This is literally the best game ever made

this is literally the best game ever made

Attached: rain world.jpg (1280x720, 280.04K)

Other urls found in this thread:

being hyperbolic about how great a great game is just invites shitposters. If you want to have a rain world thread you need to rein it in a bit

>posts the enemy that youj need to spam attack and pray to kill
What did he mean by that.

>BLM supporting devs
Lol no, never getting my money.

What's your favourite RW creature anons? For me it's the scissorbirds.

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I genuinely got filtered by this game. One of the only games I ever dropped because I was stuck. I will never achieve enlightenment.

they're probably mine too.
Points to the blue tentacle things for being one of the most unnerving things in a video game

heres my cheating answer

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Where did you drop it? I got hopelessly stuck in Shaded Citadel on my first playthrough and stopped playing it for like a year before giving it a second chance.

description says
does this mean it has those retarded pixelperfect jump into airdash into walljump between spikes bullshit moments made by and for autists or is it just difficult in a good way?

I couldn't even say what area it was, maybe the 4th or 5th nest you find? There was a really long climb up to the next area and I could never actually get enough food and get back safely. I never met the AI.

>you need to attack an enemy to kill it
woah no shit retard

is this true or are you just salty for some reason?

It's difficulty in a very interesting and unique way. You'll either love it or hate it, but you might be able to appreciate it even if the gameplay doesn't click.

It's not a very movement-heavy game.

>difficulty is not real if it's too hard for me
filtered shitter

>be me
>have bought 6 copies of rain world for people
>have rain world soundtrack on vinyl
>have never played rain world more than 5 minutes


i don't remember this what the fuck

It's like Alien Isolation on hard mode except with grinding as punishment for dying

I was just asking after the way it is difficult. neck yourself sperg.


It's not difficult in the first way, I'm dogshit at vidya and even I managed to beat it.
It's difficult in the sense that it has somewhat obscure mechanics and you're expected to work out how the gameworld works for yourself a lot of the time, coupled with having enemies/hazards that have the odds significantly stacked in their favour.

after getting murdered by lizards for the entire first half of the game i got good enough to kill them easily and started liking their goofiness, fuck the chameleon ones though

Did you not beat the game?

you started sperging out about your insecurities instead of asking the question like a non autist and you got an answer, you're welcome

i did, is this the sperm looking things at the end? looks different from what i remember but it has been a while

sounds interesting. is it ever frustrating or just challenging?

There is actually quite a lot of tight hidden movement tech in the game, even if you dont really need to use it at all, still makes navigating stuff a lot easier

it's frustrating.

go away sperg
>your insecurities

Its frustrating by design because it's supposed to emulate what its like to be a prey animal in nature.

It is extremely frustrating, because you don't know what to do and the enemies kill you instantly while it is nearly impossible for you to kill them when you just start out. If you don't deal well with frustration, legitimately you will not enjoy this game

cope shitter

Yeah they're giant worms

It can be genuinely frustrating at points, depending on your tolerance for unavoidable bullshit. The game is unfair by design since you're effectively a prey animal trying to survive in a hostile world, and generally the enemies aren't hand-placed so there is an element of RNG that can often lead you into corners.


you just want to shitpost. pathetic.
sort your life out user, you can find happiness just like everyone else.

>Everyone finally admits it's outright frustrating

hence I love the game to death, it's just not for me. Only time this has happened in history for me.

its challenging for the most part
the most frustrating shit in the game is
reindeer jankiness
longlegs rng
ascending the wall (optional)
garbage wastes

thanks user, I'll check it out.

Agreed. The best 3 games of all time:
Rain World
Outer Wilds

Refusing to admit its frustrating is just doing it a disservice, since

hahahahah what a weird thing to post
>work of art
>work of art
>bog standard AAA retread inferior to its predecessors in countless ways

A lot of risk can be mitigated with skill/knowledge, but sometimes you're just gonna be fucked, no matter what. You learn to accept it. Learn to love the cycle.

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I hope their next game is designed not to be frustrating. I hate being frustrated.

Well, you know there's a dlc coming right?

post rw image macros

Attached: pitiful predatory, behold.png (600x600, 316.66K)

That would be Mario Bros 3

dlc for rain world is still rain world. i don't want to play the game at a fundamental level, despite loving it.

Alright. I'll check it out. Looks great though

Rain World is to Celeste or Dustforce or any other precision platformer what Thief is to Quake.

I love that this image makes sense if you know the meaning of the runes. Whoever made it is a genius

Ah another rainworld thread. Its still not on xbox, so my ps4 continues to suck power from my wall.
Someday......someday.....the devs said so.......

to be honest me too.
I was in some sewer place and couldn't get past a life gate (unsure what theyre actually called) because I was trying to eat the bugs then sleep but the leeches would always get to me unless I played extremely lamely. I see why people like it but its just really aggravating

The advanced movement tech is entirely optional, though it makes the game easier if you master it. The difficulty comes from time management while exploring and avoiding predators

>ascending the wall (optional)
one of the best parts of the game

Elden Ring isn't even nearly the best game by it's director.
I can't get into outer wilds and I don't know why. It's like I just glaze over what ever I'm looking at, and the scrolls left over by the ancient aliens are really boring to read but I feel like I'll miss critical information if I don't read every single one

Vultures are super easy to kill, as long as you have some flat ground to fight on. And even if you can't kill it, spearing it 1-2 times is enough to make it fuck off most of the time.

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Ah another shill bot thread, please failed devs make this game on another platform

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post more rw memes

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