Is there a way to recapture your love for gaming when you're older? I'm only excited for a few games a year now

Is there a way to recapture your love for gaming when you're older? I'm only excited for a few games a year now

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>eceleb trash

try playing a prank on your gaming bros by moving 4000km away without telling them

Specify "older".
My guess is, you're in your late-20s, tops, and think that you've "grown out of vidya", since most modern AAA trash are literal rehash garbage that would bore even a 5 year-old.

I'm turning 35, and I'm still obsessed with video games. It is just a simple FACT that gaming has been in a steep decline since the mid-00s, when the combined clusterfuck of casualization, cancerous monetization schemes enabled by always-online nature of modern gaming devices, and the swarm of SJW normalfaggots started.

Yes, I do still find a game or two each year that blow me away, but you can bet your arse it won't contain some flavor-of-month shit like Elder Rim-job, or a Naruto Fortnite collab event. More often than not, they tend to be older titles.

Pic very related. Just spent a hair under 200 hours in this babe, and it is magnificent.

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no there isnt. the only thing that comes close is doing hours of reasearch and investing in a stock and then it finally paying off when the number goes up.

how come you never show up on giantbomb threads?

>yakuza 0

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take a break and/or try different genres than you're used to

Bad friend.


>I'm only excited for a few games a year now
enjoy those games to their fullest, bro

It's over bro. You're never going to be a teenager again. Enjoy the bitter taste of adulthood.

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Still waiting for the podcast to drop

just wait until it becomes one game every few years


its over

I don't like this ginger minger like you wouldn't believe

Pat got married a long time ago and moved provinces without telling what is basically one of his employers because Paige can't deal with the French, and then called not telling him anything a bit and laughed at Woolie.

Genuinely, why don't you fucks move on from castle superbeast to the mega64 cast or many other better podcasts out there?

Pat moved to Vancouver without telling anyone, even his friend and business
colleague of many years Woolsworth Woolington. Oh and also he and Paige secretly got married before Woolie did and didn’t tell anybody until now.

Let me guess, woolie just reacted with silence like the broken man he is

>Is there a way to recapture your love for gaming

Elden Ring.

Punished Woolie, a “black” man denied his friends.

He tried his best not to die on screen like he did when Mike Z got canceled and he wasn't allowed to hype Skullgirls anymore, and just went ay nice congratulations.

In hindsight, I think its safe to say that Woolie definitely picked the wrong horse in the matt/pat split

I loved it (spent over 100 hours on it so far), but I don't wanna do NG+ atm because I'm assuming a DLC will be out by the end of the year

For friends maybe, but Matt and Woolie doing the podcast would just kill the thing in less than half a year. Woolie needed the dwarf because he was at least entertaining on the mic before he turned his persona into his actual character.

you are such a cocksucking loser bro
did your jannie application not get accepted lol

Pat is a retard, but it's not like Woolie couldn't see it coming. Pat is very proud about the fact that he lost all his friends and acquaintances from his past.
Imagine sitting in front of this ginger bitch and he's telling you
>yeah my life is in sections, you know, I just cut off everyone I ever knew and I have no regrets
the fuck was Woolie thinking right at that moment, other than
>alright, when is my turn?

Pat lives entirely in a delusional twitter world.

I am happy you had a good time, friend.
This is what video games used to be about. :)

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Pat lives on a parking lot in a RV now.

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Play games you actually like, and stop engaging with the shitty parts of gaming culture, and you'd be surprised.

they sold the house? Lmao

The mean neighbour was rude to Paige so they had to run away.

yeah, just stop being depressed

What? No waaaay, why would he do that? His place looked dope.

there's no way that's permanent is there?

>dog shots on neighbor's porch
>neighbor gets upset
>OMG why is he so mean to me, it must be because I'm American!
>make dog shit on porch even more, just to spite neighbor
>neighbors calls in family to help him because he is an 80 year old man who can barely move
>wow the people here bully me for no reason, we need to move out!

go back playing older games you liked.

pat has become even more unhinged over the years.

because his neighbors hated him and his wife for some completely unknown and probably crazy reason that definitely had nothing to do with the fact that both of them are terrible people or that they actively encouraged their dog to shit in other people's yards and then got into fights when those people told them to stop doing that

No, they are living in Vancouver now

Even with the camera that far back you can tell how gross he is.

Is that good or bad?

i heard 4 is a better place to start, can someone confirm?

Huh, damn shame, but bad dog owners are the worst.

god no, there's so much shit that you won't understand if you do that
just start at 1

not that user but definitely not. 0's the best starting point from a narrative and gameplay and polish standpoint.

It's the California of Canada, in some ways

Play good games, specifically Resident Evil 4 is what worked for me

You could ofc do this Which is what I did *back in the day* but if you never played 1 back when it came out, I'd say just to play in order of
>0, K1, K2, 3, 4, 5 (remasters), 6

It was, until 0 came out. 4 had a recap theater that gives you the summary of the previous games so that was usually a good starting point and the original Yakuza played like garbage.

Stop playing them for a while. I take a month away from video games every now and then and when I come back to them, I enjoy them way more.

Fun Cali or the parts we would rather not talk about?

but then again, they lived in the Montreál of Canada. Not that it makes much difference for them, it's not like they're making any friends or enjoying either city any time soon. They'll stick to their house and be petty to everyone they meet.

How does his open marriage partner see this and think yeah... that's hot. Cant wait to ride that shit?

Ecelebs are not videogames

Pretty sure it's your San Fran/LA ultra cucked type of area.

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>paige dies from her disease
>retarded bulldog dies prematurely or ends up severely fucked up like literally every other british bulldog
>pat's friends stop talking to him because he's a cunt
>kills himself
Give it 10 years. He's a dickhead.

No, it is not.

That dog looks like it's in constant pain

Why the living fuck would you start a linear story franchise with the middle-most game ??
If you're newb to the series, just grab 0 and enjoy.

She's not that big of a catch either and is lucky she found someone who tolerated her for longer than a pump and dump.

Late 30s here. I started loving games again after I gave up on modern games and only started playing older ones. I'm having a blast with Golden Sun atm. The most modern game I ever touch these days is tf2.

Of course, it's a bulldog. But Pat is inexplicably drawn to this fat lazy slob who can't breathe properly and I dont think he has seen the irony of him making fun of the dog's condition yet.

TF2 will be 20 years old in 5 years.

Just buy a dreamcast and a big pack of CD-Rs and go to town with that entire library. Fixed it for me.

she's mentally retarded and also just as much of a goblin as him, just somewhat more normal looking

I used to think Matt was the reason that they broke up but more and more it seems like Pat is by far the most insufferable person of them all. At this point I just feel bad for Woolie, he seems like the only even remotely decent guy of the 4. Matt and Liam are both thin skinned manchildren and Pat is a borderline narcissist.

Hi Liam

The more I see of Pat and his wife and how they act, the more I agree with Matt

What does it matter? They never did anything that required physical proximity anyway.

Compared to him she's a super model. Shit doesn't add up.