Elden Ring Lore

Why the fuck does Godwyn look like that?

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Magic death AIDS

fucking fia turns you into a mermaid

Because Ranni is a heartless bitch
>man is called the golden
>literally snuff out his life and soul and force him to experience eternal death and decay
Ranni is a cunt

How do we go from this....

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His body is an omegatumor and it's being influenced by the crucible, which is why he's growing animal parts.

he's a gamer

He didn't deserved that ending...
He was just a kind demi-god friend of dragons

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So did any fujo draw art with Godwyn yet? Asking for my gf ofc.

>friend of dragons
He got what he deserved

It's because he's buried at the root of the erd tree, which is rooted around the crucible, the big deal from before the erd tree grew, which used to be worshipped as the source of life and which since being replaced was why the misbegotten fell out of favour.

The crucible recycled life by mixing it all up and as you can see, Godwyn's still living body (The body is alive, it was his soul which died) is being altered by those crucible effects. Which has had an unfortunate side effect on account of him being connected to death.

is there any change when you burn the erdtree?

luv dragons
luv me ma and pa
luv deathbed wenches
'ate Ranni
'ate the Black Knives
'ate the Erdtree
... simple as

what about his face under stormveil though ? why the fuck is it there too

>demigods aren't supposed to ve able to die, since Destined Death is sealed, and they tend to regenerate over time
>sliced up good with dagger containing stolen fragment of Destined Death
>due to Ranni's plot, only Godwyn's soul was destroyed
>his body can't die, and tries to regenerate, but has no soul to animate it
Effectively he has magic super cancer, where his dead body is "regenerating" aimelessly with no soul at the rudder, and it's getting weird. He was laid to rest at the roots of the erdtree, but his warped body is now corrupting the tree, and deathroot is spreading through the root network across the land, causing those that come into contact with it to become tainted and become Those Who Live in Death.

it spread there all the way from deeproot
his cancer body is spreading along the roots of the erdtree

Pic above your post?

This makes a ton of sense actually.

He is literally everywhere. Everywhere there's a skeleton,na Tibia Mariner, a Deathroot, etc, Godwyn is there

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he's a golden order simp why would he hate the erdtree?

He has a lot of rewards points and he uses them to travel

I think it's the crucible which is making his body cancerous, if he'd not been buried right there he likely wouldn't have gotten all mixed up with other forms of life and been turned into corruption spreading as death root.

okay this convinced me

He's not a golden order simp after he dies, and he's literally destroying the erdtree.

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so does he come back to life if you complete fia's ending?

age of fire ruling hands wrote this

His body is a massive tumor thats spreading supercancer throughout the lands between

no blood/10


basically his soulless body keeps growing outward like a cancer, being buried so close to the base of the erdtree, the crucible, is why his body is growing a bunch of different animal parts. its the same reason the misbegotten are warped humans with animal features, their soul got too close to the crucible during the cleansing process

he built dragon cult with fortissax and lansseax which goes against greater will


Good one, saved.



The Greater Will/Golden Order are malleable. They accepted the Crucible knights at a time, and they accept the Carian family for their magic despite it being distinctly separate from the Greater Will.

They'd probably accept the dragons too, if they thought dragons were useful.

>Sup? What are you sayin'?

he was a goldfish

better quality

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>all evolution eventually goes to crab
art imitates life, bravo Miyazaki

Fia's quest end is hilarious.
It's the "I'll let this other man impregnate me; please hold my hand, my beloved provider" cuckolding meme played straight.

Why did ranni dumb bitch kill her step brother

Where is it stated that she ordered the death of Godwyn? I don't think she did, I think she really did mean to steal it for her self to move on from her body.

women are selfish

reject humanoid return to crabe

The greater will, despite purporting to be the source of all life and the controlling force in the universe, is willing to make political alliances where it benefits them. And basically that is when they're unable to outright conquer an opposing force. It's a cool detail of the world, I suspect that's actually where GRRM comes in with the games pre history.

deepest lore

collateral damage in the rise of power

She's a selfish retard.

