The man that singlehandedly filtered 99% of sekiro haters

>the man that singlehandedly filtered 99% of sekiro haters

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it's the fat guy with 10000 cronies that filtered me
fuck this game

They hate sekiro for the absence of Magic cheating

Just run circles around him
Gorilla tactics

He isn't exactly good either and his difficulty essentially scales with how often he'd do the retarded magnetic grab lunge attack. That shit could have been straight out of fucking Dark Souls 2.

Lure him out

To be fair, Ogre's not very in-line with the typical gameplay loop and ideal fighting style. It's less a rhythmic trade of blades and more of a Soulslike fight.
That said, it's still very fair and consistent, and can be played extremely aggressively if you're familiar with its moveset. I just think it shouldn't show up so early in the game.

only hard cause of dogshit grab hitboxes in every from game


Because he deals 4 gorillion damage and the game gives you bad advice. I think they've fixed it but originally the tooltip said to dodge grabs and before they nerfed his grab magnetism it was some retarded shit. I died 300 times to this nigger before looking it up and as soon as I did and ignored what the game said I beat him first try.
Meanwhile Genichiro took me 5 tries and Isshin 2. Retarded progression, especially if you don't rely on the gimmicky prosthetics.

>the game gives you bad advice

Attached: sekiro_chained_ogre_boss_fire_1.jpg (1380x776, 165.01K)

That's not really a problem in the first encounter since it's a wide open area and you have plenty of room to keep your distance. When you have to fight him in the castle the grab bullshit is a serious problem

he has like four moves, two of which are grabs. if you haven't learned to deal with it after a few tries, wtf are you doing

Ah, cause I was supposed to somehow know there was a fire prosthetic elsewhere and use it.
And like I said, relying on prosthetics at this point fucks you over in the long term because it disincentivizes learning to parry, attack and dodging.

why is the first boss an enemy that teaches you nothing about how the combat actually works in the game?

>unlock an entire side area from basically the start of the game
>don't explore it because you fell for the "sekiro is the worlds hardest game and you need to bash your head against the wall on every boss without thinking" meme
*goes back to skipping DOH's third phase with the malcontent whistle"

I always thought these threads are just jokes but there are really excuses in replies.

>keep standing at his left
>ez pz
I'm so bad that I quit Elden Ring yet somehow Sekiro is the one game that clicked with me. Loved it from start to finish.

That dialog tells you it fears fire
The merchant near that boss, I think just few meters from where that screenshot is taken tells you about some bandits having a fire stick when they were assualting the estate
Near the estate you can overhear bandits around a fire talking about how this fire stick they have is awesome for starting fires
It's not very difficult to put one and one together. I just played through this section for the first time about a week ago and I figured it out no problem. Actually thought it was quite funny because the breadcrumb trail was so obvious it could've been some caricature of game design.


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I hate exploring mostly cause I have an awful sense of direction. I got stuck in Ashina for 2 hours cause I couldn't find a way to climb to the top. It's also retarded design to place enemies that they should wait for for without telling the player that they are. It's impossible to tell if you're shit or if you're supposed to wait.
>*goes back to skipping DOH's third phase with the malcontent whistle"
'Casually parries his wave of fire'

Took me 50 hours in total to beat the game.

I wanted a refund after 30 minutes of gameplay, which was denied.

I simply and unironically got gud and beat it.

I'm a casual myself and lack patience but sitll finished it. One of the best games.

Actually it's literally the MC.
I hate to break it to you but Sekiro is a fucking unlikeable faggot and walks around like he's got a sword up his ass the entire time.

Furthermore, Parrying is not fun gameplay.

>the game gives you bad advice
>originally the tooltip said to dodge grabs
That literally is what you're supposed to do though to fight him most aggressively, what the fuck have you been doing? You can comfortably hug his leg the entire fight if you stop being scared and just don't get hit

Neither of those worked

I’m just glad it’s over. I genuinely had “git gud” ghosts speaking to me during my playthrough.

I will never forget it, but I play video games to relax, and sekiro does the opposite.

You still have to somehow know to find the guy who sells it to you, which means you have to realize a random tent at the top of a cliff is going to be important when you haven't met a merchant yet and there is no indication that it is important.
Secondly, like this user said, why make the first boss one that doesn't teach you how to play the game.

Git gud

just stay like 5 meters away from him and run whenever he does his retard grab then punish and repeat

Before they nerfed his grab hitbox you couldn't do that reliably. Jumping is also the better move so the advice was just wrong

It has nothing to do with the hitbox. The hitbox could be the size of the entire map and you could still i-frame through it. It's entirely a matter of timing.

