Nobuo Uematsu

>compose 9398589 fantasy soundtracks
>few of the songs randomly end up good as a result of luck (with the quantity this is expected)

Is he, dare I say it: overrated? This is my new honest opinion.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Then how do you explain that FFs soundtracks started declining *precisely* when he stopped being involved?

Quite literally the opposite

Every soundtrack after X is incredible though. You've never listened to Mizuta or Soken's stuff?

It's in between the two. He basically had his "sold his soul to the devil at a crossroads" years from 1994 to 2001, from Dancing Mad to FF IX's entire OST.
But after that? He occasionally makes some really great tracks but when it comes to full blown OST's he's obviously spent. In the past 20 years he varies between stuff like FF XIV's Answers to downright boring stuff like Last Story.

The OST to Fantasian occasionally captures some of the old glory, but when it does it is derivative of his old work, and the instrumentation and sound design is just meh.
I think he wrote better music back when he was constrained to the tools he had back in the 90's, an EMU Proteus 1 and a Roland SC88.

lost odyssey is his best work but like 5 people played that lol

His work on granblue is good and the only redeeming quality in that gacha hell hole other than draph titty

for me? it's Naoshi Mizuta.

Attached: naoshi_mizuta[1].jpg (550x413, 21.64K)

If I recall correctly he didn't work on the FF13 trilogy OST and yet that series of games gave us the best music in the entire franchise.

Based, Mizuta is god tier

due to the sound chip on the SNES only having 8 channels, composing "Dancing Mad" on it was like painting the Sistine Chapel with crayons.

>FF13 trilogy OST
>best music in the entire franchise

No accounting for taste I guess. Nothing of Hamauzu ever resonated with me.
Although my opinion of XIII's OST might be colored by how shit the actual game was.

Yeah but that's also what made it good I think. Technical limitation is the mother of inspiration.

Your taste is definitely skewed towards the lower end if you can't appreciate tracks like this one.

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I'm not a music person so I don't know the right way to say it, but his songs are so catchy they stick in my head. FF12 onwards all the music is trying to be deep complex and epic soundscapes and it's shit and forgettable. miss him so much bros

>all of FF9
>literally perfect
I dunno man.

First few seconds already make me want to turn it off. The whole composition just gets needlessly busy and mangled and grates my ears without giving me anything to hold on to. I want a melody, I want a leitmotif, I want counterpoint.

The FFX soundtrack is a masterpiece

I'm not saying that the other games have inferior music, I loved FF9 and the scene featuring your track literally made me tear up ingame.

Caius Ballad and all of his themes are some of the finest tracks to be found in a FF game however. The quality of composition is truly grand. The 13-trilogy is extremely underrated and deserves recognition for its strongest aspect, the music.

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>be Koji Kondo
>work for Nintendo
>99% of your early works are blatant ripoffs of american music
>be considered musical genius
>be Kenji Yamamoto
>be composer on Dragon Ball Z video games
>have some of your songs take inspiration from classic rock songs
>get called a plagiarist
>career ruined forever

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trannie hands typed these posts

all tracks from ff4 to ff9 are god tier and have quite a bit of variance as well so it's not like he was a one trick pony

when you get older you'll realize how good uematsu is.
it's normal to prefer hamauzu when you're young.
music plagiarism accusations are arbitrary and gay. I don't think you should be allowed to own chord progressions.

the best song in xiv was literally composed by uematsu

Is it not possible to enjoy both? It's comparing apples and oranges really.

The FF4-10 soundtracks were all outstanding and yet somehow consistent, I don't know how it's humanly possible to ouput soo much loved music but he did.

That said, his music is stuck in the past with his flat midi sound. The games needed fresh modern style music for the HD era and I think the FF13 trilogy had an amazing soundtrack too, the tracks have more complexity in their texture and sound quality.

My favourite of the series and it came from fucking LR of all games:

The Uematsu main themes up to Stormblood were really good but Soken has definitely made multiple songs of equal merit for the game over the past 10 years.
Oblivion, Unbending Steel, To The Edge, Shadowbringers, Footfalls, Flow.
I do wish he'd go more for orchestral instrumentation than his preferred 2000's garage rock style.

What the fuck. FFX is the best soundtrack ever made.

But Katalina is the best thing about Granblue

Also can't forget about Yusnaan, now that's one unforgettable location. It's one of the most authentic cities I've ever seen in a videogame.

4:23 is so damn good.

Man no wonder why he is called SUCKen because it is awful mah edgy dark and brooding orchestra music.

I just really, really dislike the style of percussion and beats on this kind of music.

I agree with this guy I really don't like strong beats like this, however it's appropriate for the location it's trying to convey

Good game, despite their flaws I got a real soft spot for the FF13 trilogy

he's a fucking genius but you're too young to notice that.

