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Far Cry 1 > Far Cry 2 >> Later Far Cry entries

The only good villain in the series


He was barely a villian.
>dude yeah I know im bad for selling guns to impoverished third world countries but at least I have a moral code unlike those faction leaders im selling it to
bravo ubisoft

what's with the weird fast cadence of the dialogue anyway? It's not just him, the UFLL and APR questgiver guys do it too.

Still better than le ebin crazy guy who talks about insanity non-stop

thats still better than le ebin deep monologue guy

That's just how afrikaaners speak.

I think the idea was he was trying to get both sides to destroy each other so the people of unnamed african country could be free of them

>hmmm I wonder who's gonna take over once the warring factions are gone.

i should really play this game again, i thouroughly enjoyed it back then, i appreciated the stealth options, and the world felt very "alive".

Far cry 1 fucking sucks ass and balls

This but unironically, except it's Chad, not Uganda.


It's really not




Would have been nice without the constantly respawning armored niggers

yeah maybe they're on the same level of shit desu. At least Vaas had better written dialouge and cutscenes.

>clean out outpost
>enemies all respawn as soon as you leave
Always pissed me off, I enjoyed the game regardless. Got it free with my GTX 260.

i thought the characters spoke fast because they were all badass professionals but the voicelines were probably actually unnaturally sped up for the sake of taking up less space, which is disappointing

yeah it's annoying how none of the rebalance mods attempt to fix that. Just keep destroyed camps despawned for like an ingame day or two or something

There's not even that much dialouge in the game and speeding it up would only save a few megabytes at most.

(You) the player.

The idea is that he's like how video game players tend to get once they've mastered the game and are just powering towards the ending. I only got this when I played the game myself after generally knowing about it for a long time. His feelings and mine aligned by the end of the game after I went through his arc myself.

Start of game you enjoy the thrill that comes with seeking a dangerous and brutal environment, then mastery, "I decide who lives and who dies, me", then I'm comfortably staying alive and it becomes "a job" as he says, then after a while the whole thing outstays its welcome and war starts to feel less like an enfranchising and liberating experience and more like a bunch of petty assholes stabbing each other in the back in perpetuity. By the end of the game I was ready for an ending and didn't feel cheated or manipulated when the Jackal said it was time for everything to end and for both of us to die. I was as ready as him and I embraced that pile of explosives that ended the game.

The Jackal is not a moralist. You didn't understand the game. He's being selfish to the end in the same fundamental way he was when he was becoming a death-broker for fun. He's not acting on a moral code. He's hit a point in his life at which it would please him more to kill a war than fuel one, and kill himself rather than keep fighting and living.

Big props to the guy who played The Jackal for making it feel halfway natural.

Jackal doesn't believe you can *end* war. You're only liberated after you pick up an AK-47. He says this himself. He knows freedom is sovereignty is power. He's also grown disgusted with the raw workings of power and wants to score a break for the sheeple.

There are some neat mods on PC. Also you need at least a bit of modding to make it run.

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>At least Vaas had better written dialouge and cutscenes.
I found most of it cringe. Especially when he starts to chimp out every time. He goes from talking calmly to YELLING in mere seconds. I get that this is suppose to show how unhinged and unstable he is, but it's literally the exact same routine every time you meet him. Not to mention that the guy doesn't have a motivation being killing. He's the Joker of Far Cry, and I'm not saying that in a good way, as I think the Joker is also a shit character and the very embodiment of what I hate about the "chaotic psycho killer" trope that seems to be so popular.


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one of the oldest mods does just that tho?

>gigachad shooped on art of less popular entry in a franchise with threads on repeat

this is getting stale

>Not to mention that the guy doesn't have a motivation being killing
He wants to push people to their extremes because he thinks that anything less is just living a fake and empty life. He likes to have control over people so he provokes Jason to turn from a normal guy into a killer by kidnapping and torturing his friends.

Farcry2 is probably the strongest example in gaming of a series having a less popular but far more interesting peak in the past that filtered people for its strengths rather than its failings. People say they're hardcore until malaria makes them hold down the heal button for 5 seconds once an hour. What they mean is they want gay heavy metal soundtracks and for everyone to tremble in fear of the protagonist when he walks into the room from the start of the game.

And of course Farcry2's subject matter is the most gigachaddian in gaming. I can't think of a game more suited to the idea.

