It's no Doom

Attached: quake.jpg (1000x1500, 71.54K)

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The most groundbreaking moment in gaming history: designing levels based around real 3D.

Attached: QUAKE.webm (854x480, 2.91M)

It's better, and I'm tired of pretending it isn't

What's that? Elden ring?

>no shambler

look at this dude.

right, it's way better than doom.

revolutionary yes
as fun as doom? no. quake's weapons are boring, the enemies are bullet sponges and have bad damage feedback, and the aesthetic is drab and becomes dull after an hour or two of playing.

I think both are great. When it comes to mods though Quake wins EASILY.

>the enemies are bullet sponges

it's funny how this was literally never stated by anyone until zoomers played quake for the first time in 2014 or so

It's the opening demo, casual.

if he knows there's a shambler there he knows it's the opening demo, noob.

>Babbies first FPS
So this is the trash zoomerfaggots play?

Zoomers are 100% using the shotgun because le epic doom memes xD

kek i never thought about this they probably are

Quake is 26 years old. If you were old enough to buy Quake in 1996, you'd be 44 this year.

Nah, I'm 39.

We bought the shareware cd and pirated it. Truly an epin moment in gayming.

>John Carmack: This license key system I devised is uncrackable, so I'll have them put all the games on the CD.
>15 year old Estonians and shit on the internet: ":--)"

btw i have an email from said exact guy named john carmack where he basically tells me that rage sucks cock because it was made for xbox 360, in order to make money, because "consoles are the entire game market of the future blah blah"

it would be somewhere around 2007 when PC game sales absolutely blistered past consoles, never looking back. Consolefriends in Yea Forums still don't realized this has happened, 15 years ago at that.

Wasn't shotgun start a contingent of the old Doom community?

I'm not saying that, I meant that they're probably using the shotgun or the super shotty as their primary weapon because of shitty nuDoom memes like "loads shotgun furiously"

you can shotgun start any level in quake, you're just supposed to not keep fucking using it. it's not doom

People bought shit like Doom and Quake for their kids, same as GTA and CoD in subsequent gens.

my bad. misunderstood.

Vanilla Quake>Vanilla Doom
Modded Doom>Modded Quake

not to shoot your guys' smugness down but the super shotty sucks in quake as well, as does the nail gun, and while the super nail is pretty good, it runs out of ammo in like 5 seconds. the grenades are stupid and basically only useful for zombies, and rockets have the least impact of any any old FPS rocket launcher.

as someone who was there I genuinely wish I could bring people on Yea Forums who love video games to experience the quake era.

there was never anything like it and there has never been anything like it again. it will take some kind of sudden quantum leap in gaming for a "quake era" to happen again. I think a good candidate for this is some purpose-built VR device coming out that is designed for playing one game. Like everyone in the world starts playing some swordfighting game against each other or something and its just like real life

>and rockets have the least impact of any any old FPS rocket launcher.

this is a hilariously cute zoomer analysis of quake :)

If you were eight when Quake came out, you'd be 32.

I mean I guess it has an impact as far as being a jumping tool, but yeah it's a wet fart as far as being a rocket launcher to use against enemies goes.

tfw i can hear the music just watching the demo

user it's literally the strongest weapon from any game in the era

in online play in quake you use the rocket launcher 75% of the time, it completely dominates the game

dunna dun dunna dunna VWEEEEEE dunna dun dunna dunna VWEEEEEE

I would like to back up other user and say, no you're wrong, the quake rockets are by design weak because other games splash damage was enough to kill you but in quake they were nerfed as fuck so that you could get physics pinged around DM6 by rocket spam and survive. You may enjoy that aspect and lord knows me and mine did too, but you can't deny they were literally the LEAST IMPACTFUL rocket of the era. By design.

lmao, I think I was actually guilty of this since I played Quake after finishing Doom 2

Then you realize the true shotgun of this game was the nades

Attached: pipe launcher.png (300x225, 18.7K)

what? what the fuck lol

it's literally the iconic weapon and most impactful weapon of the entire era

this is THE most bizarre argument I have ever seen people try to make in 17 years on Yea Forums, i'm being serious

Quake 2 is better than Quake 1


True. it's better
Quake has always been better, and so have the mods.
Doom is very influential and paved the way for many great thing but is's probably top 3 most overrated games of all Wolfenstein came out earlier than Doom

Shotgun is the only long range hitscan weapon you have. Nails are good, but run out quickly. Rockets are slow and almost every enemy runs around in random patterns.

