If Sonic can have good movies, then why the fuck can't Sonic have good games?
If Sonic can have good movies, then why the fuck can't Sonic have good games?
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Because the people in charge of the Sonic games at SEGA aren't actually fans of Sonic and doesn't know what fans want.
Sonic Team NTRs all gamers by taking the gamers' love (the Sonic IP) and raping it (making variants on the same shitty game over and over)
Because making a movie doesn't account for things like having good camera control or mechanics that make sense for the player's expectation.
You expect Paramount to make a Sonic game?
Because Sonic Team
Except I don't even know what fans want. There's so many conflicting ideas on what Sonic should be that there isn't a clear voice that says "this is what we definitely need to have in a Sonic game."
And that doesn't even get into the aforementioned issues with raw competency that plague several Sonic games.
sonic has good games
At this point they'd probably make a better game than Sonic Team would
Saw it last night. Best video game movie ever made. Mario movie on life support.
I would have gone if I didn't have bowling (and the fact that skipping doesn't mean you don't have to pay for the league -- if the ticket to the movie were free I'd have gone but since I'd be paying for a ticket and a night of bowling I wasn't participating in there was no merit, I'm going out of town tomorrow night to watch it with friends).
>Mediocre is "good"
Sonic fan standards.
I called the original movie for what it was: a fun time but nothing special. Story was vanilla and the action was saccharine but it was inoffensive and I had a good experience.
This movie is like a 6/10 at best, it's so mediocre. Sonic fans are so desperate for good content they'll inflate anything just to tell themselves the franchise is ok
They gave out free comics and posters.
Name seventeen better video game movies.
Where's the good Sonic movie ?
Both the one you posted and its prequel are bottom of the barrel american movie drive. Complete with cringe dialogue, about 2 funny jokes, no character development and barely any plot.
The movie doesn't even know what audience they want to target. It flip flops between references that are too obscure for normies to attract sonic fans, then immediately do something that's completely unrelated to the usual Sonic stuff (what's with the fucking Owl backstory shit or ring gates)
I would have taken that poster.
Someone at Paramount apparently understands Sonic characters better than Sonic Team.
Sonic Team gave up a long time ago, they're even afraid of using their own characters because they legitimately don't know what to do with them.
That's why they keep pumping out soft-reboots and resetting character development.
Not a movie.
Angry Birds
They know the fanbase for sure
>Tails and Sonic love scene at the bar in Siberia
>That one line where Sonic says "Daddy" while staring at the camera
At least Detective Pikachu had a plot
I know, it's just western marketing doesn't know what to do with OVAs.
The Digimon "Movie" was just 3 different OVAs stitched together, they just tried to tie them together thematically.
>westerners make good sonic movies
>westerners make good sonic games
>sonic movies
Did we watch the same things? The first was boring dogshit and the second is mediocre, barely better than the first
>Name seventeen better video game movies.
I probably can't name 17 video game moves in total, but
Mortal Kombat
Super Mario Bros
Street Fighter
Tomb Raider
I also liked Double Dragon and Doom, they weren't filmological milestones but they were fun flicks.
it's very hard to make a game about speed while considering good camera and level design
that's why 2D Sonic games are good because the devs don't have to worry too much camera
Westerners are the only ones that like Sonic. Sonic the Hedgehog has never had a game sell a million copies in Japan. Westerners are the reason Sonic isn't completely dead and forgotten today like so many other 1990s platforming mascots.
And yet the best sonic porn artist is still Japanese
Its not hard at all, just make the stage a racing track.
>Asian is best at something
Breaking news: Water is wet
Post evidence.
Preferably Tails-centric
Yeah but its funny to me because there are like 3 of them period compared to thousands that are americans and yet the one of the JP ones is so far ahead is not even funny.
I wont but you know Im talking about michiyoshi
I hated him in the movies. He's fine in movies where the character isn't established, but Jim Carrey can only play one character (himself)
Technically he was called Dr. Robotnik here but he was not at all like Eggman
They should introduce Eggman as a seperate character, like as Robotnik's cousin or something. I can't see them moving on with their cinematic universe idea without the character who's as important as Sonic present.
Shit sucks.
Just have him turn into a cgi cartoon and ditch the live action all together
The movies suck too wtf are you talking about lol
While it is nice that they would respect him like that; it does feel like they are shooting themselves in the foot if push comes to shove.
Sonic team checked out a long time ago. Probably since The Story Book games.
What the hell is an OVA anyways?
The only legitimately entertaining movie on your list is MK.
An anime that is released directly to physical media and did not air on TV or in a movie theater
i hope you guys mean the OG ones and not that piece of shit from last year with whoever the fuck cole is
Because paramount were given time to make the film and had ( from my knowledge) Stable and effective management.
Sega (especially for the past few games) doesnt manage their team for developing sonic games quite well.
Nah, Jim Carrey literally made the Sonic movie. If it weren't for how charismatic he is the movie would have sucked. Only way they can make a new movie without him is if they get a super good actor for Shadow and have Eggman just not be in the film at all.
They're not best at making sonic games.
Sega is a small indie company please understand
Shitga is a zombie company.
In my theatre there were a group of 3 15yo girls dressed in with cat ears, multicolored wigs, giggling at every joke and clapping when he went super sonic. This never have happened to me and i go to the movies 2 to 3 times a month, and im not in america either. The level of autism in this movies is insane. I guess it was my fault, i should've waited a week to see it with more normies and kids.
>user asks question
>retards not only fail at answering, but in the worst way possible
Yep, that's anti-Sonicfags for you
> Yea Forums hates on something
> it is actually good
Every fucking time.
What vidya franchise will be the next for Hollywood to use well
Honestly the movie was good except for the fucking strange 6 minute scene with the black lady and her fed husband. Didn't need to be there, especially for a film that really needed a good 10-15 minutes trimmed.
A Fate TV or movie series with no connections to previous Fate entries could be really good.
If they try to adapt anything it would fall flat but a new Grail War in a completely different timeline from the rest of the series could be really good.
MK is the only good one.
SMB was terrible and not even serviceable to children. Street Fighter was just shit. Tomb Raider is only good if you wanted to stare at Angelina Jolie's ass for two hours. I haven't personally seen DD or Doom.
Sonic was good enough I would watch it again. I plan to take my kid to the local drive in to go watch the second one.
It's a better film for the fans than the first one was, but I think the first film had more mainstream appeal. It was basically a kids blockbuster, the second veers hard in to nods to the fandom. I don't think it will make as much money.
I hope she will disappear for the next movie.
They're still going with budget chris pratt?
They probably realized only fans would watch the sequel.
How is that going to work?
It would honestly just be a disaster waiting to happen. Most directors don't do their research, and when it comes to Fate, you have to do a decent amount or it just becomes a mess. Well, more of a mess than what it already is.