Go back playing Casul Ring

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It's not the memorial mob, it's that bandit merchant, right nxt to the idol. Basically impossible to miss.

>Sekiro is a fucking unlikeable faggot and walks around like he's got a sword up his ass the entire time
Yes I agree too my fellow white male. We need more vidya game protagonists like pic from the hit Quantic Dreams game "Detroit Become Human", my favourite game of all time. Much better than Sekiro.

Attached: detroit become human main.jpg (633x356, 10.17K)

>implying your elden ring and dark souls self inserts are better than chadkiro

The only bullshit grab is the one which has like 4 frame startup. Everything else he does is easily avoidable.

Which one? The guy in the memory? Kill all the smol guys and then one-on-one-faggot him. You even have a (suicidal) samurai dude to help in the fight if I remember correctly.
Or go level up elsewhere and come back after you're stronger and have more life.

You can stealth kill all of his friends and then you just deflect him until he dies. Every enemy in the game is beaten by tapping block at the right time.

Nah that goes to Guardian Ape. The first phase is bullshit due to how much he runs away and has a fuck ton of HP with wide attacks that track. Even Bull can be parried, but that monkey fuck is the most shitty boss in Sekiro. DoH has some bullshit as well but by the time you face him you already have enough upgradea to make him not bullshit.

>You can stealth kill all the smol guys which takes like five minutes and then get killed and then take another five minutes to set up the next try

>You even have a (suicidal) samurai dude to help in the fight who permadeaths

i hate this game

You didn't beat the game.

Well, yeah, but as I said, you can also come back when you're stronger. It's not a forced fight at that point at all.

Just beat Inner Isshin in the gauntlet yesterday and on his last bar I had no revives or health sippies left
Felt pretty good bros, though honestly I had the most trouble with Genichiro out of the inner bosses because he was a lot more aggressive compared to his normal jobber form while Owl and Isshin were basically the same except with more trick moves

>dislikes ape
I've never heard a worse opinion in my life. That monkey fuck is probably my favorite fight in the game. Solid middling difficulty, fought conventionally minus the phase 2 scream gimmick (which can also be run from consistently), lots of ways to make it easier even though doing so isn't necessary.
What makes you think it's not a typical fight? Just its size? If so, you got baited. You should be spending most of your time standing still right up next to it like any other regular swordsman, in both phases

But the iframes are short as fuck and contradictory to the advice given. Jumping on his head is much better and easier to do and that's not what they said.

based 'you didn't beat the game' autistic bot. I like you better than shazam.

I feel like playing through Sekiro again now.

Ape melee attacks can be parried. Ogre is mostly grabs and crushes.

I'm sorry, are you talking about the shitty lunge grab? Yeah, there's not really a good way to handle that. You either distance and reset or play close enough that he never uses it.
Not defending the poor signaling either way, just saying there's a fun and consistent way to play offense. It's a good fight.

You just suck balls. That fight is piss easy. Dude telegraphs everything but his punch and you can run circles around him dealing with his cronies, or otherwise let the other samurai deal with them while you beat the shit out of the drunk guy.

You hate this game because of the way you chose to play it?

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Yeah it's that one. Before the nerf it was retarded, but you can reliably just stomp on his head. I'm not saying it's a bad fight, I actually like it a lot in comparison to some of the other bosses that are big/non-humanoid cause you can actually read his attacks clearly. He just shouldnt have been the first one. I would've placed Centipede Giraffe and 7spears early to teach players to parry and for soulsfags to unlearn dodging.

The issue with the game is the lack of build diversity and therefore replayability.

But that’s the reason why the gameplay felt so good.

He nearly filtered me. But I won in the end.

I did a replay a week or so back after being disappointed in ER. Had a lot of fun, first tried every boss till Owl somehow. No, I didn't spam firecrackers. I sucked at the game the first time I played it. Remember Lady Butterfly taking tons of tries.

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You're talking about the fire crackers. The game is directing you towards the flame vent which you get in hirata estate. I think you being unable to decipher even messages here explains about why you have trouble figuring shit out in the game.

I've been playing randomizer and it's fun as fuck. Fighting DoH in the Owl arena was fun. I'm planning on doing Resurrection after.


I thought that lady butterfly was incredibly easy. I found some mini bosses to be harder than her,

I'm finally going to try Sekiro after about 15 hours of Elden Ring. Every boss fight has been almost pure fucking cancer and I'm real tired of having the boss flail like a retard on crack and either trying to dodge and failing due to retarded tracking or trying to guard and having it smash right through anyways along with taking off 90% of my health.

