with the over-shilled flavor of month AAA garbage.

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was it harder at first though in the withdrawl period?

it's both, they're a source of power hence "plant" but also I take it as a literal in that they're naturally occurring beings that existed prior to and independent of humans, it's pretty obvious that if Vash chose to, he could survive without food, water or any of the other things that we as humans require to survive, that and angel arm manifesting itself as a pure destructive light-based weapon makes sense to categorise him as some kind of bipedal sentient photosynthesising something or other, obviously that's pure head canon, but thematically it does seem to fit pretty well.

user, he's a 35 year old straight edge faggot nerd.

Hell if I know. I didn't get to keep my memories of my past life.
I honestly don't understand how anyone can willingly consume that shit. Anything even touched by alcohol tastes like turpentine.

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It's normal to go thru phases where you don't really feel like playing games, I've gone months like that but eventually I'll settle into a game again and it feels good after the break doing other things.

bro thats genius didn't think it being a solar based weapon

Congratulations, you fried your brain with ethanol. Time to smoke some DMT and do acid and hope for your neuron dendrites to grow back. Don't be a stupid prick, don't consume toxins.
Besides that, you might be simply picking up wrong games. I drop games often but I always find something fun to do in the end or just play titanfall 2 like usual.
Or you might be simply depressed from denying yourself a thing you associate with fun. Stay sober for longer and it should go away, if it doesn't then go to psychiatrist and get yourself antidepressant prescription or therapy.

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Drinking shit, anyone who needs that crap is a loser the same with recreational drugs makes you a complete loser.
The worst thing is that most musicians are extremely stupid these days and promote that shit in their meaningless lyrics, having the worst progressions and harmony.

> t faggot that overdosed on beer
I don’t care if you’re sober, that doesn’t make you better than the lowliest of alcoholics. Gaming is the biggest waste of time on the planet and alcohols the only thing that makes it bearable.

Its honestly easier for me to focus on games sober because the only thing I could concentrate on while drinking was instant gratification multiplayer shit.

It's definitely not for everyone, but I find it comfy and relaxing. I like hiking and backpacking so that's probably why I enjoy it

he;s right you are a straight edge faggot

>I only enjoyed video games when not sober
You didn't enjoy video games. You were only playing them out of habit. That's fine that's just who you are now. Find a new hobby

don't really want to encounter satanic goatmen and elves im good dude

What ever you say, narc.
Vidya is literally the greatest entertainment media this planet has ever produced, providing various educational and health benefits on top of being a social phenomena.

If you "need" head-messing toxics to "enjoy" anything, you're simply addicted to the chemicals, not the gaming. Literally NOBODY I know plays any sort of games while drunk.

PS: I've never overdosed on anything. I've only ever had two (2) alcoholic sips, one of them literal sacramental wine at church, and even that shit I won't touch with 10 foot pole no more.

>drunk shitlord can't cope with his addiction, so he samefags for (You)s

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also stops old people from getting alzheimers, you're still a self-righteous fag though user

>danteposter is holier than thou in spite of being raised a Christian
I'm going to take a wild fucking're a protestant aren't you?

Good luck OP, hope you manage to pull through.
As for the rest, when did Yea Forums become full of genuine squares?

frankly, it sucks we have to worry about feds and trolls so much, i wish so bad i could have a frogposting meetup. we are all invisible to eachother.

pretty sure i wouldnt have even became an addict if i had frens, not the reddit tier bugmen i grew up with that are all atheist consoomers

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This is bullshit, I'm an alcoholic and there are definitely things I enjoy about being sober. Reading, drawing, playing more complex games; there are plenty things that's hard to do while shitfaced.

Pretty much this. Anytime I get sober for more than a day or two my gaming enjoyment absolutely plummets.

But then I'll spark up a J and zone out for 3 hours fucking around in some game making zero progress and enjoying every minute of it.

I believe that faith, no matter where it's placed is an important part of the human psyche, atheism is presently a scourge on humanity unless we get 40k'd and there's actually an individual who is infallible that we can realistically deify, without my faith I don't think I'd be here at all today, it's genuinely helped me in so many ways.

yeah it comes back, if you were drinking really hard then its not uncommon for the first months to be really rough as far as enjoying what you normally would.
you'll always have the cravings but it shouldn't be this bad aside from occasionally when a craving hits really hard. just hang in there and mess with another hobby for a bit for that novel feeling and video games will call again.

also for the cravings I found that unflavored bottled carbonated water helps since it felt kind of like drinking beer but I don't have anything for the liquor cravings other than waiting it out.

