TLDR Pros - certain mechanics of weapon designs and quality of life designs are very nice. - aesthetics are nice
Cons - combat is difficult but has no satisfaction. - would rather fight Nameless King, Midir, and Friede at the same time than keep playing this.
I tried to like the game, but honestly found it very hard to. Originally I bought it thinking it would be similar to Dark Souls, but that is the wrong mindset to play the game with. It definitely is a "souls-like" game, but heavily lacks what I found enjoyable in other games in that genre. Game definitely has a lot of interesting mechanics that I did enjoy, but overall the game left me frustrated more than anything.
Cons - Combat. It feels like a coin flip. Even basic enemies and bandits can chunk you with 75% of your hp with one hit. Bosses and "mini-bosses" are even worse. They deal a ton of damage and hit stuns will fuck you over. Getting hit even once usually means you'll eat the rest of the combo and die. Even if you beat them down to a sliver of their hp, getting caught means you get run over. Combat is pretty fast paced. So sometimes you just respawn, get hit with 1 combo and die again within 20 or 30 seconds. This gets very tiring and frustrating since the margin for error is so small. Leveling up also doesn't seem to do much. I was 10 levels over the recommended level for the mission and I still ate crap. There's a difference between getting good and trying to beat artificial difficulty. - Community. I went to look for help to find tips on how to get better or maybe find out what was wrong with how I was approaching the game. Most of what I got from others was that the game was hard and learn how to Ki Pulse properly. While ki pulse is vital for managing your ki (stamina), it still didn't help with the problems I had with overall combat. Community seems to kind of put off people looking for help or just laugh off when complaints are made about bad mechanics in the game.
>combat is difficult but has no satisfaction. Okay i'll bite, can you develop that point?
Parker Taylor
>- Combat. It feels like a coin flip. Even basic enemies and bandits can chunk you with 75% of your hp with one hit. I really hateto use that phrase because of how much it's been memed to death and lost a lot of significance, but GIT fucking GUD. I can guarantee you you're one of those shitters that gets filtered by ki pulsing and think he HAS TO dodge everything as if it was fucking dark souls and even forgets he has a block button or access to useful shit like ninjutsu or onmyo
Aiden Gutierrez
Better than elden ring
Sebastian Ward
I told you. I told you that If you like Souls / Sekiro / Elden Ring you won't like Nioh. It's your fault for not listening.
The best part is the bonuses you get for ki pulsing, a mid stance perfect pulse will net you a free block, perfect ki pulse in low gets you a free dodge. Not to mention how you can ki pulse on dodge too, once you get the timing nailed down everything just flows in a way that screams 'you only had yourself to blame for being a shitter'.
Chase Sullivan
Flux and Flux II are when you reach true enlightment
Ayden Rivera
The Nioh community is bad? I've learned detailed helpful stuff just from watching youtube videos.
Ian Fisher
>Combat. It feels like a coin flip. I get that you can get demolished even by regular goons with a single hit and most enemies (at the same level) need more than one hit to kill, but no matter your build, you should be able to dissect weaknesses from each type of enemy, either from their moveset, element, range, etc. I'm ass at the game and I abused the fuck out of magic and ninjutsu buffs on both games. Yet, I think I managed to get a grip on the enemies and combat to a point where I could increase my success rate to a point where I can't really consider it a coinflip. That being said, I still struggle a lot against the Raven Tengus from 2.