Is elden ring really normie game?

is elden ring really normie game?
i dont wanna play it anymore.

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Honestly one of the few reasons I liked the Souls games was it had an elite, niche community that gatekept shitters. Now the game is normiecore, mainstream and 99% of people talking about it are 16-24 year old zoomer secondaries that either started with ER or DaS III.

Go back

fromshit is normiecore since DS1 you retard


Not sure but it is very appealing to them but I'm not sure if they got filtered.

don't worry, it's still schizo


then don't you whiney bitch


It's better if you don't 100% it, gets extremely repetitive, just go for the story bits and ignore optional dungeons, they repeat over and over and over again

>normies wanting to play game that needs you to do stuff
i dont think so

>elite, niche community that gatekept shitters
>abusing simple to do iframes makes you elite


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Don't know.

Im a huge fan of Dark souls series, demon's souls and bloodborne, (sekiro is a shit for me), but Elden Ring is not what I was expected. Most of the map is empty, level of details are not huge like Bloodborne or Dars souls 3 was, bosses don't have a great design and their pattern are shitty, enemies are like totally autistics and always the same as in other from soft games, its barely a 5/10 for me.

>Souls games

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Eldern Ring is harder than any Souls game before it.

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Souls games haven't been even close to niche since Dark Souls 2

Of course it is, it is a betrayal of everything soulsborne stood for, it is casualized garbage.
Elden Ring truly proved that FromSoftware is incapable of comprehending what their true fans enjoyed about their soulsborne games. The pattern is clear now more than ever, any FromSoftware project that has Yui Tanimura involved in anyway, will be either mediocre or garbage. Hidetaka Miyazaki said that with Elden Ring "he had to delegate things to others more than usual" and it shows. Elden Ring is not a good soulsborne game, it is one of the worst, if not the worst:
>Open world causes a lot of padding and time wasting by just running around on your mount looking for the good parts.
>Open world forced them to add a mount and thus mounted combat, which is far inferior to the traditional unmounted combat. Even FromSoftware understood this and disabled mounts in multi-player.
>Open world ruins the traditional progression of difficulty in zones and especially boss fights, the bosses are either too hard because you are underleveld or too easy because you are overleveld, it is an unrefined and unfocused mediocre experience.
>Spirit ashe summon system casualizes the entire game, it is literally an EASY MODE that completely breaks the game and boss AI. Some of the spirit ashe summons at +10 (mimic/tiche/oleg) can solo bosses with you just standing there and watching, doing nothing else. Unlike traditional summons, spirit ashe summons do not give the boss a boost in HP and stats.

Elden Ring outsold all previous FromSoftware soulsborne games COMBINED, it is literally over for FromSoftware ARPGs as we know them. All future ARPG projects by FromSoftware will feature an open world of some sort.

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How can the hardest game they've ever made be casualized? Dark Souls 1, 2 and 3 are an absolute joke compared to ER's difficulty.


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everything post leyndell was dogshit

Keep it coming, your tears are delicious. The fact that you feel miserable about it makes this game even better for me. I love ER as a game, but the fact that it completely broke you Souls shitters to the point of tears probably makes it my favorite game of all time.

>summons spirit ashe summon mimic/tirche +10
>upgrades weapons
>doesn't have challenging and proper environmental hazards like Demon's Souls and Dark Souls


You shouldn't care about what other people think. If you like it, play it, that's all

What tears? I pirated it, beat it, got some minor entertainment out of it and it made me put FromPozzware on my Black List, all their future games will get pirated by me.

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You can overlevel in every souls game though?

Not as easily and effectively as in Elden Shit Ring.

you can use cheese strats, summons and overlevel in every Souls game. The fact remains that Elden Ring features by far the hardest bosses in any Fromsoft game including Sekiro. If you can beat Elden Ring regardless how then you can beat Demon's Souls and Dark Souls 1-3 in your sleep with 1 arm tied to your back.

Its's not difficult, the bosses are all the fucking same.
>delayed combos
>leaping away from you after they finish their attacks
>too large to properly follow with the camera
>cutscenes to tell you they've entered a new phase
absolute garbage

There are easy and effective souls grinding areas in every single game. Arguing about which game has the most effective grinding spots doesn't matter whatsoever because they all have them, so it's just a matter of time you want to spend grinding. Also, a big difference is that you will never truly outlevel certain enemies and bosses in Elden Ring, because they are designed to be able to tear through a 60 vigor character and take hits from a character with maxed out damage stats. In Dark Souls on the other hand, once you're overleveled, the game becomes a complete joke and you can face tank any boss in the game.


the type thing was just a last-second addition to appease americans. the funniest shit about it is melina will explicitly gender your character in the opening cutscene of the game

If you don't find elden ring bosses difficult, then what challenge do any other Fromsoft bosses provide? They are way slower, deal much less damage, their attacks have no delays, so you can always perfectly predict their patterns. What challenge is there in Dark Souls bosses if you find ER bosses easy? Are you just trying to be a contrarian for the sake of being a contrarian? You can't consider ER to be shit but concede the fact that it is the hardest Fromsoft game? ER has to be shit AND easy for you to win this argument?

It's okay. One day you'll realize video games aren't an identity and kvetching about who plays what will seem really stupid.

Until then you're going to be a normalfag, unironically worried about who plays the same game. Did you know normals breathe air?

Fucking idiot.

>ER has to be shit AND easy for you to win this argument?
No I don't care about winning the argument. I just think the game is easy and trash. The other games are easy too but at least they're enjoyable.

Dark souls 3 was peak
Trannies need not to reply

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>"remember ds1?" the game
you're the tranny

You're both followers.

Reddit newfag thinks you "win" an argument
Here is your updoooot

It's ascended even reddit-core and has become straight MAINSTREAM.


Souls fanbase was ruined with pcfags anyways

>DS3 comes out
>Not a whole lot on jewtube feed, maybe some guides or weapon showcases
>ER comes out
>Nonstop spam of shitty low effort memes
>Recommended is getting clogged up the ass with low effort shit bait vids
I want normalfaggots to fuck off and die

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You're a follower too.

Dark Souls 3 was peak

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>OP posts NPC image
>ironically exposes himself as average Yea Forums NPC mentality in his post
Any other kinos like this?

>incel mind speaks

Just watch Yea Forums for a day, it's infested with teenagers trying their hardest to be edgy and unique.

No game has ever given me the sense of exploration quite like this game. That's why it fucking boggles my mind that "people" look up guides and weapon locations before the game is even done downloading then complain it's boring or the open world is "empty"
Is it Normie? Gaming is Normie now. Has been for 20 years.

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>Elden Ring comes out
>ignore normie social media feed
>enjoy game
Simple as

they gutted pvp for easier coop so anyone can help kill the first boss with endgame gear. its the most normie its ever been

guide usage went out of control with ER, its actually insane how much everyone is FOMOing into broken shit, actual fucking faggots, game is ruined

I am 6'3, hairy, muscular and masculine, would rape your mother infront of you and you wouldn't do shit.

I would shoot you. Welcome to America.

I would make gay passionate sex with you

>lay EnnPeeCee meemay
kys you're self

welcome to america

holy shit go back

I agree. I wish the board would go back before normals got ahold of memes and they stayed in Facebook groups.

you cant sell 12 million copies and not be normie shit, thats more than zelda sells