Did the patch make it one of the worst weapons in the game or is it balanced/worth using?
Did the patch make it one of the worst weapons in the game or is it balanced/worth using?
Doesn't matter. You didn't beat the game.
Night and flame was kind of mediocre even before the nerf. The weapon arts hit pretty hard, but they were kind of hard to hit with, and they took a long time to cast.
And if you planned on using both of them then you had to keep leveling INT and FAI because the two skills scaled on different stats.
After the nerf I wouldn't bother with it. Which sucks because it was like the only straight sword in the game worth considering.
Not true, it was absolutely broken. It did an obscene amount of damage even at minimum stats and on top of that, using it in melee range would do insane stagger damage even to bosses.
So is it worth getting or not? I just want a solid straight sword
Longsword or Lordsworn Sword. Simple as.
It's still pretty strong, but you need an odd stat spread to make it really powerful. I would recommend getting the bare minimum faith and strength to use it and pump intelligence and mind.
It's still broken. You may need to do one more attack to kill stuff, but they didn't nerf it hard enough.
Really? Damn that sucks. Basic shit for normal sword users and great sword fellas get everything
pre nerf you could use royal guards resolve and do some absolutely huge numbers with it
post nerf I would call it balanced to be more in line with others
The guy who wrote the wiki page is extremely salty about this
>So is it worth getting or not?
if you don't plan on leveling int/fai then no, if you do then just use it when you feel like it
St. Trina's sword has a pretty cool moveset.
>Check wiki
Holy shit you’re right Kek. What a petty editor
I would only use it if I wanted to make a build that exclusively uses INT/FTH spells like death and magma sorceries with golden order incantations. Its the only weapon for dual caster stats.
If I was doing a straight sword build I would focus on spellcasting. Then I'd throw bloodhound step on a lordsworn sword for dodging and creating distance. The sword itself would mostly be a backup weapon. Although honestly I would use an uchigatana if I was going that route. Pic related: My sorcery character.
Unless you want to avoid using Radagons Sorceal. Then you wouldn't have the stats for uchigatana, and lordsworn sword makes more sense for saving your stats.
I can’t decide between faith and intelligence anyway. Prefer faith though
Don't sleep on power stancing straight swords, imo it has one of the best move sets in the game
I ran the game in offline mode when they nerfed it because I was actively using the weapon and I'm not bending over just because they decide to change the product while I'm using it
I haven't tried powerstancing straight swords. How does it compare to curved swords? Those are pretty great for building up statuses since the jump attack hits 4 times.
IMO, sorcieries are probably better but incantations are more varied and flashy but have awful start up times and no hyper armor. Why did we only get a single thrown lightning spear but multiple huge lightning stakes?
Also desu, the mixed stat spells like death category sorcieries are kind of shite but still might be fun to RP with.
I just got to radagon using a arcane bleed build with eleonaras poleblade and dragon talisman. Both of the boss phases are immune to hemorrhage. What can I spec into that is the easiest way to kill radagon? I just want to be done
I prefer the Wing of Astel. It's better for pure mage and also has a mid-range R2 "art" that doesn't cost FP.
I still see most people using it. I've actually been helping people out for the last couple days (Mostly with Radahn/ Margott/Godksin Duo) and I've been keeping numbers of weapons others use.
Bloodhound Fang : 107
Moonveil : 88
SONAF : 56
RoB : 44
These numbers were from other co-opers as well.
Spam blasphemous blade ash of war with a mimic.
Honestly, Eleanoras Poleblade isn't much of an arcane or bleed weapon and if you have a good amount of dex you should be fine even without the bleed.
Unrelated but what’s a good replacement for the brass shield? Crazy how such an early game drop can carry you
I'd say it's balanced now. It hits for decent damage at decent range, so if you're doing a mage build it's a good weapon. Situational useful against mobs, especially when you can line up mobs in a hallway or something.
It definitely doesn't nuke bosses anymore though.
Its specials hits like a truck but feels a bit too slow to use once enemies stop moving like molasses, also its running R2 being a slash rather than a poke is bullshit, but it's fun nonetheless
It’s still the best straight sword the game by far. Even ignoring the nerfed (but still usable) weapon art, it has the highest attack rating
Retard wiki editor.
It's fine. You can absolutely cheese some enemies even still, but I don't think it was ever as good as people pretended. I started a character using pre-nerf SoNaF and a character using Godrick's Greataxe at the same time and I had a way easier time with Godrick's Greataxe from about halfway through the game onward.
I like the albinaurc shield, but if you want a straight upgrade from the brass shield you'll have to go with greatshields I think
what fucking horseshit lmao. what, do you think you're the only person doing coop on this entire website? Fuck off retard.
I think Brass is simply the best medium shield period. Its better than a lot of greatshields and half the weight. Fingerprint shield is the obvious king, though. The Mausoleum Knight shield gives good resistances, though.
