What was his endgame?
What was his endgame?
Being a good little golden order cuck boy
Fixing women's mistakes
but he caused all the problems though by having children with Renalla and Ranni getting revenge.
Trying to uphold broken regime at all costs. But he as a mindless husk powered by the Greater Will couldnt to anything else really.
Funny thing is how they all call themselves gods, yet they are all mind controlled slaves.
Fixing the Elden Ring because Marika threw a little tantrum since she's spoiled little selfish psychopath.
>you are responsible for your children's actions
I want to sexually dominate Lord Radagon with my big tarnished cock.
He would destroy your ass
No, but he can try.
Weren't they both one? so theyd be a they?
Is Radagon a Futa? Or is Marika a pussyboi.
Considering that Radagon impregnated Renalla. I'd go with the former.
>Fixing the Elden Ring because Marika threw a little tantrum since she's
a woman. The sexual dimorphism of men creating and women destroying felt like a key theme in the game to me
How do you know Rennala didn't impregnate Radagon with her magic futa cock?
He was a „leal hound of the Golden Order“, e.g. good goy who never questioned the Greater Will.
But he also seemed to have genuinely loved Rennala
a man has a penis and a woman has a vagina and that never changes you fucking tranny retards
You're probably right, but I ask anyways because Marika seems to have existed first and she was the dominant one in the Golden Order pantheon.
>Reforge Rennala departing gift into Golden Order Greatsword
>Some joe called him out on his bullshit
>Chicken out and throw it into a Misbegotten cave
Nay, he never give a fuck about, Rennala, lol.
Why did he leave her his wolf and the egg/rune?
I just realized Rykard and Ranni became rebellious and evil because they had severe daddy issues and an absent mind broken mom
Because he was actually Marika, vessel of the Greater Will, and had to obey his Eldritch God master
that's how divorce works bro
I don’t get why he is the final boss in all endings
In some endings, you overthrow the Golden Order he served, but in Goldmasks or the default ending you actually fix it
user, I...
radagon uses he/him pronouns bro, stop being a bigot
>Contender for becoming elden lord arrives
>If he succeeds he makes Marika his consort
>You happen to be Marika
He was fighting simply to keep his ass from being inappropriately used. Anyone would do the same in his place.
>Hey, Rennala you can take care of our wolf also take this egg, it's useless without great rune,lol
>Btw, the children come with me enjoy living alone in this creepy manor, bye
The GW never wanted a Tarnished to become Elden Lord, hence the need to burn down the Erdtree to get inside. I think the grace you see is from Marika
The ideal Golden Order is one in which all the gods get told to fuck off, which is what Marika and Goldmask want. Pretty much every other ending is just replacing the Greater Will with a new god, most of who are even worse for people than the GW.
>bringing your real life political beliefs into a discussion about a fictional fantasy character that is simultaneously male and female
what is it like to be such an extreme autist in 2022? does it get tiring?
>elden ring is a metaphor for the poor (tarnished) masses rising up to overthrow the corrupt beurocracy by choosing their new ruler directly
>they can only choose between equally corrupt individuals
like pottery
It's more the old idea that beings of godly power are fickle and prone to fucking over their worshippers in fits of emotional outbursts. In this case those beings are just hidden behind a thin curtain so you can see their outlines, but not them directly.
lmfao so thar's how it happened
based grrm
>The GW never wanted a Tarnished to become Elden Lord
But didn’t the Fingers, it’s paid shills, instruct you to do exactly that?
I realize it then prevents any Tarnished from becoming Elden Lord, but motivating them to try makes little sense
the tree rejected player tarnished with the thorns. and vyke too. the fingers and that granny just throw tarnished at the tree until new elden lord gets accepted. and the fingers went quiet after player gets rejected since player tarnished is so powerful and worthy it makes no sense to them.
The fingers have separate minds from the GW, they don't automatically know it's scheme. Or at least they don't anymore. Varre and I think some other characters spectulate on this. And Enia notes that the Rountable 2Fingers is communicating with the GW and may not be back for a thousand years. 2Fingers might be operating off a playbook that is well out of date.
ranni conspired with marika to orchestrate the night of black knives in order to remove the influence of outer gods like the greater will
ranni had other plans though
>Woman breaks shit
>Man has to fix it
A tale as old as time
"go fuck yourself"
The fingers are literally larping at this point. The GW hasn't been talking to them for a while now. The GW has stopped giving a shit.
The tree isn't rejecting anyone, it's Radagon sealing the entrance. You can see his sigils all over the thorns.
>The tree isn't rejecting anyone, it's Radagon
the fingers dont know that.
So the Gloam Eyed Queen was right all along.
Fuck gods.
Radagon is 100% male
Marika is 100% female
Radagon was a drone for the Golden Order
Marika wanted to kill the Greater Will
can radagon give himself marika's ass though?
Why is this board such a cocksucker for Radagon?
Fixing Marika's mess.
Becoming the one and only Elden Lord.
Because I want to pull on his braid while I pound him from behind
>You know, it's said that Lord Radagon harboured a secret...
Yea Forums is gay as fuck so of course they will prefer him
>The GW has stopped giving a shit.
I believe that may be true, because the Erdtree has already sucked the Lands Between dry
Because we know next to nothing about the guy and Miyazaki hype the guy since the revealed trailer.
Depending on who you align with he's either a villain or a hero. If you believe the Order of the Greater Will is worth protecting then his attempt to repair the Elden Ring is admirable. If you think the Elden Beast is a parasite that should stop eating memories and shitting out runes then he is not as admirable.
>Seduce enemy leader
>Marry her and have three children with her while annexing her kingdom
>Leave her the second a better pussy appears
>Renalla goes mad with grief and his children end fucked up because of it.
>Turns out he actually went to literally fuck himself
I don't know what his endgame involved but it was probably related around seducing someone, getting them pregnant and leaving for a new woman.
radagon is not even conscious just being used by the elden beast
Because this board is full of contrarian incels. They will side him with him by default even though he's completely in the wrong, just because Marika is a woman.
wanting to fuck him =/= siding with him
I wonder how Renalla would feel about that. Getting cucked broke her, but if it's just selfcest/masturbation does that make it better?
He had his eyes on the Greater Will next.
But Radagon is Marika.
Play with his Eldussy