Needed to separate her soul from her demi-god body so it wasn't influenced by the Greater Will.

she orchestrated the assassination, she needed another god to die with half the rune to kill her body but leave her soul and the other victim to have their soul killed but body live on

This was GRRM-dono's idea, did you rike ??

She's a bitch and needed someone to split destined death with her

and how he is the shellfish
god damn how do they come up with this?

From that perspective he looks less scary.i thought the head was the other way around

Yea I think you might be spot on actually, he's clearly fused with the erdtree and is found at the heart of the crucible so it adds up.

GRRM and Miyazakcel really hate women dont they

all women characters are liars and/or evil murderers

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You get the murder weapon from a black assassin and give it to Rogier who finds out it was her who orchestrated the black night. She admits when you confront her about it.

Death is a hell of a drug

Who scarred it?

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ranni is a dumb cunt that fucked everyone over, godwyn became a parasite on the erd tree that is fucking up the death cycle

so even if you get her ending and leave with her, everyone remains fucked with the giant shit she took all over the table

Dung Eater >>>Ranni


i meant to say
>now he is the shellfish
but i butchered the joke

Could be a representation of the shattering that Marika did to the elden ring.

She'll admit to it outright but I believe Marika allowed the assassination to occur to eliminate an Empyrean and her most fanatic of children.

You want a merman scalopface Godwyn or handsome alive godwyn?

wrong, it only matters in Fia's ending because otherwise the entire tree just burns, cancer included

>ranni fucks everyone over and starts this whole mess
>marika smashes the elden ring causing all the infighting
>malenia infects 1/3 of the continent with super AIDS because she cant beat radahn

i hate women so much

Marika when they tried shatter the ring you dingus. The blow is located around the same torso area

someone tried to kill it and failed. hewg the backsmith is obsessed with making a god killing weapon because last one failed already.

So, just like IRL

>Ranni needed to absolutely omega-fuck everything in order to separate her soul from her body, because she didn't like the idea of destiny (But only for herself, she's fine with everyone else having destiny laid out for them :) )
>Sellen is in three places at once and wilfully stores her soul in a fucking rock just through studying hard and didn't need to kill a demigod/her brother/shatter the elden ring to do it

Ranni is a fucking bitch. There was a hard way to do what she wanted, which would involve effort but not hurting anyone. She chose the easy way which involved fucking absolutely everyone over. It's hilarious to see so many people give her a pass just because they simp over her pussy.

Marika when she broke the Elden Ring
The beast IS the Elden Ring so it's damaged

I caught your joke and enjoyed it.

Can we all agree on this

>Ranni is evil
>Marika is evil
>Radagon tried to fix stuff but in the end he's just a retarded demi god
>Gold Face ending is the GOOD ending because he ends the control of the demi god's
>every other ending is meme tier
>Ranni ending is EVIL because we don't know what the moon god does

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GRRM plot, though it’s stupid because he barely gives reasoning behind Ranni’s actions aside from “me no like gw”

>people think that this isn't Radahn

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Woman moment

She didn't bury him, you know, ask his extremely conspicuous mom.

From her perspective she killed her fathers wives son from a previous marriage, a marriage he went into by walking out on her, her sibling and mindbreaking her mother in the process.
Don't know why you'd expect she'd be friendly with Godwyn, she didn't even know they were related.

Malenia isn't evil, she's just retarded

You just gave me a thought, not enough evidence to support so mostly headcannon.
Could the humans of the world been created by the elden ring or greater will, whatever. All originally within the lands between, and tarnished being banished is actually the cause of creation of other cultures like the land of reeds, etc?

There's definitely a lot of evolutionary imagery in the bestiary and lore.
A progression from more primitive life to more sentient and complex life.
Beastmen given sentience, etc.

Godwyn's corpse is a vessel for some kind of deathblight afflicting the roots of the Erdtree.

He is touching the Crucible, which is deep underwater in the middle of the Jew Star created by the Divine Towers, which has warped his body into sea life, crustaceans and fishes.

The Crucible will be an underwater DLC area.

I want to go for the generic endins if only because being married to Marika seems a lot more interesting than Ranni

Ranni is still waifu idc genocide

Fuck the greater will