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Why do you lie on the internet?
wtf i can see what is happening
game ruined
Steam version dropped? Does it still have the tranny shit?
Did they improve the UI?
I say this
Did it have the tranny shit? I asked it previously in a dwarf fortress thread and nobody was able to provide any tranny shit.
Tarn will be dead before the game is fully developed. Once he dies the game will be left in the hands of retards.
It lets you choose pronouns and give people literal axe wounds to the groin.
One of the recent Steam leaks puts the launch date between August and September.
Can't wait because DF looks like a great game but I never liked the shitty UI.
>Release Date: time is subjective
i slep
Are the pronouns separate from the actual sex?
Okay, that is indeed tranny shit, thanks for clueing me in.
I mean technically it already had dwarves going insane and murdering everybody so it kind of fits the realism/simulator side of the game when it comes to brain problems but it still feels like pandering to a vocal minority.
What's up?
Not much, what's up with you?
fucking die you fucking nigger
rimworld copy
Prison architect copy
>literal axe wounds
As in, the procedure is done with an axe? Now that's comedy.
He made it so trans dwarves get a 20% buff on all stats
I can't wait for vargskelethor to download this, play it for an hour and then just switch back to the normal dwarf fortress
can you forcibly troon captured enemies?
>Literal Rimworld clone but with tranny shit
Originality: 0%
weak bait
made you reply
yes, aim attacks at their lower bodies and you have a chance to turn them into girls.
also to add to this certain monsters will kidnap you and forcibly transform you into their wives for breeding purposes
Underrated, but a kobold probably posted this
fuck you attention whore niggrwer
I haven't read any locon in a while
I should change that
What's the point? It will only get more bloated and working slower and slower with new features being added, one day becoming unplayable because performance of single CPU core does not grow anymore. DF has no future, unless he sells it and competent team reworks it to properly use modern CPUs.
>tranny dorfs
no such thing
there's only gays
Just as bad.
Being turned into a monster and getting repeatedly raped is a female(female) fantasy.
yeah but at least gays still occur in the wild on animals, it's very well documented
and if you don't want em you can just edit a few lines of code to remove the gay chance
the specific default values are
>[ORIENTATION:MALE:5:20:75] and [ORIENTATION:FEMALE:75:20:5] for a caste which has the [FEMALE] token under it.
>[ORIENTATION:MALE:75:20:5] and [ORIENTATION:FEMALE:5:20:75] for a caste which has the [MALE] token under it.
just open the raw file with notepad and edit, modding df is braindead simple
You can probably mod it out
Also I agree with the other user, who cares, you can just fucking murder them if one pops in your fort
>One of the recent Steam leaks puts the launch date between August and September.
Is that true?
Man I've been waiting for the Steam release for your same reason, I hate the UI so fucking much
Most people like to know what is going on, and the Steam release of DF is targeted towards most people. But there will definitely be an option to enable the classic ASCII look.
im going to end up getting this and just not even playing it because normal dorf is going to be the better option regardless
Jesus Christ, that's disgusting to look at.
>being so excited to support the tranny publisher
Pathetic, Yea Forums. You suck.
the money isn't going to Toady?
what's this, another rim world clone?
Some of it is going to Kitfox, the tranny publisher that's tied with fem frequency, quinnbitch, etc.
Horridly pozzed organization that makes shovelware weapon dating vn trash.
If you want to support Toady, they're still accepting donations.
I'll just pirate it
Good, and if you like it toss some shekels to bay12 directly. Shame they're not doing the drawings for your donations anymore.
it's dwarf fortress but paid and with integrated tilesets
The edges of the z levels in this texture pack fuck me up.
It seems like the real question isn't about "anymore", it's about "yet". That tweet I was linked seemed pretty clear on future intentions. I'll check for whether this shit gets fulfilled latet down the line, but I'm almost definitely never paying money for the steam version just in case. just the lazy noob pack but you pay for it?
Have you not looked at the OP screenshot? It obviously looks better.
Same fucking shit as TOME though, you can still play the free one or support the dev.
Yes it's a Reddit post but it's the only place that summarizes the info so shut the fuck up.
Some dates look like placeholders but that one looks too specific.
It actually has a UI this time.
One of the comments mentions how the DF one is a placeholder for sure
The anatomy doesn't include any primary sex characteristics, though some people have modded that in, so explicitly intersex dwarfs are simply impossible, as are explicitly trans adult migrants. The best you could do for those is have a larger fraction of adults flagged for infertility which would narratively include trans dwarfs, infertile intersex dwarfs, and dwarfs with genetic conditions.
The only things that could be added with actual mechanics are nonbinary dwarfs (which might already be in, I haven't played for a while) and actual transitions (a child with one gender becoming an adult with a different gender, or an adult changing pronouns and possibly gaining an infertility flag). Am I missing anything? The simple fact that dwarfs don't have dicks means there can't ever be much tranny shit. Most fortresses don't last long enough to see a child born in the fortress become an adult anyway, so Twitter can just tell themselves any dwarf could already be trans and you'd never be able to tell
Those slopes that make you queasy are from the earliest updates. They've been fixed to not look like shit a long while ago.
Not that I'm defending a game with a tranny publisher
This is the kind of garbage they publish when they're not doing a lot of lgbt grifting PR
Just fucking LMAO if you're going to be giving these cunts money.
one of the few good streamers