>50% off on steam
>not even top 10 in global top sellers
>mixed reviews
Why did it flop, what went wrong?
50% off on steam
Other urls found in this thread:
simples, i dont like stealth games
>Epic exclusive even though the first 2 games weren't
>Fucked up integration with previous games
>Asking for AAA new release price even though the game is more than a year old
>Asking for money for shit already bought in Hitman 1 and 2
They did their best to kill any hype the game had, it doesn't matter now even if it's 90% off, most people will never buy anything they ever make again
Fuck IOI.
nu-hitman is trash
There were so many different packs and purchases to make, that combined with the account and integration from 1 and 2, was just a confusing mess. Also didn't help that the always online policy prevented people from playing the game they bought. I have 1 and 2 but haven't actually played them yet. As I understand it, I am meant to buy 3 to have all 3 games in one spot.
People will buy the James Bond game they're making unless they massively fuck up
always online DRM.
I have to launch the game as a different user so it doesn't crash on startup
You have 1&2 on Steam yeah.
You can d/l the H3 demo and it'll automatically claim the 1&2 maps on launch, no need to buy anything. It's more convenient to have just the H3 Demo because it's 64 gigs even with maps from all 3 games.
I think you can even keep those maps if you refund 1 & 2.
Would have bought it day one had it been on Steam. Now I'll wait until it's under £5
>Why did it flop, what went wrong?
Single player game that requires to join an online server to access all the content you paid for.
Disrespecting the playerbase with the Epic exclusive release.
Same as happened to metro 3. You cant stagger shit for a whole year on the same fucking platform.
Hype is built when the whole community is playing and talking about the game at the same time, not when a minority have spoiled and discussed it to death 12 months ago and the rest of us have to play catch up with noone to share the experience with.
Fuck IO.
>W10 only for no reason
The signs of a major flop 95% of the time.
Not being able to play when online and literally getting kicked out of a singpleplayer session if your internet drops for a second is inexcusable and they will never get my money
I just played it on gamepass. The trilogy are some of my favorite games from the last decade. Kinda weird how they give you every map except H2's New York or Beach level for free, and to get those you'd have to pay $35. Petty cunts.
3 itself wasn't that good compared to 2
I still don't even know what version I am supposed to buy if I already own 1 and 2. And apparently putting the game on Epic fucked up the entire thing about previously owned maps being added to the newer game.
>always online
>Win10 and up
>dev bumps up the price to $60+ on ALL platforms during steam release
>10 different packackings, requires autism to find out where they differ
Shame, the game is really good. Another case of "ruined by retarded sales people"
Epic gave them a payday that they couldn't refuse.
Its all because of Epic
And like a lot of others it was a Faustian deal considering the irreparable damage to their brand and image
Based, redpilled and literally me
Does playing the old maps through the 3rd game change and add things to them like some of the first games maps did when played in the second game?
>bullshit 1 year exlcusive for chink spyware launcher
>took 2 days for hitman 1 and 2 content to transfer to hitman 3
Fuck IOI, never buying again
I haven't even been able to play it for a while due to unplayable framerate for no reason, more interested in elden ring right now anyways.
>30.- for the base game alone
Still pricy considering that you don't get the complete H3 game.
Even if you get past the convoluted purchase shittery, it only has like four actual levels.
Remember when we thought that the convoluted business stuff was Square’s fault? Strange to think that Square were actually the good guys in that situation. What I can’t figure out is how IO can have such genuinely god-tier game designers, but have such incompetent sales and marketing people.
Other than the very minor QoL improvements and the fact that you can use a camera now, there are no changes from how those levels played in 2. 3 is only worth it for the fact that it’s the “complete” game and if you really want more levels.
It has 21 “actual” levels in total though.
>directx 12
>avx required
>windows 10/11 only
Fuck any developer who does this
Windows 7 is officially supported until 2023 and will NEVER die. My core2 quad is still good enough for EVERY game.
>H1 had a free weekend
>Was able to claim legacy maps for H2 using that
>"Free" maps stayed in account even after the free weekend period.
>D/L the H3 Demo
>H3 demo recognized the "free" maps and granted the H1 maps as well
>Even threw in the H1 GOTY bonus campaign which I didn't have prior.
>Ended up having entirety of H1 in some form without paying a cent.
Everything worked out fine in the end.
>Windows 7 is officially supported until 2023
No? Support ended over 2 years ago
Then how am I still getting security updates?
I've played Hitman 2. Is the online DRM in 3 worse? Does it kick you in the middle of a mission?
My brother...
>2 year old single player game not in top 10 global sellers
How is that supposed to be a flop, it broke all previous sales records
it's also windows instead of linux exclusive, yet I see no complaints about
am I surprised they're dumb people?
Honestly this. The fact they full priced it on Steam a year later too is a piss take. Fuck em
seething steamie
you're never going to play it for that cheap
>inb4 "I pirated it"
no you didn't HAHAHAHAHAH
Use better bait next time if you want a (you)
based not-in-the-know user
dx12 works on win7, basically any time devs say otherwise they are retarded and don't know what they're talking about
Hot damn, thanks for letting me know it's 50% off. This game almost made me break and install EGS, really excited to get it.
>basically any time devs say otherwise they are retarded and don't know what they're talking about
That's exactly it. Cyberpunk 2077 required DirectX 12 and AVX originally. They removed AVX shortly after release without sacrificing anything and got it running on Windows 7 despite the DirectX 12 requirement.
Half the time the devs just don't care to uncheck the AVX flag when compiling. It's a useless technology for video games.
This. Companies who haven't learned that re-selling the game on a platform a year after its release for the same price as release aren't gonna make it far. You sell out to Ebin Games, you pay the price.
me too
Seething Steamies
Nothing went wrong
Best levels in the trilogy. 3>1>2
Nu-Hitman is very good but it had shitty confusing releases and anti-consumer practices so it deserves every bit of failure or misfortune it gets
>30 dlls right now
Thats good enough for me
>confusing releases
Imagine being a brainlet holy shit
Too much hand holding
Screen bloated with guidance stuff, plus the bitch talking in your ear all the time
>Screen bloated with guidance stuff
>filtered by menu option
>menu option
the game was designed with those things on... is the default option.
Therefore turning it off will make the game a try and error simulator
>brainlet excuses
Holy shit.
>Therefore turning it off will make the game a try and error simulator
Confirmed for having 2 digit iq
Why is politics and business shit more important to Yea Forums than actual video games? Is it because it's a board filled with 14-year olds who don't actually play video games but watch streamers and jack off to tranny porn all day?
No it was not, you utter fucking moron. Can you just do the very simple thing of shutting the fuck up about things you know nothing about?
Video games are serious business.
There is more to be considered in these sorts of things than short term gain.
IOI is absolutely horrible at managing their interactions with their audience, and they eat complete shit for it despite making very good games.
Because Yea Forums doesn't generally care about videogames, they care about their little fanbase wars and being important and being right, they want to own someone or be at the top of the pile but don't actually matter in any real way, so they pick a company to root for and live vicariously through it's successes and failures because their own don't matter.
I'm waiting for it to be $15 for the whole thing. I have too much video games on my plate at the moment to spend more than that.