He didn't beat the game. And anyone who cheesed bosses didn't beat the game

He didn't beat the game. And anyone who cheesed bosses didn't beat the game.

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DSP is not a gamer

So it's confirmed the hardest souls game yet?

We doin a DSP thread? I miss the good ol days of him getting swatted. I genuinely hope someone robs him one day. He lives tips goal to tips goal so all you have to do is break in and steal his pc and gaming shit and he won't be able to recover lmao

No sekiro still requires the most skill, DSP had to use a guide to beat guardian ape and sword saint aswell as axe spam

The guy is so terrible at games it’s unreal

Actually you just need to enter his home and smash his shit. Breaking and entering plus destruction of property. I think this is enough to avoid major jail time, if you get caught. Just break his game consoles and streaming stuff

>he gets caught
you didn't beat the game

>561 deaths
did he do a no summon run? If that's with summons then that's impressive.

I used this item and it was useless. Don't know why everyone shouts that it makes the fight easy. It only works on the first phase which is extremely easy compared to the 2nd, it only works a few times, and it only works for a few seconds

Then how did DSP beat Isshin 3rd try?

Would you believe me if I say luck? This is the same guy who somehow manage to make the easiest levels look like brain teaser for 200iq peoples and the hardest levels look like spelling the ABCs.

>easy thing become hard: He didn't know how to crouch jump during Half-Life
>hard thing becomes easy: GTA SA train

The only boss I "cheesed" was Commander Niall and even that wasn't all that cheesy because he was always right on my ass and I barely had time to fire off spells.

Sekiro is the hardest from game, in the modern era anyways.

He only summoned at the very start of the game against Margit at the very start of the game. Everything else he has done no summons and just 2Hing weapons

>Would you believe me if I say luck?
lmfao. just give it up kiddo. sekiro and bloodborne are easy as fuck compared to ds3 and elden ring. your niche contrarian hidden gems are easy babymode shit compared to chad normiecore games.

ever played from games? Your first tries are always luckiest. He didn't learn moveset, he didn't learn timings.. just got lucky and didn't blew it.

and being overleveled, using golden halberd and using 9000 buffs lol

no shit, huh? I was thinking he would certainly summon because it's now a game mechanic. Hats off to him, maybe the inevitable TIHYDP is actually worth watching.

ER is not the hardest, but it is the most punishing for getting hit
enemies in ER do massive amounts per hit compared to other From games. but at the same time player damage is ridiculous and ashes trivialize most bosses.

>the most difficult superboss in your hardcore elite gamer contrarian hidden gem game can be RNG'd through by DS fucking P
hahaha wow. sekirohomos CANNOT be this delusional. the mental gymnastics these people will go through to be contrarian and not accept the popular thing as good is unreal.

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i cheese everything on this game because its funny

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you didn't beat the game
> playing as women

ER is beyond the hardest game in the series you delusional fuckwit.
>b-b-but summons!
every SINGLE fromsoft game can be cheesed. Elden Ring is the hardest game to play legitimately BY FAR.

Yes if you don't summon

They really should have used the fog barriers for open world bosses, it would have prevented a lot of this and allowed designers to quickly identify cheese spots and potential cheese strats since they know the boss and player would be confined to an area and can focus just on balancing the encounter around that area

>Elden Ring is the hardest game to play legitimately BY FAR.
>my arbitrary house rule is what's legitimate.

It's not arbitrary, it's been the standard ruleset for fromsoft games forever. Summoning is cheating. Shields/Magic are cheesing. Safespotting/glitching is cheesing. It's not hard to understand, and there's never been debate about it until Elden Ring came out and the horde of normie shitters had to cheese to the maximum in order to kill anything.


We going to have 50 threads of "you didn't beat the game" every fuckin day? Jannies need to ban the shitposting.

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yea, one my fav is the commander oneil in the caelid where you can bait him into the geyser scarlet rot and he kills himself. or just running anyway from radahn to mountains and he dies of fall damage

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It's okay user, I'm happy to accept your concession that it's only the hardest when you arbitrarily limit yourself from using all the games features. Well second hardest. Hardest would be Sekiro without blocking/deflecting, since that's cheesing.

why would they ban for speaking truth? Are you one of those comminiggers?