Good for you on admiting you are a lesser class of human. Acceptance of your reliance on functioning members of society is the first step

Lies and slander, "the beings" you may encounter are benevolent in their nature and the substance itself makes you feel like anything could happen and you wouldn't mind because of the perceived connection to the world and being one with it. The biggest strength of it is making your brain able to rewire itself to counter the damages though. If used with the purpose of healing and in controlled environment this range of substances can help a great deal.
One of my friends quit drinking after I gave him psychs and other friend of mine quit drugs after years of abusing mephedrone.

If I couldn't drink I'd probably kill myself

kek your venom just proves his point you need god, user. satan is influencing your hate like all atheist bugmen who are mean for no reason

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>omniscient being
>you being anything more than a lesser creature in its wake
are you an ESL?

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you never had a bad trip? i can't risk breaking the law so i probably never get it but since its just the dream chemical seems like its neutral and trashing it out of hand might be silly....

just scared of it dude. i mean since i put up a crucifix the demonic ass shit i felt around sleep/during sleep went away but i mean it just makes me scared of taking a high dose of the naturally occuring dream substance

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No user just dosnt realize that we've already been 40k'd. Infallible god emperor trump exists. And I still dont worship him

Weird picture, because if there is something the USSR had going for it it was the free public services like healthcare and education.


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redditors try so hard to mask themselves but by the end of it their direct connection to the hivemind of politics betrays them, it's incredible to see it in action.

i've also found dairy, protein, and carbs to assuage craving

just had some of my beef stroganoff leftovers, the feeling has subsided substantially

indeed, same with their unironic hate talke

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Thank you for properly admiring the highest class of humanity. Please updoot.

Tbh, I think it's natural to not enjoy video games as a sober adult.

i'm starting to think the same except for that special game that only comes along every 5-10 years or so

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>you never had a bad trip?
I had multiple bad trips but these were caused not by the psychedelics themselves but rather by using them in combination with other substances. I used too much energy drinks while tripping once and it made my anxiety shoot through the roof and caused a bad trip. I once drank alcohol on my friends birthday but when I came back home still drunk I decided to trip and it ended up giving me a bad trip too.
Psychedelics taken alone never not once gave me a bad trip.
>i can't risk breaking the law
Funny you mention that, if you were to dive deeper into underworld and see even a fraction of how it operates you would know that police genuinely doesn't care about users that buy very little because they're too busy trying to figure out how to take down gangs and import/export routes. Drug problem is so widespread that getting yourself some drugs will never get you caught as long as you keep basic secrecy and get a decent source. There are many markets and vendors on darknet and all you would need to do is learn how to verify what seems to a scam or not and how to use TOR and crypto.
>just scared of it dude
I was too. I wrote my will before smoking the DMT for the first time in my life. DMT also happens to be my entry drug because it seemed like a very interesting substance. When I used it for the first time I started coughing like mad because I don't smoke but whatever started acting in me ended up washing me with a wave of relaxation and peace that was never known to me. I smoked it again and rip the will into pieces after 15 minutes because I knew from that moment on that I was safe.


good to hear, the longer you go the less often those cravings will hit so just hang in there and you'll be able to enjoy video games like you were able to before you ever drank at all. Shits rough though so good luck user

certainly on the list, this is from elden though.

would of put a dark souls image but im lazy

thanks for the support, it's why i made this post. i've been given a rare opportunity where i don't really have to do much of anything the next couple of months so braking now when there is no stress would be utterly retarded

Not a redditor. Knowing that socialist countries deliver on healthcare doesn't make you left wing

ok schlomo, tell that to the 100 million dead whites and chinese faggot

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thanks for the positive anons, this effectively distracted me. craving cycle over for now

pic related girl if your ex bro

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I gave up drinking but still have a non alcoholic wheat beer (part of my all wheat diet) every night. I think the beer was just a habit because I don't mind the lack of alcohol

all carb diet? wtf man why, not eating carbs is how i went from 250 to 170

I can't read what the fuck is going on in the manga half the time
Line and motion clarity are the worst I've ever seen