Disruptive ingame behaviour

>disruptive ingame behaviour
I literally got a 2 week ban for feeding in a single game.

>make new account
>win a few normal games too much
>get put in smurf queue
>get matched with Challengers and Grand Masters
>I'm nowhere near as good
>I get raped ingame, feed and banned afterwards
What the fuck?

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cry about it

>playing league

What does feeding me? Like breast feeding, feeding on cum?

Get fucked on tranny faggot. Instead of posting about your shitlord esport why don't you get some nice thick rope and do the deed. Just make sure not to use the fucking ceiling fan, it won't support your weight.

Do your part, make that 42% 43%

fuck off to /vg/ tranny

I'm not a tranny you obsessed retards.

>community-defined standards
pathetic, griefing should be celebrated and communities should be powerless to stop it.

Don't you have a 5th account to drop money on for epic skins and the newest hero that's released intentionally busted? Just try not to spend too much recouping what you lost because your single father might not be able to afford your next round of treatment, maybe if you do some dishes he'll ask his boss for overtime so you can get your seasonal legacy skins.

>Playing LoL
>Telling other people that you play LoL

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I swear to god I wasn't even griefing.
We had 4 people losing hard and it was just not fun, I tried to /ff but they didn't a single faggot and his premade kept us in the game.
Literally no one had fun but that one sweaty Grand Master.

I just wanted the fucking normal game to end so I can go to bed.

>Being so awful at pressing 4 buttons you get banned
Lmao, consider suicide.

Then leave? As long as you don't leave too often you won't get banned for it. I really don't know what you wanted to hear ITT.

Sucks to suck retard

you're a massive retard for playing ASSFAGGOTS in 2022. I used to tell people to play dota 2 or nothing at all but even dota 2 has been garbage since patch 7.00, and there isn't a single game better than dota 2, so.... stop playing this fucking trash. get some taste. get some standards.

That doesn't add up, someone who's not a tranny wouldn't be playing League

I'm so happy people stopped playing this garbage. It truly was just an endless time drain.

>Get 20+ kills and carry the whole team
>12 year old teammate gets lanestomped
>start feeding cuz muh stats
>rest of team get tilted
>game is decided, whether you did good or not has no meaning.
>"report jungler, went 20+ kills and didn't carry"

There's 90% of all league games.

Uninstall this game right now.

>Can't carry even with fucking nunu at 20+ kills. You are actual dogshit lmao. Look up dunning-krueger effect and learn a little something about yourself.

Who are you quoting?

>being this fucking new
look kid if you dont recognize the 10+ year old copypasta jokes then just don't reply at all you simian-brained moron

Silly me forgot to press enter key so your mongoloid tranny brain didn't try to side step the facts.
Imagine having such a shit body you fail at pressing 4 buttons.

You're this fucking new. I'd say get the fuck off my board but you'll be bumping it up to 43% by the end of the weak you disgusting freak.

play hots actually dont its dead as fuck its the only real team assfaggots game and you can actually negate retarded teammates because xp is shared and the enemy top laner cant get 4 items in 15 min then dab on your asses 1v5 because no one can do shit in the snowballing piece of shit game

you should get banned IRL for playing this shit

You can't fault them for thinking you are a tranny. Only retards play lol, and retards and trannies overlap insanely on the Venn diagram.

I'm not a tranny, I am trans. There is a difference you insecure bitch.


>feed and banned afterwards
You absolutely don't get banned for feeding, you just was toxic again

the solution is to stop playing League

You can lose a lane without feeding

>Crack addict got his crack taken away

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whats feeding?

You give gold when the enemy kills you, which makes him stronger so he can kill you even more.

Feeding is dying and giving gold to the enemy.

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I hate riot so much

>Lost social credit score coz of hurt fee fees
LoL players are mentally ill. unironically. Message them that Taiwan is not a country or nothing happened in tiananmen square to reduce your sentence.

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so you got banned on a brand new account which you were smurfing on? sounds deserved desu

just go back to your silver account you absolute cretin and stop being a little concern mong

everyone here quite frankly is celebrating that you got banned and we all hate you

You don't get banned in this game for feeding, only for no-no words

I was literally still lvling it.
Acc was lvl 25 you nigger.

Is what you faggots keep spouting even though it is clearly wrong.

That used to be the case but recently they started taking afks/griefing more seriously and you will get suspended.

Good honestly

>agree to terms of service
>break terms of service
>get banned

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Giving enemy xp for killing you.
You are feeding them xp.

all mobas are for mentally challenged faggots and by continuing to play them you show you haven't learned your lesson and deserve to be banned.

>feeding on cum
no, that's just playing the game

Also gold.

i quit this shit when it was UMS on wc3

Me too.

I would play LoL is the characters weren't locked behind a paywall/grindfest.

im currently making an account that's grinding it's way to iron IV
not only have i never been reported, i have gotten honor 3 at level 25
seems like a genuine skill issue on your end
the fact that you blogpost on Yea Forums about it afterwards is the most telling sign of you not being able to accept your L's and grow stronger as a gamer

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its ok the game is dying anyways
outside of korea, but hellgate london succeeded over there so i don't really give a shit about their opinions on mmos

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I was honor 3 too before the random ass ban you faggot.

I've unironically called people niggerfaggots on a game-to-game basis and never been banned. You have to be either tryharding or trolling to get someone to repport you lmao.

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>playing an online game
you deserve to be fucked

When was that 10 years ago?

wow you're really proving how level headed and totally not deserving of that ban you were by calling me slurs and saying it was completely random

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didnt read lol get cancer you nigger

ah i understand now
you know you have to be over the age of 18 to post right? certainly a grown man wouldn't be acting like this, maybe you should take your behavior to a roblox forum or something along your "capacity"

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Imagine being the kind of corporate bootlicker that justifies any ban whatsoever in a gamer where you can literally block any kind of communication etc.

lol indeed

We're talking about an f2p game. OP has zero vested interest to continue playing if he doesn't like the company policies.Unironically, just don't play their game.

>it's okay if a f2p game does it