FC1 is much more hardcore, ironically enough.

I'm not sure whether that's really well communicated in the game. He tries to kill Jason several times and even seems exasperated that he constantly survives. He doesn't seem interested in pushing Jason to insanity as much as he's interested in killing him. The only time where the opposite might have been the case was towards the beginning where Vaas kills Grant and let's Jason go, but even that is a stretch.

Less interestingly so, but arguably yes.

I never understood how it went from a sci-fi game to.. well far cry 2

Kinda true. It's actually interesting how this series went from being about survival in a foreign and hostile environment, to being a power fantasy about mowing down hundreds of soldiers while doing cool chain combo executions and punching sharks in the face.

>Less interestingly so
Well, it has more engaging gameplay, recoil is actually important, enemies are fast, tough and will fuck you up, then you add trigens... It's more interesting to play. You can skip cutscenes and listen to Jackal monologues if you need story so much, or read a couple of pages from Heart of Darkness while the levels are loading.

what mods?

>Kid just looked tired, just beaten down, ragged, tired, old. Kids that age shouldn’t look like that.
>It's not just him
I mean, it's entirely not him. The Jackal is like, one of the only characters in the game that doesn't talk fast.
Ubisoft took control, that's your answer.

Not that big a leap as the idea in both games is using the possibilities of new technology to present a newer and freer kind of action game. Considering that the goal is to use freedom to explore violence it's natural that both plots would revolve around that. It's what they have in common. Farcry1 is about survival and victory by any means possible in an open and wild environment, and so is Farcry2. More specifically on the plots, Farcry1 is about violation of nature in the pursuit of power, Farcry2 is more generally about the violation of humanity in the pursuit of power. Both are exploring how violence and power can be freeing but also potentially disgusting and ultimately degrading.

The stories have the same bones. I understand the jump just fine.

I think Farcry2 uses its openness and freedom factor much better. The appealing elements you're talking about here are all concentrated in isolated action sequences. Farcry2 might not have the most dramatic or sophisticated or hardcore particulars in its action sequences, instead they draw their meaning from how wide the situations are. Missions being culminations of lots of preparation, travel, decisions, and variable elements all playing out into each other. This stuff all piled up together is a unique kind of interesting that I think is what the Farcry vision was about all along. And also something they completely abandoned with 3.

I used the Redux Mod. Fixes, balances, I think it includes the MFlauncher that's needed to play on modern systems. Also a couple of more 'hardcore' touches that not everyone is huge on. Main thing people are torn on is that it makes your map more like a piece of paper, makes navigation a bit more demanding. Also does cool stuff like giving guns the right ammo capacity for what they're meant to be.

The only mod you need for FC2 is Redux, it's by far the best one.

I found the sci-fi aspect to be both the weakest and dumbest part of the first game. Far Cry 2 is what the first game should have been.

god synthetic man is a retarded faggot.

>The only good villain in the series
pic related

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>I think Farcry2 uses its openness and freedom factor much better.
FC1 isn't open, nor does it try to be, so it's a big weird to put it against it. And grew to hate traveling in FC2 eventually. Those 3-4 man outposts are not fun, you easily kill the dudes, replenish syrettes from their cabinet and ammo from their pile, repeat until you reach an actually interesting mission, which are good and proper.

FC5 fucking sucked and so did the Seeds, zoomer.

Did you see his Doom Eternal video?
>I'm good at FPS, it's the game's fault I suck at it.

His Elden Ring video literally had him quotes the Shazam meme, I kid you not.

It's neither, it's Generic Sub-saharan African Country™.

>old good
>new bad

NTA, but this is probably the first FC game I enjoyed since FC2. There was something charming about exploring the American wilderness. Though I agree that the Seeds were weak villains.

>his entire shtick is that he's an le doomer incel
I wish that cringe would stop appearing in my reccomendations

his pandering should not go unpunished. form your own opinion instead of trying to go with every popular opinion on Yea Forums

havemt played it but i find it hard to believe it is hardcorer than vanilla 2 on max diff where u carry like 2 mags of ammo and every enemy knows where u are always and is made of kevlar unless u headshot them and u die in legit 2 hits of any weapon

>sepia mess with awful gunplay
one of the many reasons i don't take Yea Forums seriously for game recs

>form your own opinion instead of trying to go with every popular opinion on Yea Forums
I honestly have very unpopular opinions by Yea Forums standards. And I don't care what some e-celeb says online. Especially not some Yea Forumstard doomer making videos.

