>forced to hear MaRey-Sue's cringy one-liner about how badly written she is everytime I launch the game
>put her on top of the hill with the piss saber she has for like 10 seconds before the end of that trainwreck of a movie
What were they thinking?
Forced to hear MaRey-Sue's cringy one-liner about how badly written she is everytime I launch the game
Other urls found in this thread:
You're playing Lego games.
You're playing Lego games.
I already know that, so what now?
>alright, Disney wants the layout a certain way, lemme double check what the email says
>I wonder if that new restaurant is any good
>I have to piss, jesus christ I swore off coffee for new years' for a reason
>this looks like ass
>fuck me, I gotta piss
>heh, I'm gonna make that one lightsaber extra yellowy like my piss is gonna be
She is all the Jedi. Deal with it.
The longer I watch it the worse it gets
Same. Waiting for a mod that'll at least mute her.
>ok so what do you want to do with one of the largest movie franchises ever
>ummmmm I dunno wing it or something
boggles the mind
God you people will make any minor thing out to be the worst thing since Hitler won't you?
What I don't understand is that Lego has been producing less and less sets related to the Sequel trilogy for quite a while now, because they know very well that nobody is buying them. And yet, in this new vidya they do everything to spread this shit on our faces.
>ok so what do you want to do with the movies that everyone hates
>ummmmm I dunno put them above the ones everyone likes or something
Rian Johnson needs to watch more toku if he wants to pull this shit.
>Count Dooku isn't there
Enrages me.
I've never seen a single person IRL or online who enjoys TLJ unless they're a Twitter progressive or a Reylo nutcase.
I love how this one scene is representative of the entire movie as a whole. When initially viewed it seems really cool and actually well choreographed, it wows you with its flashiness, but when you look closer you realise how dumb it is and you start to realise how many obvious holes there are.
A friend of mine does, but he has self admited shittaste, so he doesnt count.
Why the fuck would any child want this as a toy?
I dunno, I could only imagine "progressive" parents forcing them on their children
that game has better combat system than Elden Ring.
What went so wierd sisters?
Poor Finn, eternally cucked out of his role by Chinks
>Why would a child want a toy of one the biggest blockbusters movies out there??
I hated these movies too Yea Forums, but you don't have to so racist that you become retarded
Wait for a mod that will cut entire sequel trilogy and all of it characters
Fuck it looks worse than my Japanese bugmen and rainbowmen in spandex
>Never trained with a lightsaber EVER
>Suddenly a master duelist with one
Every watch, focus on a different red guy. My favourites are the guy in the background on the right who does a dance, charges at Kylo, he slowly ducks his clothesline attempt and then the red guy just pratfalls off screen. Also a big fan of the guy in the foreground on the left who misses Rey, does a big dance, then slowly taps his weapon into the other red guys' for no reason.
Honestly all the twirling and posturing they do makes them look like angry spastic children.
It's just some negro in a jacket. Much better Star Wars toys out there.
Kids want cool designs like siths or clones, not howling apes
Was this really the best take they had
>oh god oh fuck I've been standing here for three seconds why the fuck isn't daisy in position yet... fuck it I've got to go I'll just do my spin really slowly so maybe she'll catch on
>huh, why is this guy doing a spin at me... why did he just hit the air... oh wait I think I was supposed to duck three seconds ago tee-hee *duck*
Hello. I like TLJ the best of the nutrilogy. It almost delivered on grey jedi and had Kylo middle pathing it by moving away from the Sith philosophy and rightfully criticising the failed Jedi philo - along with Luke.
The execution was TRASH (like the absolutely lore destroying FTL ram - either meaning the mechanics of hyper space have been wrong in EVERYTHING prior or that there was always a loop hole but somehow nobody ever figured it out. or like the entire casino planet detour) but the concepts were amazing.
Frankly the Kylo conflict presented in TLJ could have been the foundation of trilogy all its own. Have the first film show him in all the worst lights then open it up with TLJ's concepts and revelations (make luke a proper grey or double down on his apostasy) then present a third film to resolve in any way you like be it a new order, new number of orders mystic and geopolitical, or a genuine and complete return to tradition unlike the first steps shown in ROTJ in order to book end the saga.
If you turn away from tradition it's supported with characters like Qui-gon and events like Yoda admitting he fucked the whole Sidious thing by over focusing the cosmic force and dogmatic leadership.
If you return to tradition you support prophesy hard liners like Obi and position Yoda's fall from grace and return to the fold as emblematic of the Jedi as a whole returning to their rightful duties, humbled by their mistakes.
The thesis of TLJ is the only good writing in the ENTIRE fucking trilogy and TLJ being a complete fucking mess doesn't change that. Nor does Rian being a fucking idiot and writing what he did purely because of 'muh ebin subversion'
Why does this game have better combat than Elden Rings ?
Get off of Yea Forums, Rian
>implying Rian would ever admit that his centre piece sequence was more damaging to the series canon than all the most ridiculous legends stories combined
>making it all about his race
Your proving the troons right Yea Forums lol
That Disney would fire them if they didn't please their vagina.