I have no dex
Replacement? Brass shield is the best medium shield. If you want more guard boost you have to pump a bunch of STR and upgrade to greatshields. The best bang for your buck there is probably the golden greatshield.
It is literally the same fucking weapon with 20% less damage, it is nowhere near even being an average weapon.
God I look forward to seeing moonveil shitters kill themselves when their damage is reduced by 10% because it's the fucking end of the world like you idiots, I even use the sword of night and flame and think its still great, it's not as obscenely overpowered as before but it's still good and quite deserving of the investment.
By all means, though, go use some other obscenely overpowered weapon or combo, abuse dual wielding seppuku or something, it's clear you don't actually enjoy the weapon or mechanics as much as being overpowered as fuck and ignoring the game mechanics.
I hate this fucking shithole, you people are so fucking stupid, how do you even remember to breathe?
you don't have to respec at all for easy mode
poison darts and rot pots/breath, summon NPCs, apply DoTs, resummon NPCs as needed
Eleanoras Poleblade gets a max arcane scaling of D. If you really wanted a twinblade to abuse bleed with you could've used the Godskin Peeler with bleed or occult infusion and seppuku.
I like the Poleblade but only because it looks cool and its ash of war is good at breaking stance.
>being overpowered as fuck and ignoring the game mechanics.
yeah, the bosses already ignore other game mechanics and logic, so fuck em
It is still by far the most powerful straightsword, though it requires more investment than others.
Hard to decide because they're both good. SS feel chunkier and I believe will do more stagger damage but powerstanced curved swords have a very nice flow to them
I just found out axes don't do posture damage.
Who the fuck was in charge of this game's balance?
Outside of a few spells INT seems like the pure damage choice while FTH has all the utility stuff, heals and buffs for hybrid builds
I sincerely doubt there has been that much balance testing considering the strength of some weapons. And it's not even really about individual weapons either, stuff like bleed and frost (to some degree) being this ridiculous should have been noticed by anyone during testing.
I think bleed and frost are fine, it's everything else that's underpowered.
It's probably because Arcane scaling wasn't working so they only tested the weapons in their broken state. Now that it's working, the bleed weapons are stronger than they were supposed to be and probably should get a reduction in base damage
I think its really Seppuku that is too strong. It seems to give somewhere around 100 Bleed for very little trade off. When added to an occult katana and innate bleed, its silly. Frostbite doesn't seem that bad imo at least when compared to blood loss.
Is rot/ice dragon breath good? Are the aerial versions an improvement if they happen to be good at all?
>4 (FOUR) FP, one of the cheapest weapon arts in the game
>lasts longer than any other weapon art buff
>gives you damage AND a ton of bleed
What the fuck were they thinking
>It's real
Fucking kek
I use dual bleed whips on my dex/arc character so I can't sudoku myself. Any other buff worth using?
I don't know if that is it. Arcane was only bugged on the few weapons that naturally scaled arcane and had split damage like physical/fire. The only one of those that now seem OP is Rivers of Blood but its only strong due to its spammable ash. Other arcane weapons that were fixed like Marais Executioners Sword are still weak and probably don't need a nerf.
it is not 'unusable' but pointless to use since there are much better cheese weapons (like the envoy horn) and spells now due to rebalance, while it used to be pretty much THE cheese weapon
>great sword fellas get everything
What do you mean bro?
I think it's dumb to be nerfing anything honestly. Let people explore and find crazy op shit. The bosses are spastic adhd damage sponges by the end of the game so being rewarded for exploring and beating their shit in with things you've found should be the benefit of the open world.
Any Longsword + Ashes of War > Sword of Night and Flame
They are both strong. Rot in general is really good. The improved versions do a bit more damage and being suspended i the air can cause some enemy attacks to miss. The normal breath seems to have longer range while the special seem to be wider. I wouldn't call them a pure improvement. The standard breath can also be used on horseback to cheese field bosses.
>blocks your path
Same. Wasn't doing Farum finally without it. Beat the game same day
it's always the fault of pvp niggers that take some silly multiplayer addition with religious seriousness
Their base damage is already not great, I'd suggest the opposite, bleed's scaling effect and stagger are too strong and the weapons without bleed are essentially low damage gimmicks.
The mechanic itself is the issue.
If they ever nerf bleed into the ground prepare to see tons of complaints about how hard bosses are or hp bloat get posted like crazy.
Don't they use op ganking shit anyway?
use azur comet or else rivers of blood/arcane spec.
As it is, bleed weapons are absurdly, stupidly strong against enemies they are effective against whatsoever, and feel pathetic against enemies immune to their status ailments.
I just think they should be balanced out between the two to being effective in both situations, with the bonus of being obviously better when you can bleed enemies, it's very noticeable when your character goes from feeling like a god to a weakling just because an enemy is immune to the thing your entire build gets its damage from, both in terms of AR and in terms of the status itself.