Weapon is complete shit IRL without any ability to deal with even basic armor...

>Weapon is complete shit IRL without any ability to deal with even basic armor, get's warn out easily and can't cut for shit
>In games it's always the sharpest most deadly sword in the game

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it looks cool which is the only thing that matters

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Glad Oda Nobunaga also realised this or else he wouldn't have started using guns instead.

Japanese marketing really left a mark on the minds of countless nerds.

>Plays Jap game
>Get mad when Japs love their own culture
Must be an American thing to hate your own nation

>He thinks the Katana was the only Japanese weapon
And this is the issue. There are a million better Jap weapons.

>inb4 Katafags Vs Swordniggers flame war
Unconventional weapons > Big ass hammers = axes >>>>>>>>> Sword=Katanas

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>weapon made to deal with literally wooden armor
>waah it doesn't even work against steel plates
No way.


>Most boring weapon is actually objectively the best
Funny how that works.

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>>Weapon is complete shit IRL without any ability to deal with even basic armor, get's warn out easily and can't cut for shit
pic not related

You see the same thing in European fiction, everyone running around with swords when that's objectively not just suboptimal but also not what happened historically. Swords are just cool, deal with it


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>Swords are just cool, deal with it
You wish you were educated on this topic but you're not.

Great argument

Not as much as they made realism fags and medival nerds seeth

This is not an argument, retard.

You cannot thrust a spear in close quarters. Which is what actual medieval battles always ended up being. You're fighting in a crowd, shield to shield, covered in dirt and blood and your #1 concern is whether the guy in front of you faces you, then you have to cut him somehow, or faces away from you then he's probably an ally.

pretty much everyone that was a soldier for more than like a week would have got their hands on a sword as soon as they could, because there's no real reason not to since it can just sit on your belt while you use your spear or bow or whatever
and it's completely possible that there could have been periods in battles where large numbers of people had to stop using those weapons and bring out the swords, like maybe they ran out of arrows or their spear broke somehow or there's just loads of people in really close so you don't have enough room to use them

Spear was main weapon, short sword was side arm.
This is standard for literally 10,000 years+


mein nigger

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And the sword was usually also just the back-up weapon for samurai so what's your point exactly?

in a formation in war yes, in a duel no.

>In a duel
Lol, try it swordfag. I will poke you

You don't have to sign your posts here.

Couldn't the swordfag just cut the tip of the spear off?

No. Swords aren't actually that sharp.


Have you ever tried actually cutting a 3cm thick piece of hardened wood.

weak poke, deflect the spear and move in counteract the range advantage and cut your guts out. its the bat versus knife argument all over again.

fuck no
wood is hard as hell dude, it would take loads of hard strikes to do that

the phalanx was literally the superweapon of warfare for 300 years and was employed regularly in mass formation for over a millennia

implying the spear isnt moving and they would let you

It must be weird caring so much and shitting your pants over "realism" aspects instead of just enjoying shit. Who cares THAT much about a katana being good, or soldiers not using spears, or whatever else the fuck? Just play the game and enjoy it and shut up. Unless it is specifically trying to be a very realistic game, in which case it probably isnt a problem there at all as it will shoot for the realism and give you what you want anyway.

Use the katana. Use a spear. Use the goofy wheel weapon. Or whatever the fuck else the game has and enjoy yourself or shut the fuck up

even a wood cutting axe would struggle to chop the end off a spear off unless the dude laid the weapon down for you and politely let you ruin his spear and kill him for free

god tier bait, all the medieval combat psueds coming out in force for this one

It's much faster to rapidly thrust poke spam with a fuck your shit up stabby point than it is to generate the force necessary to deliver a substantial sword cut. The spear is literally faster than the sword and ez mode as far as skill requirements goes

>curved weapons > shitty weeb weapons

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even if you did cut the tip off somehow , a long hard stick could still hold its own against a shorter sword
range is king

>Most boring weapon
hey be nice :(

the funniest thing about these people is they usually aren't actually that into this stuff and don't know what realistic actually is
like I'm a fucking autist about swords and historic warfare and all that and I don't give a shit because dumb fantasy stuff is cool

With zweihander? Yes, actually.
But it was made to counter formations, not single dude that could just half hand the spear and poke you to death after first swing.