This is a cinematic ge(r)m
Yeah. I remember leaving the theater and feeling like the movie didn’t sit right with me, but thinking that the throne room scene was one of the cooler sequences in any Star Wars. I haven’t rewatched the movie again, but I’ve seen clips like this and they absolutely shatter any notion that it’s well done.
When Yidsney execs decided that this sight would be the first thing we would see of this new trilogy, it's hard to ignore the race of this character. Because not only did they cast the most ape-like black actor in all of Hollywood, but the character is badly written on top of that.
kids don't give a fuck, they don't care about black dude or whatever weird shit you think they care about
they like film with flashy lights, they see dude from film, they like toy
i had a shitty gi. joe-like dude toy as a kid, I had no idea what the fuck he was or why, I just know he had a gun and he looked like a soldier and I would use it to smash my sister's barbies with a toy t-rex
kids don't give a fuck about logic
The two on the left who just kinda run offscreen are my favorite
It IS all about his race. First, JJ explicitly got him because he was black. Second, he's not even a decent-looking black guy; he looks like a racist caricature. When it comes to Finn, race is front-and-center, there's no way around it.
>JJ explicitly got him because he was black
[citation needed]
The camera work is just top notch. A truly inspired scene from an exemplary director. Absolutely bursting with imagination. The way it flows is just so natural.
Did you even read the article you linked? There's no mention of him being cast by JJ because he's black. He talks about his experience as a black actor and the backlash he got in life (not just with Star Wars, but also on Star Wars) because he's black.
>“I’m the only cast member who had their own unique experience of that franchise based on their race,” he says, holding my gaze. “Let’s just leave it like that. It makes you angry with a process like that. It makes you much more militant; it changes you. Because you realise, ‘I got given this opportunity but I’m in an industry that wasn’t even ready for me.’ Nobody else in the cast had people saying they were going to boycott the movie because [they were in it]. Nobody else had the uproar and death threats sent to their Instagram DMs and social media, saying, ‘Black this and black that and you shouldn’t be a Stormtrooper.’ Nobody else had that experience. But yet people are surprised that I’m this way. That’s my frustration.”
I understand if you're unable to read but at least don't link shit you don't understand just to prove a point no one made.
Not him but if you think Oogabooga was cast just because of his "talent" and not to have the diversity quotas filled, you're probably bluepilled beyond redemption
>that quote
Yea Forums is the racist shithole of the internet and far more people were pissed about rey than about the dregs of the empire shoving any half-trained ape they can find into storm trooper armor and sending them on patrols.
I'm not saying he was not casted for being black. I simply asked for a source after such a 100% convinced statement that OP made. You want to say something with such certainty, you gotta provide proof otherwise it's pointless. And so far no proof was delivered, just a very misleadingly titled article (due to clickbait) meant to rouse some outrage from retards like OP.
I'm just quoting that part because it's the closest to what OP might have meant, but it has no relevance to his claim (hence the link is completely pointless). I'm neither disagreeing nor agreeing with it, I couldn't care less. Just trying to keep the record straight.
It's funny that they thought they could get away with a long wide shot of this garbage
Honestly one of the worst fight scenes I've ever seen
No, you retard. Kids know ugly shit when they see it, and while kids may not give a shit about race, they do give a fuck about COLOR. And brown is considered the ugliest color in the world.
The worst selling Bionicle sets were the earth ones, i.e., the brown ones. Spin Master had to completely erase Subterra from Bakugan because "kids don't like the color brown." They can afford to say this because it doesn't apply to real people. Don't even try to weasel your way out of this when toy companies are upfront about what sells and what doesn't.
I can't pull out an article or video off the top of my head, I don't keep that kind of stuff. I just remember seeing or hearing that he went into casting for TFA with the mindset of it being "diverse" specifically.
uh oh malecel melty
dilate, you're a male too and always will be
was he specifically CAST because he's black or was he talking about his personal experience as a black man in a cast of non-black people? See you probably fell for clickbait
It's unironically the most respectable of the new movies (not that that means much) just for the audacity of how dedicated it was to making nerds mad.
>original trilogy has Lando
>i sleep
>prequels have Mace Windu
>i sleep
>sequels have Finn
Because Billy Dee Williams and Samuel L Jackson are actually charismatic and good-looking, and not shovelled down our throats
Shame Samuel wasn't utilized much in the prequels. While Lee's Count Dooku looks cool, seeing Samuel and McDiarmid hamming it up as a villain duo would've been more interesting, I think.
I'll always sit on the fact that Finn would've been a far more interesting main character than Rey had he been written to take full advantage of the obvious undertones across the trilogy.
Story of a Stormtrooper turned resistance fighter turned Jedi Knight. They didn't imply he was force sensitive until RoSW and even though that inclusion felt forced (ba dum tsss) it just proves Finn could've actually been a decent character if he was given any actual amount of development
I would have loved to have a story about Windu becoming a vigilante in the underworld of Coruscant that would end with a vengeance duel between him and a young Boba Fett. Picrel is a fanart, but a really good one.
I actually love the last jedi, one of the best star wars IMO, but i still hate the other sequels tho