*is locked up in the asylum, again

Pfftt. Not having any random ass CD in the drive. Not like us chads fragging to the sounds of Enya.

I think he means the impact of the rocket explosions in the game. The Boom was not as big.

Quake's OST and atomsphere shit on Dooms so therfore it is better by default. Also the movement is way better and did I mention that the OST is god-tier?

You're missing the wordplay on impactful. You're arguing about it's impact on the industry, the user who started this stupid thing was talking about its literal impact alongside the peashooter shotguns and the pew pew no ammo nails.

>I think a good candidate for this is some purpose-built VR device
Hi John

Real nigga tune from a real nigga game!

>Rockets are slow


zoomers talking about quake is so utterly bizarre lol

dude you can't aim it's not the weapons LOL

>the user who started this stupid thing was talking about its literal impact alongside the peashooter shotguns and the pew pew no ammo nails.

yes it's literally a thousand times more powerful than them, you cannot use shotguns or nailguns in quake dm at high level at all more or less

it's tremendously impactful in terms of its power in the game that's directly what i was stating

why do zoomers do this thing where you act like i didn't understand, rather than just saying it's wrong? it's fucking wrong

>the grenades are stupid and basically only useful for zombies
They fuck up anything that's not a shambler

yes dipshit it's quake, are you retarded?

Quad Damage + Rocket Launcher or Double Barrel Shotgun = Rape

You can, but you're not really intended to. Most of the levels were pretty much randomized order-wise per episode, but they all had to be beatable from a shotgun start in case the player really sucked. The difference is that Quake saves your current equipment on loading a new map, so unlike Doom, dying doesn't force you into a shotgun start. Also Episode 4 throws out those rules and is meant to be played through in one order because Sandy hates you, and that's cool.

I like e4.

>it's a wet fart as far as being a rocket launcher to use against enemies goes.
Three direct rocket hits- about 1.5 seconds of firing- will kill literally anything in the game other than a Shambler or Vore. And you get rocket ammo constantly.

E4 is the best episode and best shows off what the engine can do and what makes a good Quake level. Mouth breathers will cry about boxy rooms and spawns all day long, but E4 has some of the best traps and set pieces in the game because Sandy went into it with his dungeon-master mindset instead of a Doom one.

right. also the most fun to coop with enemies jacked up to like 16x HP

E4 is when the game gets scary for real.

The rockets have so much damage that I end up killing myself with them so often.

Whoever's idea it was to put all those earthquakes in Dissolution of Eternity deserves to be punched in face.

The game is called "Quake", user. You should have expected them.

>old enough
Lawlz, retailers didn't give a tuppenny fuck about age ratings on Vidya back then, shit, I got the likes of Blood, Quake, Shadow Warrior and Carmageddon from a place in my hometown on release without being asked for ID once

I'm currently 28 so not too far off

I don't give a shit what anyone says, Quake II is kino and my favorite Id game. Quake is great. Both of them made Doom obsolete.

>no metaquake

and still a gret game

>based around real 3D.
the hidden level is entirely vertical tech demo

gl is fun, nails are fun, rl is fun, shotty is ok, lg is fun when you have ammo.


It's a lot more fun to play than Doom but less memorable overall. Doom probably still has my favorite enemy designs of any FPS

the only people who prefer doom are zoomers who downloaded Gzdoom and blew through the game using cheats in an hour. Quake was always better

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Quake 1 fags are the biggest tools on the web. They make outrageous claims to try and somehow make the game more meaningful, when it's really just a tech demo and the biggest influence from it is the engine it's self thanks to half life and CoD using it
>b-but first full 3d shooter
No that'd be Dark Forces
>b-but ground breaking level design
No that would be Duke Nuken 3D
>b-but unique environments
This is true of most shooters of the time
Shadow warrior
Again dark forces
System shock
>b-but explosive physics
Others had physics when it came to explosives as well
>b-but I'm not a faggot
Yes you are

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I'm glad you're winning the argument with yourself, sweetie, but I just like that Quake is fast and fun to play