Why the FUCK would you put Bloodborne/Sekiro designs for encounters but leave me with fucking Souls player options. Having a fucking good parry would solve 90% of this shit.

Ye, she was easy on my re-play of the game but the first time I played she was a menace to me
First time I played I cheated to get through Owl yet this time I beat him in 15 tries or so

its because youre given shitloads of damage and i-frames in elden ring

in sekiro your option to win fights is stance break and thats it, if you try and actually fight and reduce an enemys healthbar to 0 it will give you a cute little animation and refill their bar to full

You first need to get the bell as well, which even if you do get it you need to know to get to Hirata by using it, which isn't obvious either. And the flame vent itself is randomly lying in a fire, how are you supposed to figure all of this shit out without searching around autistically for all the loot or looking it up?
It's also retarded to actually use early on cause if you keep relying on prosthetics you hamper your own growth in what's actually the core of the gameplay.

>complain about chained ogre not playing like most other bosses and not being a good boss for first time players
>also complain that using a prosthetic on him will "hamper your own growth in the core of the gameplay"

>Remember Lady Butterfly taking tons of tries
Same, it was also the first boss that made me realize that it's not the game that's unfair, it's me who's bad. I saw her attacks, but I wasn't fast enough to deflect them. It was like an epiphany or something.

Yeah but now the issue is bosses feeling the exact same most of the time. Most of them just feel like reskins following the exact same patterns since they all have the same slow windup feints and retard flail phases.

Elden Ring just feels mindless while at least Sekiro appears to have some form of mental stimulus with memorizing patterns actually meaning something.

I am sad to tell you this but you may actually have some problems with you cognitive abilities

Stealth kill his cronies, then talk to the guy near the edge of the water and he'll join you in the fight against fatty. So instead of being ganked by fatty and his whole crowd it's you and your bro ganking the fatty

I think he should talk to the guy and then just go right in without stealth killing the cronies first
You'll actually get better at the game if you put yourself in a tough spot instead of making the fight ''comfortable'' for you

I'm on NG+4 and the fat guys still fuck me up. Every time I have to do Hirata estate I hate life

But diminishing the enemy HP is the only way to stance break him as its stamina regenerates a fuckton at full life.

Both. The ogre doesn't play like most bosses but that doesn't mean you should skip him by relying on prosthetics. Getting good at ogre means you're better vs ape and doh, but once you're good at parrying you can apply that to them as well. The problem is that you don't learn how to parry well from ogre in comparison to other bosses and that prosthetics in general gimp you from being good at the game.

Ape phase 1 is dogshit, thank god you can basically skip it with empowered mortal draw

Not that user but I think ogre being early was really good design. You had the first general to teach you the general flow of combat, parrying and jumping sweeps, the first spearman in Hirata to teach you mikiri countering thrust attacks and the ogre specifically taught you to use prosthetics (specifically the flame vent) to your advantage and about weaknesses in general (gyoubu fight for example taught you the weakness to firecrackers against beast).

Anyone who got filtered by ogre didn't pay enough attention to go and explore Hirata for the flame vent and oil which gets dropped by the basic bandits there.

Shit like this intrigues me
How could one who has beat the game multiple times have problems with a boss I found easy and first tried even though I struggle a lot with the game as a whole after Owl (still haven't been able to beat Father).

>You first need to get the bell as well, which even if you do
How the fuck do you miss the bell? The first 20 minutes of this game is a straight line and the bell is on that straight line
And both the woman and her son tell you to offer it to Buddha. Hmmmm where are there fuck tons of Buddha statues in this game? I wonder

But using prosthetics is cringe since you train yourself to be bad without them in comparison to just parrying.
>Anyone who got filtered by ogre didn't pay enough attention to go and explore Hirata for the flame vent and oil which gets dropped by the basic bandits there.
So autistic exploration then.

Pretty sure you can go to the left and miss it. I did find it on my first run though, but didn't even see the buddha statue before I left the temple, so I figured it was going to be in a future location.

>complain that the bosses are too hard
>also complain when the game gives you tools to deal with them easier

Okami is a really shitty protagonist. Shit just happens around him and he literally never reacts
What's that? The divine realm exists and I need to go fight a dragon? Sure no problem
What's that my adoptive father isn't actually dead? Cool I guess

Now that I think about it, are there any shit bosses in Sekiro? Monkeys and the Dragon are gimmick fights which were quite meh but I wouldn't call them shit/unfun.