>game is set in zombie apocalypse
Game is set in zombie apocalypse
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Unvaxxed and healthy here. I'm just not gonna take it, no matter how much you seeth about it
>game is set in a dystopian future
Why are there so many people named unvaccinated?
In th globohomo future plebs no longer get to have individual surnames
Triple vaxxed here, alive and healthy.
Is it true that most major companies in America won't allow you to come to work without being vaccinated?
Why do burgers hate freedom now?
Cool. We’ll laugh when your fat ass is on a hospital bed and you’re telling a journalist you should’ve taken the vaxx
>fat ass
He said he's healthy
lol what is this 2020?
On triple?
I'm on my 8th.
>he didn't vaxxmaxx
As an eurofag i find this shit utterly disgusting. You should fight to know what are you eating or using when you buy a product.
noooo not the 0.0001 mortality rate nooo
You should also be entitled to recourse if the product harms you.
which is strange cause in the us we have way more autistic labeling requirements than you guys do
I thought pandemic was over. New propaganda is to hate Russia. Get with times boomers.
>the true zombies are the normalfags that took the jab along the way
no. now if you will excuse me i am gonna go watch jokes about TSA body cavity searches and complain about the iraq war and bush
Uh oh vaxxbros we got too cocky
never been vacxed never will be gas kikes
Trump won. Get over it. kill the cereanigger Yea Forums janitor. Trump won. Get over it. kill the miianigger Yea Forums janitor. Trump won. Get over it. kill the ryuukonigger Yea Forums janitor. Trump won. Get over it. kill the cereanigger Yea Forums janitor. Trump won. Get over it.
Trump won. Get over it. kill the cereanigger Yea Forums janitor. Trump won. Get over it. kill the miianigger Yea Forums janitor. Trump won. Get over it. kill the ryuukonigger Yea Forums janitor. Trump won. Get over it. kill the cereanigger Yea Forums janitor. Trump won. Get over it. kill the miianigger Yea Forums janitor.
Trump won. Get over it. kill the cereanigger Yea Forums janitor. Trump won. Get over it. kill the miianigger Yea Forums janitor. Trump won. Get over it. kill the ryuukonigger Yea Forums janitor. Trump won. Get over it. kill the cereanigger Yea Forums janitor. Trump won. Get over it. kill the miianigger Yea Forums janitor.
Trump won. Get over it. kill the cereanigger Yea Forums janitor. Trump won. Get over it. kill the miianigger Yea Forums janitor. Trump won. Get over it. kill the ryuukonigger Yea Forums janitor. Trump won. Get over it. kill the cereanigger Yea Forums janitor. Trump won. Get over it. kill the miianigger Yea Forums janitor.
Trump won. Get over it. kill the cereanigger Yea Forums janitor. Trump won. Get over it. kill the miianigger Yea Forums janitor. Trump won. Get over it. kill the ryuukonigger Yea Forums janitor. Trump won. Get over it. kill the cereanigger Yea Forums janitor. Trump won. Get over it. kill the miianigger Yea Forums janitor.
Trump won. Get over it. kill the cereanigger Yea Forums janitor. Trump won. Get over it. kill the miianigger Yea Forums janitor. Trump won. Get over it. kill the ryuukonigger Yea Forums janitor. Trump won. Get over it. kill the cereanigger Yea Forums janitor. Trump won. Get over it. kill the miianigger Yea Forums janitor.
Trump won. Get over it. kill the cereanigger Yea Forums janitor. Trump won. Get over it. kill the miianigger Yea Forums janitor. Trump won. Get over it. kill the ryuukonigger Yea Forums janitor. Trump won. Get over it.
fake vaxxine for a FAKE VIRUS
No not a city nigger and under 30
Unvaccinated people literally keep dying of covid but ok.
that should've happened fuckin' years ago
why am I healthier than I've ever been then, despite being unvaxxed since the beginning?
...probably because countries enforced a way of hygiene that ultimately helps in the long run by allowing people to not transmit like they used to before, thereforce decreasing the transmission rates of many other diseases, and as for those who got the disease, they do not require the vaccine as their own body naturally creates one after sickness, assuming you aren't sick with something that messes up your immune system badly
So do vaccinated
> the government is urging the population to get their 2nd booster, which is the 4th shot
i wonder how many will take it this time
are the powers that be not satisfied more people havent died due to bad reactions?
I thought that was only for vulnerable people
>are the powers that be not satisfied more people havent died due to bad reactions?
they are which is what the ukraine war is about, inducing world wide food shortages to kill via starvation
onions green anyone?
I wholeheartedly believe that the government and corporations are out to get me. Prove me wrong with sources.
It's pretty funny that Trump was pretty proud of the vaccine. It was his term's last achievement but then his voterbase completely disregarded it.
No, they really don't. Unless they had some pre-existing medical condition that weakens their immune system beyond repair or they have an allergy to the vaccine, but this has been the case for as long as vaccines existed.
Almost no one I know is vaccinated, like 4 of them have gotten covid and all of them were fine.
>Prove me wrong with sources.
No, because you are objectively correct
ha i cant even say it
I can't, all the sources are funded by the government or corporations
>Unless they had some pre-existing medical condition
where have i heard this one before
friendly reminder
They were lucky since getting covid still has a risk of fucking you up, some people got permanent lung damage.
Got the coof and it was slightly worse than a cold. First day was malaise and slight headache. Second day was mild fever, very tired, mild headache, some cramps. Third day my previous symptoms were mostly gone but I got a sore throat and got a bit of a congested cough which lasted a week (the cough not the sore throat).
