This is the boss that filtered Yea Forums

>this is the boss that filtered Yea Forums

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you didn't beat them

>status effect
you did NOT beat them

i beat them first try
only after beating the game and coming here did i find out people are actually having trouble with them

>using your tools
>using the environment

you didnt fucking win



>playing with anything but slow weapons
You unironically didn't beat the game

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Much better than using a summon like a faggot. I rotted their ass from behind the pillars and then went for a few cheeky stabs

Miyazaki designs game around:
>ash summoning
>status effects
>OP weapon arts
>Fromdrones still autisticly play without any of the game's features
>whine on social media that the game no longer caters to them
You guys are stuck on Stockholm Syndrome at this point.
>people think this game is hard

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I swear my next run will be with a colossal sword, just to see how bad Yea Forums is at this game. I'm using the Dismounter right now and it doesn't seem nearly as bad as people say here

He didnt beat them

this boss is a reality check for your build

>Implying any of those are required to win
You can just level, of course overleveling doesn't give you the "game beaten" award but at least it doesn't award you the "faggot" one either

Curved GS are still decent, just play with ColGS if you actually want to impress anybody.

this is shitter cope, elden ring is unironically more enjoyable when doing a sl1 run with no cheeses

>double comet azur

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That's literally what I said, I'm using the second or maybe third slowest already and colossal GS seems possible enough from what I'm seeing. The amount of stagger is already insane, although I know some bosses can't be posture broken as easily

literally stockholm copium

>a colossal sword
>crouch poke is as quick as a straight sword R1
It's the usual cause of folks being unable to adapt to new controls and mechanics. UGS are busted in this game, and completely mog straight swords and greatswords (outside of select weapons with busted weapon arts).

you didn't beat the game, you will never beat the game.

lol not at all, col gs poke won't save you from aoe heavy bosses like the fallen star bug.

Anyone complaining about UGS are just bad. They are by far the BEST weapon type in the game and powerstancing them + jump attack spam is absolutely broken and shits on the entire game except gank fights. I've tried magic/moonveil/rivers and they are all much more difficult than just jump spamming double UGS.

i two hand a colossal sword and the only enemy that made me consider respeccing so far was the whip guy you invade in the snow area, i abused a caster weapon art for him though. Most others actually seem not so bad and i can even get off fully charged R2s against a lot of bosses. Also if you rush the UGS and put warcry on it its actually more OP than magic for the early game. 3-4 shotting mini bosses with R2s and staggering margit/godrick very well.

killed first try whatchu mean
FTH build with partizan btw

Yeah that's what people complain about when they complain about UGS, that they are bad
Not that they are extremely fucking boring which you proved by boiling them all down jump attack spam yourself

>FTH build with partizan btw
based, I never see anyone else talk about that wep but I think its fun

my weapon was too good here. its fully somber +10 ruin greatsword. fight lasted like two minutes

Somber weapons are so much easier to level up than regular ones its not even funny

Name a single weapon type where you don't spam jump attacks or weapon art. No boss in the game will let any weapon get off more than 1 or 2 light attacks before retaliating because they are all so ridiculously fast. This makes light/heavy attacks irrelevant for almost all weapon types. Katanas = spam weapon art, curved swords = spam weapon art, ugs = spam jump attack, spears = spam running light attack. You're acting like you used some wide variety of movesets when you sure as fuck didn't because no boss will let you.

>boss dies
>continues to take damage in his death animation

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most of those are wrong and a desperate grasp to draw comparisons where there aren't any, a spear, curved sword and katana can all use their full toolkit in a boss fight

yeah, it is really stupid and doesn't make sense. i wanted to use the greatsword but I ended up not being able to until after

as a spearfag I can use most of my attacks pretty comfortably, and the shield counters are fast so that's a new part of my toolkit too.
UGS just recover too slow for anything but jump attacks to be feasible.

You gotta play to win.

I've never heard this guy talk, jesus that overbite makes him sound like a retarded aussie

The mismatch is indeed absurd, but then reverses at the very end of the game where you have less of the Ancient Dragon tier of somber than you do regular.

you how can ANYONE argue that this person beat the same game as someone who went melee only?

Can someone tell me how to avoid the fatty roll attack? Rolling dosnt work, Barricade actually does but then he just keeps rolling for what appears to be a fucking minute, and eventually I get hit.

You are making shit up for light weapons, I've used spiked caestus and r1 spam for bleed gets mixed in charged r2s all the time. I only use jump attacks for enemy sweeps and ground shockwaves, so all in all I have tons of variety compared to heavy weapons where anything that's not a jumping l1 is shit.

I decided to just get hit by it because avoiding it will make him keep doing it for another 20 seconds which is time you don't have if the other dude is still alive

>2 people load up eldenring.exr
>beat it using different methods
>didn't beat the same game

its the same software my dudes

Prove it. You can't because you know I'm right.
Your opinion doesn't matter if you use a shield sorry. I'm not insulting you or saying you didn't beat the game. I'm making a comparison between weapons and the UGS category. It doesn't need to be said that shield+spear outperforms all weapon types.

Pillar. You need to wedge him correctly into the pillar and then just wait it out.

>I demand mathematical proof and the other guys opinion doesn't matter because his loadout is wrong
you're slowly falling apart over an internet argument

one player has to actually use skills to avoid enemy attack and do some damage while the other just uses one magic spell and he's done.

It's counter intuitive, but you roll into him for the first hit which puts his rotation at too wide an angle to hit you again unless you massively fuck up your positioning. Rolling to the side or backwards will almost always get you hit.

run and use the tower stumbs as barricade

>but isn't it crazy that like....every weapon has a thing they use the most? That makes the state of STR weapons ok

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>Wearing armor
>Using weapons
>Drinking estus

>be int user
>use int to strategize
>out skill enemies
I don't see an issue. You're not just using stats for damage scaling are you?

You know I'm right. It's why you'll never use the talisman that buffs the final hit in your combo. Because you'll never get it off with anything but a dagger on a slow boss that's already easy as shit for all weapon types including slow ones.

I've only powerstanced colossal and you're right
I can only do jump attacks and if I do anything else I eat shit because of how fast the boss is

you beat the game just as anyone else

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>didn't roll around the enemy while hitting 1 attack button
You didn't do it properly

Roll straight forwards towards him when he does the move and you'll dodge successfully

>kills mid game enemy easily
Wow who would have guessed

>they fall asleep forming a perfect line
how lucky is this guy?

Roll into him

Bro...there's only two of will always form a perfect line...

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doing a dragoon build with that