Lol this

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my favorite is the 'jump in the air, stay there for 2-3 seconds and then fly at player'
they don't even try to be grounded anymore

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at least those are easy to dodge and have some punish time

this, they are the easiest shit. I was so conditioned by them that every time malenia jumped high in the air I was waiting near her full of expectations.

they might be easy but they look fucking retarded

it's just so jarring to see dmc moves in a game like that, don't know what they were thinking

>missing the point

It's a fucking fantasy setting where you kill demigods and bosses have cheated on game mechanics since at least DS2. Who cares about realism?

blame artorias

There has been a clear increase in anime bullshit as the Souls series has progressed.

It's funny but not sure the mental gymnastics analogy works unless you're saying people defending the state of the bosses are doing mental gymnastics

Whats the point?

I just hate the attack delays

>at least
I didn't miss the point.
I agree it looks retarded. But at least it's not a gamble to punish like grounded moves which you can never tell when they're finished.

Same. They were the only attacks I wanted to see by the end. I got so tired of attacks that have RNG follow ups by the end.

that fromsoft games are shit now

Rule of cool, you retarded cum guzzling tranny faggot

you might have autism

Bosses will never be as well tuned as they were in Sekiro, because Sekiro was a true combat game.
Bloodborne was also a combat game, maybe less finely tuned.

DeS, DaS1, DaS2, DaS3 end Elden RIng are all garbage pseudo combat games.

>Malekith's in-air combos

Malekith in general is horseshit. He is easily harder than Malenia in terms of attacks.

>game is not easy anymore, therefore is shit

You lost, you fucking dickless abomination. Your little discord campaign didn't work. Go dilate what remains of your disgusting, mutilated dickhole.

Same, it's the coolest shit and a good way to telegraph an attack. Especially for a boss that's not much bigger than a player.

am I wrong

You suck as much as him, you buzzwords gargling sheep.

>clocked 200 hrs into the game
>call the franchise for what it is
>fromfags get insulted and resort to name calling

seethe harder

souls games have always been exploration first, combat fourth, garbage inbetween

Yeah I beat elden ring and cleared all the side content. Have all the achievements except for 2 endings and was planning on rushing two new game +s to finish it off but I honestly didn't enjoy my first playthrough and am enjoying the second one even less. I thought I would've enjoyed having more options now trying to fight shit like Margit again but the constant delays on every attack where he just fakes you out with every little thing frustrated the fuck out of me and now I'm just reinstalling sekiro.

Just because that meme format is usually used for mental gymnastics memes doesn't mean it can only be used for that.
This one clearly has nothing to do with mental gymnastics.

Radagon is not an easy fight, yet no one has a problem with his fight. People have a problem with shit design, not difficulty.

For me? It's Monster Hunter bosses

Is being filtered by dynamic combat a result of lack of intelligence or skill?

Radagon is actually very easy if you use holy damage negation incantation. I used that and the black flame protect me spell and was just tanking him easily

>200 hours
>STILL seethe at bosses for being "unfair"

I dunno, but it's annoying as fuck. It's like the people that worked designing attacks saw the people doing no hit runs and took it personally.

I don't know why people are getting their balls in a knot over optional "superbosses" being retarded.

Post screencap fag lord

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Margit is the first boss

>Retards still have to do the "wait until combo is over before hitting" strat
New system is way better
It's made so you can weave in attacks in the middle of their attack chain
Actually makes the game more fun instead of "wait until x attacks have come out then attack before next chain begins"

That only works with the faster weapon classes

Anyone who has a problem with Margit has to be legitimately handicapped. Margit has only like six different attacks that have extremely forgiving timings.

>clocked 200 hrs into the game
>say the game is shit
I really hope that you are a masochist.

People aren't talking about difficulty here

DarkSouls bosses used to be more about planning than execution
>Capra Demon is a poise check, slap some heavy armor or get wolf ring so you won't get staggered by the dogs
>Iron Golem can fall from the arena if you stagger him with Strike dmg
>Seath is blind, wear silent ring
>You can light up the Lost Sinner's boss room, you can deactivate the Medusa poison pit, you can disable Raime's regen, etc
The ER bosses are more about execution, with a few exceptions (Margit bosses shackles, Crystalids poise break, Godskin duo sleep, Mohg vial).

My favorite ones are:
>wind up, wait after the player rolls, swing
>evade and poke the boss, boss immediately follows up with aoe that you can't evade in time
>ranged attack, and then close gap attack when the player rolling iframes end

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I'm not a DEX tranny

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I clocked 300 hours and I think it's not that great, the absolute cancer PvP killed it for me
Previous titles were better and DS3 is still king

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yeah until phase 2

Not that user, but I agree that the hanging in the air for a year looks stupid as fuck. Also the "I pulled my arm back and now I'm just gonna stand here for 5 seconds before actually swinging" shit that every boss does is bad design. I still enjoy the game, just don't like those things (also fuck the Gargoyle's and Cumskin fights).

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Lmao, are you a hot blooded hardcore gamer who beat dark souls before it was cool?
Even my gf has beaten all games in sekirosoulsborne. Your "achievements" mean nothing.

Bloodborne and Elden Ring have the same combat and enemy designers.