>Most boring utilitarian weapon
>ingame always has you pole vault 80 foot in the air then pole dance as you descend and suck the enemies cock

>Weapon is complete shit IRL without any ability to deal with even basic armor, get's warn out easily and can't cut for shit
Says who? It's like a big saber you swing with two hands, it's a good sword.



romanticized weapons always win out

you will use the katana, you will use the revolver, you will use the greatsword. and you will have fun.

>the curved greatsword has comparable poise damage with the warhammers
what did from software mean by this

How sharp were European swords on average? Were they as sharp as katanas were supposed to be? Scimitars? Daggers?
It seems like they were moreso just metal wedges, where the weight did the damage, not the sharpness of the blade.
It seems like it'd be a pain in the ass to keep an entire sword sharp. Some of thsose blades were pretty long, no?

How sharp do swords even need to be? One time i bashed my finger against a grainy rock by accident and completely slashed it up. Blood everywhere. Surely a weapon of war doesn't need to be razor sharp if there's enough weight behind it?

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Small curved swords look cool as fuck too

fuck no
I'm gonna use a hatchet, a shotgun, and a quarterstaff and I'll have even more fun

It's like you didn't see the Elden Ring warrior starter set and weapons design.

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im just curious about how the cultures who used the bigass curved swords would have used it and did it actually work against plate armor because it also had bludgeoning power

They used them like you'd normally use a bigass sword.
And most likely much like the katana it was mostly used against people in comparable armor, so chainmail and scaled plate, not full plate.

You stab the unarmored area...

swords in general are pretty light and nowhere near heavy enough to do damage by that alone, swords do damage by being sharp and moving really fast
single-edged swords tend to be sharper because they can have a longer and smoother angle to the edge, so the edge can be finer.
Swords don't need to be razor sharp, and in fact being that sharp is actually worse because the edge is significantly more likely to get damaged
yes sharpening a sword can be annoying, but constant maintenance makes it easier, and you only really need to keep from the tip to about halfway or 2/3 down sharp because you're not going to be cutting shit all with the base

The big ass curved swords were typically used on horseback.

>You cannot thrust a spear in close quarters.
You can't because... you just can't okay? If you can bring a spear with you then you can also thrust with it. You're not cave-diving you can easily grab yourself a long stick and see that you can use it indoors just fine. Stop it with the d&d bullshit.

No, you fucking idiot. You're in a battle. In front of you, your cousin is fighting someone, he already got stabbed.
Behind you, some asshol from the village next to you pushes on you, because others push on him.
Around you there's chaos, you're in a literal crowd now.
Good luck thrusting anything in this, you will get stuck on enemies, allies, shields, horses, corpses, name it.
No, it's not 10000 of separate duels on a huge open space. It's a fucking crowd vs crowd and people are trampling and stabbing each other, pushing and being pushed back. It's why spearmen had the sword or axe as sidearm. After initial charge breaks you end up in a fucking mosh pit.

How do you cope with the fact that Japanese knives are considered world's best?

Good bait, almost made me respond genuinely.

>battle is not a big free for all... it's a moshpit!
Based retard, formations didn't exist and were completely useless.

No sword anywhere was ever razor sharp, it causes the blade to chip way too easy. The sharpest part of a blade was always near the tip, 1/3 of the blade down to about half way. Everything past that was usually not sharpened so you could use it to parry without worrying about chipping your sword. You see this especially with sabres, since being defensive and parrying with the blade is a fundamental part of using a sabre.

It's just chinks and their wuxia shit, they can't help it

Kill yourself.

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Most Europeans that witnessed a katana didnt remark on the sword itself. They were impressed with the skill of the wielders and how seamlessly they were able to sheathe and unsheathe their sword.