I'm an unvaxxed NEET alcoholic.
>even wearing face masks
fucking hell................
See, what I'd tell ya?
>actually its not dying from covid its with covid and also they have like AIDS and hyper cancer or theyre allergic to the jungle juice or all the other cope the media told me
there have been more vaccine related deaths in the past 2 years than the entire nearly 100 year long history of vaccines
cope seethe and dilate bootlicker
why do these people pretend to care about the people they never liked in the first place killing themselves? be more honest
They got permanent lung damage because hospitals tried to pop their lungs and kill them by ventilators.
thank god everything is back to normal, huh
they're just ghouls
Considering that most places have from 75 to 90% vaccinated people, the fact the deaths are mostly even is pretty telling that the vaccine is working
It's not perfect, that's true
>inb4 "it's not true, in my shitty country few people are vaccinated"
learn to spell, brainlet
>brought to you by an ad that cost as much as an audit
>fat ass
Protecting much? I said I'm healthy. Had covid and it was a nothingburger 2 days coof
allyedgidyy they got lung damage because of the vid
Not allegedly, in reality.
Plenty of different sources if you use google.
>there have been more vaccine related deaths in the past 2 years than the entire nearly 100 year long history of vaccines
I guess all those people didn't die then. They'll be delighted to hear it.
i also heard that covid causes sexual dysfunction
No, there literally haven't been. You are lying or just talking out of your ass.
But Trump is pro-vax? Also eat a cock election nigger
Oh cool, so then we have herd immunity and the disease will stop spreading like we were promised.
The issue is more that ingredient listings are obfuscated as fuck and even if you knew what any of it meant, it wouldn't matter as you don't have consumer rights in the US anyway unless it goes really wrong and you'll still get like a donut and a penny for the poisoning of your entire extended family.
I wish Trump were one of those politicians that told the truth and actually upheld their promises. Shame on him.
Young people also die of the flu rarely. Did you get all of your flu shots before this memedemic?
ooh, didn't like that one... okay let's try this one:
Joe Biden is your president
>more covid deaths in the year of the vaccine than the year before it
>b-b-b-but that's because we lightened the restrictions
>johns hopkins study found that lockdowns only prevented deaths by 0.2%
>Biden promised to handle covid better than le orange putler man
You'd have to be a complete retard to think the vaccine worked.
Still didn't take the jab.
Still didn't mask.
Still alive.
Still shitting on your street.
You're speaking of mythical creatures.
if the flu suddenly became 10x more deadly then I'd think about it for sure, wouldn't you?
the lizard wearing his skin is in charge, actually
Sorry, meant for
yes, 0.01% is much greater than 0.001%
Covid is much more deadly than the flu and causes long term complications.
Fuck off electioniggers
>people still acting as if a flu was some kind of deadly disease
Covid showed how the first world is overcrowded by hypochondriacs. Literary 99% of people who died were old fucks or had pre-existing conditions. Go to the third world were actual fuck up plagues such as malaria exist.
well that was easy, I accept your concession.
the flu has a higher mortality rate among the elderly in any case.
actually it isnt and actually it doesnt
>covert scared of shots thread
I'm fine with you not getting it btw, but don't pretend you have a deeper reasoning. It's a common problem, so you don't have to be embarrassed.
Yeah, in the vaccinated lmao
Do /pol/tards get tired of being wrong all the time or is it just the inherent contrarianism that attracts them regardless of the outcome?
>source: dude trust me
cope, not getting it was the right move
LOL no.
I've had plenty of shots before.
trump is triple vaxxed
This. Each time I see someone talking about how awful Covid is I’m 100% sure it’s a firstoid. Death and diseases are part of life.
whilst you are right, its not a good shitposting reason so i just make shit up as i go.
>people got so stupid they have to put names on every single item
He's also over 70 years old.
I'm unvaxxed and already got covid like a year ago. I got a week off work and basically just slept in bed for 2 days straight with the occasional snack. After the 2 days, I was good as new and spent the rest of my week playing vidya and basically treating it as a cool vacation.
Really hope I can catch covid again. Work is getting busy lately
>pretend you have a deeper reasoning
Same to you
You are just doing what you are told.
And fat
Fatass here. I currently have it. It's exactly like a flu. Please go dilate, you ugly faggot.
I would unironically take novavax or whatever the best actual vaccine is out there. but Im not beta testing your pfizer shit. the fact that politicians in my country all invested in these specific companies before making them all mandatory is enough to make me say fuck them
>You are just doing what you are told.
t. does whatever /pol/ tells him
Remember all those zombie settings where they came up with a vaccine against infection but they had to give it to all the zombies as well or it wouldn't work
Whats the matter?
Can't blame Trump for that one, can't you?
Who needed /pol/ when you had broadcasted examples of how safe and effective the vax is?
I didn't get a jab though as I'm a perpetual neet, please don't make things up about me.
>doesn't deny it, falls back to pre approved talking point #143
lmao literal NPC
>point out logical error in programming
>projection mode turns on immediately
I don't know how you can be anti-corp and right wing.
Monsanto, the company that's parodied in that picture, gave 300k in political in 2017. 65% that went to Republicans and 35% to Democrats.
The cancerous fucking Roundup was approved under the EPA in Trump's admin.
Please explain.
>people die in car accidents without seatbelts
>but also people die in car accidents with seatbelts
>no additional data is needed seatbelts confirmed not working
wew, it sounds really hard to be as fucking stupid as you.
>that glitch as Heather McDonald falls
clearly thats a sign of electrical interference from the vax