You can always play offline to avoid PvP.
300 hours should be 3 or 4 playthroughs, that's a fucking lot. I liked the game and I only did 2.

>Get in melee range of the boss
>Does an attack
>Dodge it
>Jumps the whole boss arena away before I can counter-attack


Any diaper-rocking DeS and DaS fans here? Can't seem to hold my shit together (haha) lately, so the nappies really do come in a handy when I'm circling around Havel to backstab him 20 times or pressing R1 to whack a defenseless Iron Golem for a minute straight! Now that's game design, they don't make them like they used to

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Phase 2 gives him three new attacks, all of which have massive windups. The only halfway dangerous attack is the whirling sword combo, which you can just dodge through a few times to avoid.

It was already the same Bloodborne enemies speed in DS3.

That's honestly pretty interesting, because now I wonder what went so fucking wrong in Elden Ring. Bloodborne's overall feel and rhythm was so much better in comparison. It actually felt like the player and bosses were from the same game, as opposed to the latter moving at five times the speed and with ten times the naruto factor as the former. Is it just the sad result of trying to mix Souls-isms like "gotta have shields, heavy armor, and big slow weapons" with the hyper aggressive, fast pace of Bloodborne?

>Capra Demon: kill dogs first, abuse AI pathing to R1 and run away on the stairs
>Iron Golem: R1 it to death while it's losing its balance
>Seath: chase one of his tentacles, R1 it while he tries to attack

People don't know what they're talking about, they're just trying to put something that made them frustrated beneath them.

Thing I hate about the more recent games is enemies pulling back for a swing, then holding it for three or four seconds or changing the direction of their swing midway. That's just bullshit.

But I want to PvP, fag
Did 2 full playthrough, and made two low level invasions character
Lot of that time was spent PvP

>170 hours
>127 level

>Elden zoomer goes completely schizo the moment someone says From Soft games used to be better.
You will never be a ds1 chad. Everything good about Elden Ring is because of DeS and DS1. Everything bad about it is its own introductions.

So you're saying it's too hard for you.

This is like the seventh game in the series if it sitll used the same format as the first ones it would be boring for the veterans

Nothing went wrong, aside from Orphan of Kos bosses in BB aren't attacking that much faster than your usual Souls deal. You get 2-4 hits in between every attack. The only thing you can't do is block. ER just has more options to consider and try out.

b-but it's literally dark souls 4!

I actually laughed several times throughout the game when enemies paused in the middle of their combo, their weapon lifted up high, and waddled and turned for several seconds, to keep me in range and face me, before bringing it down. It's so artificial and ridiculous looking, I couldn't help it.

>Game where combat has devolved into passive rote memorization of delay timings instead of reaction and strategy is le intelligent actually!
t. Elden midwit.

But I am a "veteran" and I dislike the anime bullshit

>randomly flail around massive arena spamming attacks with little to no pattern unlike previous souls games
>jump 500 feet into the air, stay there for 5 seconds, and then slam down at breakneck speed making it difficult to time a roll
>charge up overhead slam attack, track you the entire fucking time
this game's bosses felt super rushed compared to previous entries for me, was not a fan

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Actually trash

Well, if nothing went wrong, then why does combat feel so lopsided in Elden Ring? BB never felt like I brought the wrong weapon to a fight, it never felt like I couldn't keep pace with any of the enemies. Meanwhile playing any of the heavy weapons in ER is an exercise in frustration because damage windows are so tight, you're essentially limited to spamming the same two moves and using very specific ashes on later bosses. Bosses in general are so much more mobile than the player, even in fights without Torrent, it's almost comical. Many enemies feel like they're from a different game entirely.

>he didn't purposefully gimp himself to make the game not as easy

>charge up overhead slam attack, track you the entire fucking time
They even dusted off the old DS2 record players for every enemy to stand on.

Sorry gramps, panic rolling as soon as the boss looks your way and emptying your stamina bar on him with the biggest weapon you could find while being naked between its attacks isn't a strategy.

So you admit that From did two-handers dirty?

All the moves still have patterns and nothing is truly random AI generated moves or something. You just have hard time memorizing more than 3 moves it seems.

Rote memorization is not a strategy either. Go play some shitty MMO since you clearly just want to memorize timers instead of play a game that allows you to react to the enemy.


>you're essentially limited to spamming the same two moves
Unlike BB when your most viable move is R1? How many hits do you get on Ludwig or Watchdog with a Kirkhammer before he starts spazzing out again? No need to sugarcoat this user. The actual difference is the rallying system that allowed you to whack some easier bosses for longer and end the fight quicker.

>Dude just memorize everything in an action game!!! It's le hard!!!

>a game that allows you to react to the enemy
Which isn't Dark Souls by your own definition.

Artificial difficulty on roids -_- baka

You can literally get fully charged holy moonlight sword r2s off on Orphan of Kos in Bloodborne. I know this because I have done it before I even fully learned his moveset.

Remember when people used to say turn-based games are unrealistic? But now we can compare action games that follow "I attack -> you attack -> I attack etc." and ones that... do whatever the fuck those literal acrobatics are called.

I guess it is hard if you're a brainlet.

No. It's not le hard. And if you think so I can only feel sorry for you.