FFIX broke him. Tight deadlines and a 4 disc OST along with OST+ exhausted him of his talent, giving us shit tracks like Gargan Roo, Cleyra Stem, and Iifa Tree to name a few. Why do you think Uematsu had to bring in additional composers like Masashi Hamauzu and Junya Nakano for FFX?

He's come a long way since his debut with the awful Parasite Eve II OST

Uematsu was great up until FF6 then he got technical capacities and it just wasn' the same (ff7 ost is ff6 but this time it's midi and shit)

He did that travesty?
PE2's music was so awful, I literally turned it off.

>shit tracks
>Gargan Roo

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Yup. It was his first soundtrack when he joined Square after leaving Capcom.

Dancing Mad on the SNES
you gotta respect it

Yes, Yu-peng Chen of Mihoyo has crushed him in 2 years basically.

I loved almost everything about PE2, except I HATED the music.
Some of the most ugh music I've ever heard in a game.

Nigga you actually retarded?
Listen to Lost Odyssey. NOW.

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>not thanking him for the tracks you discover thanks to him V=jP22rLbMK44
Oh yeah that's such a great piece, huh? It sounds like ass for the first 20 seconds, making an easily skippable track. This is one you actually attempt to defend?

That dude face is almost perfectly symmetrical to the point of looking uncanny.

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That art looks familiar

>character design by Inoue Takehiko

Oh shit, how did I not know this all these years?

here's his latest and greatest

It's fucking great you philistine. It fits perfectly with the levels of Gargan Roo and Fossil Roo.
It's also the best use I've ever heard in an actual track of that classic Roland ferret animal noise patch.

Upset I never finished the game. Got pass the haunted mansion and learning the past of the protag and his wife like twice but my drive to keep playing died both times. Had the physical copy the first time. The 2nd time got it for free when Xbox was giving it away (didn't even need gold membership, it was literally free for all for some reason) so I grab it. I can't even recall why I quit, I kinda just got bored from what I recall both times. Didn't help that the side story were more interesting than the main plot.

>I do wish he'd go more for orchestral instrumentation than his preferred 2000's garage rock style.
And that's why I think that XIVtards overrate the shit out of his music. It's good and can be pretty varied, but especially the last two expansions were super underwhelming to be honest. His boss themes also reached a point where they just don't hook me anymore because it's basically always the same stuff, made with an "epic" transition mid fight in mind. It gets all so samey. He's honestly at his best when he does environmental tracks and background music that doesn't sound like some shitty rock song or follows his tried and true formula.
Oh and

might be because the game is pretty hard. i replayed it like a year ago and it's still brutal on jrpg standards

Nobody said classic FF wasn't god tier, we said the later games are also great.

He’s probably the best video game composer.

>but especially the last two expansions were super underwhelming to be honest
Shadowbringers is his best work by a wide margin. Endwalker was disappointing compared to it but still has
>Radz-at-Han post-game
>Garlemald night and day
>Home Beyond the Horizon
>Tower of Babil
>Ktsis Hyperboreiea
>the moon
>Zodiark battle theme

seriously, whole thread is sleeping on Yu-Peng Chen. You'll know him soon though. At this rate he will be called the best of all time within 3 more years.


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Yep. It isn't even up to debate. All of 9s ost is 10/10. Probably the only flawless soundtrack ever made.

What did uematsu write for chrono trigger?

yeah literal 9/10 game love it to death. address the music though

>9/10 "game"
I wish you faggots would fuck off

i like genshin it's a solid 6.5/10 with an 8.5/10 soundtrack

>ff9 broke him
He was originally asked to compose around 10 songs for ff9, he ended up writing over 126 of his own volition. He really enjoyed working on it.
>Why do you think he brought in additional composers for 10
Because sakaguchi had left the company and uematsu didn't feel as connected to the projects anymore.

For me it's Yoko Shimomura

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If anything a few random pieces ended up being not good while the rest literally made the final fantasy series. OP has confirmed that the zoomer brain is terminally niggerfied, that it recoils and shrivels like salt on a snail if subjected to anything pure or beautiful

Killing 1000 slimes is not gameplay

Genshin impact is a full game, it's a single player action adventure rpg with gacha mechanics on top. It is not a png collector like every other one.

At this time it is probably the best jrpg ever already.

>At this time it is probably the best jrpg ever already.

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go back to sucking dicks on reddit

It’s useless debating with the terminally niggerfied zoomer. FF9 is the pinnacle of the series in every way including the score (you need not listen any farther than the main menu music to realize it is absolute pure kino)

>FF9 is the pinnacle of the series in every way including the score

FF9 is a pale imitation of classic FF, aping it inaccurately due to the departure of key personnel and ennui of remaining ones

it comes off like a fan game.

holy shit i hate these fucking classical whiny ass soundtracks, i have played thru all souls games and always under 1 hour of playing turn the music off

What is your favorite track from this?
>post only 1 (one)