How did he cheese it?

If you used a top tier or high tier weapon you didn't beat the game.

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>Sekiro without blocking/deflecting
i didnt say deflecting, retard.

>it's only the hardest when you arbitrarily limit yourself from using all the games features
you are such a lying little shitter. i wonder what would happen if you couldnt cope about being an absolute garbage piece of shit at video games. would you kill yourself?

i farmed the midgets on that spot for days, I only realized the gargoyle was a boss after watching a video on youtube

What's so hard about the SA train? All you had to do was to follow the train.

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>Instead of dual wielding like every one faggot out there
Damn is DSP actually based?

lol calm down user. We're actually in agreement. ER is one of the hardest games From have put when you limit yourself. No disagreement there. It's just very easy when you use all the tools the devs give you. Look at these lads go.

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i always use my skelly summons because i am roleplaying as a necromancer

It's the easiest soul games ever.
Almost every build that isn't outright terrible will delete bosses.
jump attack and powerstance is completely broken regardless of build as well.

i never played these japanese :press button to roll: simulators, like dark souls or whatever, but i decided to try elden ring.
the moment i figured out its still a press a button to rolll simulator, i just downloaded a trainer, turned god mode on, finished this japanese shit game in an hour and uninstalled it.

i cant even imagine paying for such gook trash.

thank god for pirates.

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every souls game can be cheesed

i believe you

What truth? That people who don't play the way that a minority amount of people play are railroaded into believing they didn't beat the game? Sounds like autism.

The real secret is every souls game is ment to be cheesed. They were never hard games, it's just a matter of getting a build to break it. It's always been a series about power progression over actual balls to the wall difficulty.

>Summoning is cheating
>Safespotting/glitching is cheesing

>Shields/Magic are cheesing
wtf no, why would it be? if magic is cheesing then weapon art spam should be too.

>Has broken stuff that you can use to cheese the game during its early release period
>That means it is easy

Say everything that is ridiculously broken right now gets normalized, what would you do against all the bosses that you cheesed now?
I'm talking about
>Jump R2
>Bloodhound steep

What would you do if those things were all nerfed?

Yeah, but I don't think any other souls games has throw so many OP items and ways to play. So many busted builds, they've had to break at the nerf bat this early.

dark souls is unbelievably easy if you just stack heavy armor and poise through everything

games should have demos, like they did in the past.
right now to try a game i have to:
fucking BUY IT FULL PRICE, download a 100 GB of the game, download a day 1 patch, finally able try it - turns out i hate it, and now i have to fuck around and waste my time with refunds.

i may be old but god fucking damn it i miss game demos so much.

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Didn't use any of those and still think it's easy.
Quickstep is almost as good as bloodhound step, too.

>gaijins too dumb to discover how to buy upgrades in winnie the pooh baseball game

yeah man in DS1 everyone was meant to be flipping havel niggers with a lightning or chaos zwei being untouchable and killing every boss and enemy in a flash
In DS2 everyone was supposed to be an anus faced dude holding a wand and casting dark anal beads to delete every single enemy in the game in a couple of seconds
In DS3 everyone was supposed to be swinging a buffed Dark Sword at the speed of light non-stop while having softcapped vigor and outlasting every enemy

Stop pretending to be retarded, every game had balance patches simply to remove the most obvious cheese builds and exploits.

Damn user, you left out.
>scarlet rot
>greatshields + talisman/barricade shield
>flame of the redmanes
>pebble ash of war
>carian retaliation/stormwall/golden parry
>spirit summons
>comet azur
Probably more I can't remember off the top of my head.


and shitpost invalidated

DSP is not good nor bad, he is average, he is good at some things and worse at others

Both evasion skills shouldn't let a mid roller dodge as well as a light roller.

Why do you care how OTHERS beat the game? Makes you sound like you didnt beat it.

spirit summons and scarlet rot are unironically the least offensive of the bunch