Elden ring is no masterpiece.
Elden ring is no masterpiece
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I thought he was doing a witcher video next
Whatever, one more monotone voice for me to use as a sleeping aid
>game gets too popular
>contrarians pop up to tell you why it's shit
Ah, status quo
Practice your english, Franciszek. You're just as bad as Mexicans in the United States who go around speaking Spanish all the fucking time.
>t. I'm absolutely incapable of forming my own opinion on anything so i rely on literal who e-celeb #31347 in order to fake having a personality and any semblance of individuality
He speaks better English than you, it seems
Isn't you just post the exactly same thread and it got archived? get a life loser, your life will never be as successful as Miyazaki, let see what kind of shit ass gay turd game you can come up
the DRAGON and the WIZARD
>is no masterpiece = is shit
why do you like to cry?
>hamsterson got filtered.
What else is new?
it's the same bullshit argument he used for Odyssey lol what a butthurt cuck
>You are not allowed to say bad thing about overhyped shit because its popular
I haven't watched it yet, but he was right about Dragon's Dogma, Shit Odyssey and Breath of the Shit
>game encourages x
>this isn't true because it's possible to beat it without x
Not even agreeing with him but this is a horrible rebuttal. Just because you gimp yourself in a challenge run to not use something doesn't mean the game isn't encouraging it for normal players.
Because I'm a dove
I didn't say all that, schizo
Hamsterson is a genuine idiot, but it’ll be fun to see Soulsfags have to deal with his criticisms being regurgitated at then for years
Nah, he's not just wrong.
He's completely wrong.
He is really bad at this, to the point that i don't think his opinion is valid.
qrd on why you're calling him hamsterson?
Ok. You make a video game critique video then.
> "I can't. I'm too smart".
Whatever, useless shitter
I dont really wanna listen to this dude babble for 8 hours or however long this one is. Whats his complaints? To many reused bosses? Starting at the mountain the quality goes down?
>he's wrong because of this
>this doesn't prove he's wrong
>okay but he's wrong look at my steam achievements
..? your argument here being?
Post the odyessy video where he can't walk in a circle and move on.
Nah, my work doesn't left time to do something like that.
I'll only agree with you if you don't spout eceleb takes on DS2.
It's some twitter thot type bullshit where they insult his phisical appearance because he isn't some gigachad or cute twink but instead a slightly chubby average looking man with short hair
Yea Forums be like
>e-celeb bad, but OUR e-celeb good
its been what, 6 years and tendies are still seething lmao
Why don't these youtubers just use the fucking summons? It's like on one hand, they constantly talk down to the "git gud" crowd, but on the other hand, these reviewers all seem to desperately want the approval of that same crowd, to the point where they flat out ignore game mechanics designed to make the game more enjoyable for casual players and then fault the game for it.
No time to learn English either huh?
but enough time to 100% ER?
He looks like hamster
never seen him before lol
post pic
>Yea Forums is one person
Fuck off
Reminder this guy defends BLM terrorists and would probably support tranny rights if you confronted him on it.
>No time to learn English either huh?
Why would i waste time with that either?
>but enough time to 100% ER?
Yes, that brought me joy.
Also you seething like a little bitch.
Keep going.
>don't use summons
>fromdrones bitch that you criticise bossfights when you could have skipped them
>use summons
>oh you didn't REALLY beat it your opinion doesn't matter xd
Wow, so theres people who are not cringe /pol/ incels?
You dont say
>Reminder this guy defends BLM terrorists
He really did that?
Posted about or something?
>100%ing Elden Ring brought me joy
I watched the video and he's yet another fucking Gutsfag twohanding the greatsword and interacting with no other mechanics.
Which is fine and all, play how you want, but I really wish Guts LARPers would realize that they're making the game harder on themselves and adjust their judgement of the game accordingly.
>No Witcher 3 video for over 2 years
>Here's 90 mins on why Elden Ring blah blah blah
What a psycho
filtered by Margit, huh?
Remember when this guy complained about bosses in Dark Souls 1 having too much health because he was using an unupgraded Broadsword to fight everything? Or when he said horror games are inherently bad because you can save an reload? Or when he insisted that Silent Hill was making James stupid? Or when he assumed he had to sit on every park bench to check to see if any other one had a moon?
Why do people respect this guy's opinion again?
twitter incels
I guarantee you the people saying these two things are not the same
This game isn't that great
>Game sucks
>Final score 9/10
I disagree.
exactly my point. Why do these youtubers try to appease the try-hards, yet at the same time, they always attack the try-hards as being stupid and gatekeepers? Summons are in this game for people who find the bosses too difficult and annoying. If you decide you want the challenge and not use summons, that's totally fine, but you can't keep whining about the difficulty then either, because you voluntarely chose not to use one of the most powerful tools the game gives you to overcome bosses.
>he used fast weapons, consumables, or god forbid ashes/player summons
you didn't beat the game
he didnt, just another schizoid seething at someone they dont like for whatever reason
>Le unpopular opinion
>This will get me a bunch of views for sure! *aggressively rub hands together*
It really fucking annoys me that this game is immune to criticism because the majority are either redditards or people new to Fromsoft games that don't realize it does nothing new and is literally just Dark Souls 4. Albeit, it is Fromsoft's most refined version out of the Dark/ Demon Souls. Still sucks compared to Bloodborne and Sekiro.
>e-celeb says exactly what Yea Forums complains about in the game
>Yea Forums decides their own opinions are wrong now because an e-celeb said them
Ah, status quo.
as opposed to what, another le epic Yea Forums channel that's first two videos are telling you God Hand and MGR are the best games ever made?
There is no way I am ever watching this video lol
>pop up
Game was hated day one, retard
its not even dark souls 4, its that bad
but he's saying the game's great? at least i would think so from the title and his tweets about it.
Dunno he can't even make a circle in a kids game
Pretty sad when contarians need to prop him up to validate his opinions
And he still calls the game a masterpiece
hbalding guy looks like shit but I bet trannyera doesn't have a nickname for him
Kill yourself, hamsterson shill
by whom? The critics and fan reception was overwhelmingly positive.
See thumbnail
>neoFAG poster is actually good at a difficult game
what the fuck?
Bloodborne is a chore to replay because I always remember that I might have to go through the weakest part of the game by far, the chalice dungeons, while Elden Ring's normal caves were the equivalent to the chalices, they were either short and sweet, or had some puzzles and hidden stuff that made them worth exploring.
Remember the chalices? How you'd find a treasure room but already knew beforehand that you would find nothing but ritual materials? I wish chalices weren't such a chore, Bloodborn would be unironically perfect if they were better designed.
Now on Sekiro.
The game is great but it got the weakest exploration and replay value of them all to be honest, there is nothing out there that is worth exploring for, and there isn't any cool secret to find either. It is a short and sweet game, but while the other games of the series kept me occupied for at least 200 hours, I was done with Sekiro, normal and no charm run, in less than 40.
7,9 in an era where every retards shits out tens for the last of us.
Its piss.
>But the critits reviews!
>I quit allready before the first boss, but its still a masterpiece
literally who?
Because people who watch youtube video essays are fucking retards and assume when someone has a lot to say about a topic that means they are intelligent and knowledgeable.
Extra points when they pepper in enough regurgitated opinions to make people go "Oh wow he agrees with me, he must be smart!"
That's how bad Joseph really is.
I like how you excluded the retards that spam 0s on everything they don't like and will never play.
Users scores in metacritic for popular games are basically worthless until the site culls all of the spam and bots.