>a fun and colorful PC FPS with actual enemy and weapon progression should've been a brown and bloom open world mess where you kill the same mercs over and over again

"Open" in the more literal sense. A big level is "open" even if you aren't given leisure time to pick things off of a minimap. Farcry 1's advertising is all about these big spaces they can show off, wilderness, possibilities and danger. I still remember the video on the xbox demo disc about the guy showing off the map creator, and the Instincts trailer with the guy being hunted in jungle. To me that's "open" appeal in an action game.

And Farcry2 does get a bit old as it goes, but I think that's because it wasn't allowed to lean hard enough into its character. Mods that make it a bit meaner and more lethal are good for that.

>awful gunplay
Go play your early access boomer shooter with a well designed weapon sandbox, breakcore soundtrack, ironic post-vermin supreme automarxist politics, free of ludonarrative dissonance and programmed exclusively by trannies, you meme-programmed ZOGling.

>every enemy knows where u are always
that's not how either FC1 or FC2 work

also yes FC1 is quite a bit harder

>awful gunplay
that's where I know you're just being a contrarian retard


>a brown and bloom open world mess where you kill the same mercs over and over again
kids who grew up with the games released during the 06-10 time period are now the majority of posters on this board. So for them brown and bloom is actually something pleasant. Not trying to be le edgy boomer, just stating a fact.

pick one

not him but you need to dilate you fucking troon

Is he the protag from the first game or not?

Apparently he was suppose to be. But Ubisoft decided to leave it more ambiguous.

You got rekt

I liked it mainly because of the scenery porn and the fishing/hunting, despite the meh gameplay and shitty story.
Same with Skyrim. Maybe I don't even like video games and just want to go outside?

>Go play your early access boomer shooter with a well designed weapon sandbox, breakcore soundtrack, ironic post-vermin supreme automarxist politics, free of ludonarrative dissonance and programmed exclusively by trannies, you meme-programmed ZOGling.
or i could just play far cry 6
knowing far cry 2 has awful gunplay is the normal position you weirdo, there's like inbuilt mouse acceleration too

>people think im annoying for posting meaningless retarded shit and tell me to shut up?
>no, obviously they must all be transexuals

Favourite one of the franchise.

Only gripes are that it needed more civilian and animal life and the ridiculous enemy spawn rates

That would be pretty interesting if true, I think there was a cutscene in Instincts that backed that up too, where Jack opens a box and it's implied that it's filled with blood diamonds

didn't read. dilate

it works really well with FC2, a game set in... AFRICA!!!!

epic bait dude I almost fell for it

You probably would enjoy classic art. A large part of why i play games is to see how skillfully an artist can recreate our beautiful world much like a master painting with added bonus of the interaction.

my major gripes with FC5 as far as gameplay goes is that the world is really bland and empty, the gameplay felt really repetitive (even missions were way too same-y), and there was a bizarre lack of gun variety, which was ironic since, y'know, 'merica and all.
oddly enough, I was able to try FC6 over the free weekend and enjoyed it far more than my two playthroughs of FC5, even though the general consensus from fans of the series is that it's a worse game.
with some mods installed (mainly getting rid of the retarded bullet sponge bullshit and increasing enemy FOV and view distance), I actually found it to be a weeeeee bit closer to FC2 than 3-5 were. guns feel weighty and have lots of recoil, the map is gorgeous and there's a nice bit of variety, and there's a shitload of guns.
also I just think in general Far Cry belongs in areas that are exotic. either tropical like FC1/Instincts/3/6, or Africa, or the Himalayas. Montana on the other hand does not interest me whatsoever lol.

I found the gameplay better than the last 3 or so games in the series. Not outstanding, but enough to keep my attention, which is something that a Ubisoft game hasn't done in quite some time. Story is a mess, and I absolutely hate the sections where you're kidnapped and taken out of the gameplay. It's so fucking stupid.

I personally feel like the tropical setting has been played out too much at this point.

Yea Forums is the only place I've ever seen someone say FC2's gunplay feels bad, and even here it's a rare opinion. 2's guns feel great to shoot.
and mouse acceleration isn't gunplay, dummy, and as someone who's really sensitive to that shit it never bothered me in FC2, I remember it being extremely minor compared to what you'd usually see.