We need a solid Komi game

We need a solid Komi game

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The fuck would it be? A Telltale game where you press nothing and everything turns out awesome because you're hot?

mary sue

So a game where nothing happens after the first 5 minutes?

Komi should be pumped full of penis juice.

Literally the only reason this got popular is because she randomly turns into a giant eyed moeblob, sometimes with cat ears.

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I really dunno why the fuck I'm still reading this shit. Honestly wish the author went more with what the one shot had going on instead.

But who would be Liquid Komi?

So a game that lasts 3000 hours and only ends when you finally break down and buy the DLC to quite out the game

Take that back or i'll kill you

Is this the mamimi thread?

Watched the entire anime. Disappointed she didn't fuck a single dog.

eroge where Komi is trying to get into Tadano's pants but keep getting blueballed by everyone and he's too Nice™ to initiate it himself and if you take too long you get cucked by Najimi

In almost every single case
manga>putrid festering dogshit>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>anime

You need to stop posting these threads about a dogshit anime.

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Go outside nigga

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Here's your Komi game bro. Enjoy turning into a flesh monster while dunking on a mastermind of an ancient civilization and then promptly kill your son

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a literal roastie wrote this post and pic

it's slice of life

if you call money "paper" i dont give a fuck what you say

Such a shame since both nagatoro and komi were actually good at the start. Now they're just yet another generic and soulless romcom
Shit, remember when Nagataro was actually about fucking bullying? Shit is now as soulless as the teasing anime below nagatoro in that pic

>dbspic having an opinion

>Using gokufan2470 name and trying to pass as a chad

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If you're white and watch a self insert anime made for Japanese Otaku you're a failure and should just kys

That's a racist statement.

what's #3?

What does "stacking paper" mean? Being jobless?

Its a saying for when you fold toilet paper neatly to wipe your ass rather than just crumpling it up.


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And? Racism is based. Cry about it.

Been trying to meet you
Must be
The shitty plot between us
Or nothing in the next 260 chapters
While whores get moe face’d
But hi

Its referring to stacking dollar bills but no one uses that amount of paper money except for drug dealers since its harder to track cash payments, strippers and tip staff since that's how they get paid, and the cartoonishly wealthy looking to show off.

it needs solid source material first, what an incredibly piece of absolute garbage the manga is

Believe me i know

>just crumpling it up
what does that even do?

being into anime is no different from being a marvel fan

>stack no paper

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Niggers still believe you can get meaningful relationships by being rich

And there's nothing wrong with liking cool shit. What's really sad is being a pseudo intellectual loser online with no hobbies, accomplishments or any reason to justify their egotistical high self importance.

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What the fuck is that face lmao. Anime fans are really into this?

And no it a garbage show

>malding social security cucks seething
Just admit you hate the idea of work because you're lazy fatasses instead of acting like trying to be more financially secure is a bad thing

EOPs are always so fucking funny.


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DB is literally the only good anime to ever exist.

Why is komiwhore in the bully me anime collection?

So whats your favorite anime this season faggots? I like the hero joining the demon army

It’s the interested girl who wants (You) anime collection

>the average south korean male

r*dditors' waifus of the month

I speak 3 languages on daily base you amerimutt ass tonguer

I'm looking forward to spyxfamily because the manga was an enjoyable read. Dont really care about the others might watch them too.

Calm down autismo, I'm just confused about the niggerspeak.

>so mad over k-pop chads fucking white bitches out you bring them up unprovoked

You're still an EOP, eurofag. Nobody is impressed that you speak Swedish and German.

Finances have been the leading cause of divorce for decades. Sure, having money doesn't magical unfuck existing issues you have, but it does provide a much more stable base for you to improve yourself. Moreover, having money, assuming it's not just inherited, usually points to having some desirable skillsets and some degree of upward social mobility.

Honestly I'd consider you the autismo or retard it's such an easy to understand phrase. Do you lack thinking skills? Are you unable to process the simplest of thoughts that maybe paper means money and this is a phrase that's been used for nearly 3 decades and not even exclusively by blacks?

Or do your every waking moment just have to be seething over niggers like some sort of obsessed faggot with a chip on his shoulder?

Slice of life is all the same shit.
This is the kind of shit highschoolers watch, and that's okay.
Just because you're a dude who decides women are fucking worthless (Who can blame you?) doesn't mean you're sad and alone.
Being alone and being independent are two different things.
Women are the ones who decide the dating outlook in society, men are the ones who are supposed to pursue their standards, but when these pathetic whores set the bar at the top 8% of men and automatically exclude the average man, you know these bitches are going nowhere either.

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Virgins mad cause the DBZ shitter is right

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nigga the pic rel literally looks like you

You type like a reditor
Kill yourself

Just because you say water is wet doesn't mean you're smart.
This dumb faggot fails to see it from the rational point of view.
Women are absolute shit.
Men can't be blamed for refusing to play some shit game that they're sabotaged to lose.

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just play the Hearts of Iron 4 mod "The New Order", you can play as Komi there

Can't see what your retarded incel rant has to do with the original post, but ok

>Finances have been the leading cause of divorce for decades.

Yeah because most women don’t marry the guy they want, they eventually give up and get a provider. A provider that can’t provide anymore will be disposed of and replaced, you shouldn’t aspire to be a provider it’s worthless.

We need a Marin game!

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>NEETs pretending that money doesn't matter

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>Lose your money
>Lose your women

Wow sick relationship bro just hire a hooker